Status: Active!

A Shot at Love

For Amy Richardson, life had always been the same. She lived in a small town where she had the same friends and they all went to the same school. Everyone knew everyone and there was really no such thing as privacy. She had been around the same guys since birth and had no interest in any of them. In fact, she didn't have much of an interest in anyone or anything in the town. She wanted nothing more than to get away, but she was too afraid. She just lives the same life and works the same job every day.

She's beginning to think she's doomed to live the same old life forever when she meets Anthony. Anthony offers her a way out: six weeks, five guys, and a hundred thousand dollars up for grabs. She'd be crazy not to accept his offer.

Even though she's a little apprehensive at first, she does accept. After all, it's not every day that someone offers you a shot at love.
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