It Takes You

Just To Feel Alright

Roxie apparated outside the shop, finding the curtains drawn and the door open. Slowly walking inside Roxie found the room to be completely empty except for a table for two with candles and fine wine with rose petals all across the ground.

When Roxie had gotten a message from George asking her to come to the store for something important she thought it would be more dire. She thought he would’ve needed her for the Order or planning the next move for the Dark Lord’s next attack.

Never did she think she would find the joke shop in such a romantic setting.

Suddenly, the door shut, the wine bottle popped open, pouring into two glasses and she felt the comforting arms of her boyfriend wrap around her middle. Roxie smiled, turning to look at him. George smiled down at his girlfriend, pressing a kiss to her lips.

“What do you think?”

“I think it’s wonderful, George. Of course you could’ve let me in on something and maybe I wouldn’t look so awful compared to you.” Roxie was dressed in simple clothes, muggle wear of shorts and a t-shirt, a robe draped around her shoulders and worn converse on her feet. George had dressed his utmost with a loose tie and a suit jacket, nice slacks, as well as a dress shirt and shoes.

“I can fix that.” With a have of his wand she was in a cocktail dress, with heeled shoes and a little jewelry. “How’s that?”

“Well, well, well, George Weasley, I didn’t know you were so good at that.” George set his wand to the side, offering his hand which Roxie gladly took, taking a seat in the chair George pulled out for her. Welcoming Roxie’s quiet thank you George took the chair across from her. “So, what’s the occasion?”

“No occasion, my love. I simply wanted a single night where not everything seemed so bleak. I still have you, and you have me, and love still exists.” Roxie carefully picked up her glass, letting it clink against George’s.

“George, love will always exist, even in the darkest of times.” Roxie leaned over the table, pressing a kiss to George’s lips.

The whole dinner was relatively quiet except when George would crack an occasional joke or Roxie would press kiss after kiss against his lips. This was usually how it would go. Short, quick banter and the sound of utensils hitting plates piercing the air.

“That was wonderful, George. Thank you.” Roxie kissed him again and George stood up, offering his hand. “What are you doing?”

“This date is not over yet, m’dear.” Roxie sighed but took his hand. With a flick of his hand a light song floated through the air. Gently placing his hand on her hip and the other holding her hand in his grasp they swayed to the music. “So, how was it?”

“It was amazing, George. Wait a second, is this...” Roxie paused, planting her feet to the ground. “How did you find this?”

“It wasn’t easy, believe me.” George pulled her close, spinning her and bringing her back into his arms. “This band you love so much, ‘The Maine’ not as easy as you’d think to get a hold of.” Roxie smiled, resting her head against his chest.

“I love this song.” George kissed the top of her head, moving his hand to slid around her waist, wrapping his arms around her. Roxie coiled her arms around his neck, swaying with him to the music. George gently stroked her hair, pressing light kissed to her hair. “I love you. Thank you.”

Roxie lifted her head, pressing her lips against his. George kissed her back, tightening his grasp around her waist and tilting his head to slip his tongue in her mouth. Roxie slid her hands into his hair, threading the strands around her fingers.

It didn’t take long for the two of them to become impatient, heading up to Fred and George’s flat, stumbling into George’s bedroom and shutting the door. Roxie pulled on his tie, bringing his mouth against hers, tongues mingling and teeth scraping in heated passion. George fumbled for the zipper on her dress, pulling it down and letting the material fall to the floor.

Roxie slipped out of her heels, kicking them to the corner of the room and untying the tie around George’s neck. The silky fabric fell from her hands, his jacket following closely and hitting the ground to join the rest of their clothes as she sat on the edge of his bed.

Sex was not foreign for either or them, since they had their first time the year before, after Fred and George skipped the end of school. It full of awkward positions and a few laughs as well as the most mind blowing feeling of completeness either of them had ever felt.

They had only done it a few time since then so Roxie was still kind of apprehensive while she unbuttoned his shirt, the light fabric fluttering to the floor. George leaned toward her, pressing soft kiss along her neck and to her shoulder, back tracking again and again.

“We don’t have to.” Roxie traced her pads of her fingers up his arms, raising goosebumps and trailing back down along his muscles from years of Quidditch.

“I want to.” Roxie moved to press their lips together again, her hands blindly undoing his belt and slipping into his slacks to push them off his hips.

George groaned as her fingers trailed down his thighs and pushing the pants out of the way. Stepping away from them he kicked off his shoes and pushed Roxie onto the bed, Roxie maneuvering to rest her head on the pillow, George straddling her hips.

Roxie rested her hands on his shoulders, nails gently biting into his skin as he began to let his lips trek down her neck. Roxie moaned with the light sucking sensation her neck, until she gasped and pushed George away.

“What, what’s the matter?” George was more startled than anyway.

“What about Fred? He lives here and the last thing I need is something he can hang over my head.” George sighed, both relived and amused.

“He’s with Acey for the night, would you relax? Besides, why are you thinking of my twin when we’re about to have sex? Is there something you need to tell me?” Roxie looked appalled, then blushed.

“Yes, George, I secretly think of Fred every time you touch me.”

“That explains a lot.” Roxie looked even more disgusted and pressed her nails deeper into his back. “Okay, no need to get violent.” George kissed her neck again, all worries fleeing her mind only to be replaced George, George, George while he used that wicked tongue against her skin.

Roxie moaned again, George gently pulling her up and unclasping her bra. Slowly pulling it from her body, the garment hit the floor, giving George that much more skin to marvel at. Roxie didn’t even have time to be insecure about herself when George kissed from her neck to her collar and down to her chest.

Roxie gasped when he nipped the side of her breast and George continued down her body, kissing to her navel and just above the waist band of her underwear. Roxie’s breathing had gone erratic while she waited for George to move, her want and need building in her lower stomach.

The moment he pulled her knickers from her body his boxers were gone just following, their moans in ecstasy filling the silence while they made love.

Roxie rolled over in bed, smiling to herself. Sitting up, she cast a glance to George, lying in bed, the blankets only covering his lower half. Roxie sighed contently and climbed over George to get out of bed.

Pulling on her knickers and retrieving George’s dress shirt, which she buttoned only partially, she left the room, heading into the main area of the flat. Searching the kitchen for anything she found an unopened box of sausages and a few eggs. Thankful her boyfriend and his brother knew how to cook something, she took out about four eggs and the box of sausage.

Turning on the stove and setting a pan down a small owl came in the window. Grabbing a piece of bread she walked toward the bird, giving him a small piece and untying the note from his leg.

Dear George, and probably Roxie,

Acey and I have taken the day to catch up and I will probably not be home until late. Since we’re closed Sundays I have decided to take this liberty.

I will meet you (and again, probably Roxie) at the family supper. If I’m not there when you get there please try to reign in Mum’s temper before she kills me the moment I walk in the door. Thank you.

Sincerely and Wickedly, your brother, Fred.

Roxie shook her head and handed the owl another piece of the bread before it flew off. Setting the letter to the side she went back to the stove, beginning to make breakfast.

“Roxie? Rox?” George looked over to the kitchen from the hall, finding his girlfriend at the stove. “I thought I would find you out here. Has Fred come home yet?” Roxie smiled and gestured to the note on the counter.

George skimmed the letter and set it down, shaking his head. “Just like Fred. So we have the flat to ourselves for the day.”

“Perfect to begin our own catching up, isn’t it?” George smirked, pressing a kiss to the back of her head, wrapping his arms around her waist while she cooked.
♠ ♠ ♠

EDIT: I changed Angelina to Acey, a close friend of mine, because she loves Fred Weasley/James Phelps and that was kind of a typo, I actually meant for her to be there. Just so ya know.