I and My Annabel Lee

Heather is a young journalist who, typically rights about the lives of celebrities, show events, and so on with her partner Kindrick "Kin". One day Kin stumbles upon some tickets to a concert of an artist/band he and Heather had never heard of before. The two sneak back stage in hopes of finding a good interview or story for their journal. Heather then meets Manson and he takes her for a roller coaster of a ride.
  1. It Was Many Many a Year Ago
    Heather stands on the peer in her home town lost in the mess that her life is now, reflecting on how everything would have been better without him, she takes you back to how it all started.
  2. In A Kingdom By The Sea
    Heather and Kin finally find a someone to interview for their journal, after months of nothing, it's not what they hoped for it it'll have to be good enough. But Heather had to wonder what is MM?
  3. That a Maiden There Lived
    It's finally time for the concert, that partly makes up for the huge mistake Kin had Made for Heather, A random stranger gives Heather a tip on Concert fashion.
  4. Whom You May Know
    Heather and Kin arrive at the concert and meet up with Matthew. Matthew gets the three backstage and they get to meet Marilyn Manson, face to face. But why does he seem so familiar.
  5. By The Name Of
    Things take a odd turn when Heather is taken to a club, to meet the rest of the band.
  6. Annabel Lee
    heather gets a one of one talk with Marilyn Manson, and it seems that have one thing in common. The night ends and both feel strangely but blow it off as just two strangers meeting. Little do either know it's only the start.
  7. And This Maiden She Lived
    heather runs back into marilyn after showing Matthew the town. She shows him the simpler side of the state, when being fun and fancy free draws in odd emotions
  8. With No Other Thought
    The world loves a good scandel and Heather finds her self smack dab in the makings of one as Photo of a the kiss show up on TV. Matthew tries to turn the situation around for her but Her mind is only focused on one person.
  9. Then To Love
    Marilyn returns to Seattle to try and fix things, however will his plan end his friendship with heather and start something new.
  10. And Be Loved By Me
    As Heather should have realized by now Manson is a wonder all his own. Yet their relationship becomes more misfitting to her as they go. nothing is clear and all is uncertain.
  11. I Was A Child & She Was A Child
    Heather & Marilyn are just two over grown kids today, running aorund town, as Heather says what might be her Last goodbyes to the only home she's ever know. But for him she'll jump anywhere head first.
  12. In This Kingdom By The Sea
    This night is Heather's Last night in Seattle, and of course it couldn't be easy.