
I Smiled

My cheeks still hurt a little from how hard I’d been laughing with Trevor. I’d wanted him to stay and hang out with Allen, Kayla, and I but he hated them so much, I guess he couldn’t move past it. Allen and Kayla laughed until my mom came to pick me up, and I could see them sitting on the swing set still laughing through the passenger window of my moms blue ford focus. I sunk into my chair and closed my eyes.

“What are you thinking about Eve?” My mom broke the silence; we were on our way to pick up May.

“Trevor.” I replied without thinking that my mom might be a little put off by the idea of me thinking about a boy.

“Oh.” She said quietly. She looked at me from the corners of her eyes and frowned. “Why?”

“I don’t know, He was at the park.”

“Well, what was it about Trevor that you were thinking about?” My mom questioned me, trying to watch me and the road at the same time. Her hand tightened around the steering wheel.

“I don’t know…Just him in general I think. I don’t understand him.” I thought out loud. “He called me a turtle, and he’s mean to me one minute and nice to me the next.”

“Well anyone who’s ever mean to you needs to be cut out of your life. It sounds like a relationship that you don’t need.” My mom sighed a little.

“He’s not bad.” I mumbled. I was done with this conversation I didn’t want to keep thinking about Trevor, it made me feel weird.
My small wooden heels clapped against the linoleum floor in the school hallways. I was headed to the band room to put my trombone away. Kids milled around me in all different directions, they all looked happier than me, they all looked like morning people. I looked up at the ceiling, the tiles were browning in some spots from leaking pipes.

As I started to turn the corner into the band hall a hand reached out and grabbed me and pulled me. I screamed a little before a hand was slapped over my mouth. I was in the “Abandoned hall way” of the school. The lights were dimmer in this hall and there was hardly anyone in it.

“Do you like Trevor?” Allen asked me, taking his hand off my mouth and looking in my eyes. He was much taller than me than I’d realized.

“Allen, don’t scare me like that! You can’t just snatch girls up like that.” I thought about punching him, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it, instead I smoothed out my dress and adjusted my backpack.

“Eve, do you like Trevor?” Allen grabbed my shoulders. I looked up into Allen’s eyes.


“Just answer the question Eve.”

“No, no I don’t like Trevor, now tell me why!” I whined.

“Because you deserve way better than that jerk.” Allen let go of my shoulders and picked up my trombone, which I had dropped while he pulled me into the hallway. I looked at my feet. I wasn’t sure what exactly was happening or why Allen cared, but I needed some answers.

“Allen, why are you-“ I began, Allen cut me off by grabbing me and kissing me. He had to hold me up to reach his lips, my tip toes grazed the tile. My body went somewhat limp and my eyes fluttered closed. I opened my eyes as Allen eased me back down to the ground.

“W-What? What was that?” I mumbled. I’d never been kissed before, I’d imagined kissing Allen before but I never thought it would actually happen. I didn’t look at Allen, I looked through him.


Allen and I turned to see Trevor standing at the end of the hallway, his back pack slung over one shoulder and his hair freshly cut. I could see something in Trevor’s eyes, but I couldn’t understand why. I saw what looked a bit like pain.

“I’ll…leave you two to your business.” Trevor waved a little. His mouth twitched a little, like he was trying to smile, then he walked away.
I thought about going after Trevor but couldn’t think of any real reason to. He wasn’t my boyfriend, I never told him that I’d never kiss Allen; I hadn’t really done anything to him. I looked up at Allen, who was staring down at me, his big brown hazel eyes searching mine.

“I’ll walk you to class.” Allen said.

“Oh, but my trombone, I’ve got to-“

“I’ll put it away Eve. Promise me you’ll wait here.” Allen took my trombone by the strap, waiting for me to promise. I nodded and he jogged down the band hallway. I stood there in the dark abandoned hallway waiting and wondering what had just happened.
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