
Life Is Just Beginning

I rushed down the hall, past my classroom and into the janitors closet. It was small, dark and musty in the closet, but I didn't care. I slid down the wall, pushing the brooms out of my way and buried my face in my hands.

Why did everything have to be so bad? Why didn't I just let Allen kiss me again?, why did I run out like this?, why was Trevor being so mean to me? As the tears streamed down my face I let out a grunt. I'd never been so embarrassed or angry in my life, I didn't know what to do. All I wanted was to disappear. I wanted to be forgotten and to pretend that none of this ever happened.

"Stupid! stupid! stupid!!" I muttered to myself. I could feel my hair starting to frizz up, to it's natural state from all of my sweat, It was warm in the closet too. I peeled off my jacket and threw it at the door. As it flew the door swung open, my jacket landed on the persons head, I gasped.

"S-SORRY!" I exclaimed, worried that it was the janitor and that I was going to be in trouble. "I was just...I'm leaving now, sorry! Please don't be-" I stopped, as the person began to speak.

"It's fine, I'll just go." They said as they pulled the jacket off their head. It was Trevor. He handed me the jacket, then looked at me and sighed too. "You again?" His hair was sticking up all over the place and glasses were a little crooked. He looked silly, but I couldn't laugh.

"Well if it's you, I'm not leaving. You should." He hissed. I stood perfectly still. "Are you going to take your jacket or what?" He complained, I didn't respond. "My gosh Eve! This has been my spot since I started at this school! The janitors closet is mine! I won't let you take that too!" He shouted, looking away from me. His eyes were watering up a bit.

I grabbed my jacket and wrung it in my hands. "Too?" I whispered, looking at the bucket on the floor and tilting my head. I heard him turn to me. "W-What do you mean, too?"

"Never mind it."

"I want to know, What else did I take from you?"

There was silence for a moment.

"The last bit of respect I was getting from the other students here. The last glimmer of hope that I had that maybe high school is okay...That's what else you took from me." His voice shook, as he spoke. I knew that Trevor was unpopular, but I didn't know that High school was so bad for him. He always seemed fine.

"I'll leave then." I replied, as I passed him in the door way I stopped. "I-I'M so sorry, Trevor." I said before rushing down the hall to the bathroom, as I walked away it sounded like I heard someone whisper "thank you" I turned around, as the door to the janitors closet closed.
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Long time no up-date, sorry about that! let us know what you think!!