
He's an Idiot

I yanked away from Trevor and power walked toward the gym. I was furious, Trevor was the worst comforter ever. I needed to say something; I couldn’t just let this one go. I turned on my toes, my bag swinging around my waist. “You’re an Idiot” I turned back around and didn’t look back. I had no real reason to be going to the gym; I just had to get away from Trevor before I cried.
I didn’t really care what he thought of me, I just didn’t want him to think he’d made me cry. Even though he did. I burst into the gym, the air conditioning chilled the tears on my face. The boy’s basketball team was practicing their lay-ups. I wanted to go back outside, but Trevor was still out there. I practically ran out of the gym and into the hallway.
“There you are Eve!” Stacy called to me. She ran down the hall toward me. Stacy was much taller than me, at least 5 inches. “Where were you?”
“I was outside.”
“Why? I told you to wait for me in the band room while I took my test.”
“Yeah, well, that ended up being not so great.” I mumbled.
“Why? Trevor wasn’t there?”
“What does that have to do with making things great?!” I spat. What was she getting at?
“Nothing really, I just thought he was your friend.” Stacy laughed, she had a pretty smile.
“Not really.” I changed the subject. “Where’s mom?”
“She’s waiting outside, come on.” Stacy pulled me through the gym and outside. The light hit her brown skin making it appear golden in the light. No wonder boys liked her, my skin just looked brown no matter what.
We piled into the car quietly. Stacy greeted my mom and I looked out the window.
“You’re awfully quiet Eve” My mom said into the mirror.
“She’s always quiet.” Stacy laughed at me.
“Shut up Stacy!”
“Eve, calm down.” My mom furrowed her brow at me in the rear-view mirror. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m a turtle, that’s what’s wrong.” I mumbled. Stacy didn’t hear me and neither did my mom. I rolled my eyes and let them drift back out the window. There was Trevor in the car right next to me. He looked at me and smiled, I ducked down in my seat. I heard a tapping and looked up again, Trevor had written “Hi Turtle! I’m sorry, but what’d I do?” on a piece of notebook paper. I rolled my eyes and turned away, He was an idiot.
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