Status: Completed!

Have You Seen This Girl?

Dreams Only Last For A Night.

We pull out of The Fillmore's parking lot, following All Time Low's bus. 
I can't help thinking is this really happening? 

"What are we going to tell our parents? My dads will flip out if  he finds out. I'm going to hang out with guys in a band, that I don't know! At night!" Cara said, freaking out in the backseat.

"Cara calm down! I can't drive with a psycho in the backseat!" Paula hit the steering wheel as she spoke.

I had to calm these two down, "Okay, Cara call your mom and tell her we are sleeping over at Paula's. Then Paula I'll text your mom saying we are stopping at Cara's and getting taco bell, then coming home. It will be fine, it will all work out." 

We pull up to the ihop. We sat in the car, waiting for someone to get out the bus.  Finally Alex stepped out of the bus, followed by Jack. They look over at our car, they talked for a minute. Alex headed for the building, an Jack walked over to us. 

We unbuckle and hop out of the car.

"Hey!" Jack said, stopping in front of me. "Hope your hungry!"

Im trying to play it cool, "Yeah, we are."

"Cool, come on!" Jack said, leading us to the building.

Once we get inside, they pull three tables together. There were too
Many of us for one table. Jack pulled out a chair for me, I could feel my cheeks turn red. "Thank you!" I said, sitting down.
 Jack sat next to me, across from him was Alex, and next to Alex was Rian.  Cara sat in the seat to my left, and Paula sat next to her.  

"So, Jack tell us about your friends!" Alex said, folding his hands on the table.

"This is Anna!" Jack smiled at me, "That's Cara, and Paula. I met them tonight."

"Interesting, so are you ladies single?" Alex asked, leaning close to the table.

I laughed, my nervous laugh. Before I could answer Paula already did, "yes, yes we are!" 

"Very nice." Alex smiled over at Paula. 

Rian rolled his eyes, "Alex, behave."

Alex leaned back in his chair, still smiling.

Jack turned to me, "So tell me about yourself... Whats your favorite color, dogs or cats, favorite movie, do you have pets,  do you have any siblings?" 

I thought about it for a moment, "Aquamarine, dogs, can't decide, I have two dogs, and I'm an only child." I would ask him the same questions, but I already knew the

Jack nodded his head, "Awesome, so how old are you?"

My heart sank, I knew he was 'too old' for me. I Was only 17, he wouldn't go for a girl like me anyways.  I felt my lips turn into a frown. 

"What's wrong?" Jack asked, placing his hand on my shoulder. 

I looked up at him, I shook my head. 

Jack changed the subject, "Tell me about your dogs?"

"They both are girls, and cocker-spaniels. Daisy and Lilly. They are too cute, I love them!" 

Jack smiled, His smile made my heart skip a beat. He just looked too perfect. "Aw, they sound adorable. I love animals."

The waitress brought our food. We continued to talk while we ate. I feel kind of dorky saying this but, I feel like Jack and I had  a connection.

We all finished our food.  We pulled out our wallets, but jack talked me into letting him pay. What came next may be the hardest thing I'll ever have to do, Say goodbye. 

Jack and I walked out together. I leaned against the car, looking up at  him.

Jack made a sad face, "Well, this sucks. I don't really want to say bye." 

"Either do I." I shook my head, "I had a lot of fun tonight Jack. Thanks."

"Ohh your welcome. So I was thinking we could stay in touch. Can I  give you my number?" 

Did Jack just ask if he could give me his number? Like I would say no! 

I nodded at him, and handed him my phone. 

"You have to text me, like right when you get in the car!" Jack started typing on my phone. "Or you'll forget about me, and I won't have your number." 

"Yeah, that would probably happen." That was a lie, it was impossible to forget about him.

He held my phone out to me, and smiled a Half Smile. "Well, I guess
I'll talk to you later." He pulled me in for a hug. 

"For sure." I nodded.

 He turned around headed for the buses.Then He stopped and turned back to me. "I forgot something."

I looked confused, but that soon changed. He placed his hand on my shoulder, he leaned in and kissed my cheek. 

All the blood rushed to my head. My face turned bright red. He smiled one last time, and went back to the bus. 

Cara and Paula made their way to the car. I could tell they seen that, by the look on their faces. 

We got in the car. The ride home was filled with questions about me and Jack. I answers everyone with a smile. But I couldn't forget, I pulled out my phone and texted Jack.

When we got to the house, go up to Paula's room. I placed a pillow on the floor, and rest my head down. Cara turned the light off, but left the tv on. And talked for a couple minutes, before saying our goodnights.  I try To close my eyes and sleep but my body wouldn't let me. So I stared at the  ceiling, thinking about Tonight. 

This day was a dream come true. I swear I dreamed about this day a million times. But nothing compared to the real thing.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wasn't planning on updating it this soon. But My friend begged me to!

Thank you everybody who has read this! And commented! The comments keep me writing. and thanks to al the subscribers!

And thanks again for reading!