Sequel: Marching On

Running With Lions

Chapter 23

"Lavin?" Lavin's bodyguard Essie spoke, waving a hand in front of Lavin to grab her attention.

"Hmm?" Lavin pulled her headphones away from her ears.

"Captain said about ten minutes until we land."

Lavin nodded her head and a gave half-smile. "Thank you, Essie."

Essie bowed her head minutely before Lavin returned the book in her hands. In truth, she hadn't read more than ten pages the entire journey to London.

Her thoughts had been split, much like her life recently, between Copenhagen and London. She hadn't seen Harry since her parents enthronement, spending her days either with her new secretary and, for lack of a better word, teachers or meeting with charity heads.

By night she was locked away in Fredensborg Palace, the autumn residence of her family reviewing important documents, going over schedules, or approving outfits that had already been preappoved for her.

This was her first trip back to London since her grandfather's stroke (whose mobility had improved significantly in the past weeks) and she couldn't be more excited.

Harry watched Lavin descend the stairs of the plane. She looked beautiful, her hair blowing in the ghastly November wind and wearing a pair of jeans.

She came to him with a big smile on her face, seemingly skipping with joy.

"Hello, Harry!"

Harry chuckled, taking her hand in his. "Hello, Lavin." He couldn't help but smile back.

"I've missed you so much."

Harry nodded his head, agreeing with her. He took his arms around her waist and pulled him towards her. He kissed both cheeks and then her nose.

Lavin took his face between her hands, laughing. "Don't tease me like that," she said, planting a kiss on his lips.

He smiled as they kissed and squeezed her closer to him.

"So, back to your old stomping grounds, is it?" Harry asked once they were in his car and her suitcases packed into the trunk.

"Yes, I am very glad to be back in my flat. I've been stuck in that dusty old palace for far too long."

"Oh," Harry teased. "Aren't you the stereotypical princess stuck in her tower."

"Ha, ha," Lavin teased back, sticking out her tongue.

Harry snuck one last kiss before pulling onto the highway. If his grandfather could see him right now he'd call Harry a grinning fool. And Harry wouldn't be able to argue with that..


Lavin turned the key into her flat's front door and cried out announcing her arrival. She first peeked into Gen's room to find it empty but then she heard a scream come from living room.

Lavin turned her head in that direction and saw Gen running to her.

"You're back just in time!" Gen said, hugging Lavin tightly and then Harry.

"In time for what?" Lavin asked.

"This," Gen said, holding up a letter.

Lavin quickly scanned the letter, her mouth falling open ever so slightly as she read further.

"You've got the job?" she asked.

"I've got the job!" Gen exclaimed, jumping up and down. "I'm going to Africa! I'm going to teach in Africa!"

Gen grabbed her face and apologized. "I am just so excited I can't contain myself. I've been bursting with joy all morning. I haven't been able to sit down or do anything for longer than ten minutes."

"When do you leave?" Lavin asked.

"I graduate just before, I assume sometime before Saint Valentine's Day."

"That's absolutely fantastic, Gen! Do you know where? What village?" Harry asked.

Lavin saw Harry's face, completely joyous for her cousin but as they chatted on about which village Lavin couldn't help but have selfish thoughts.

She shook her head and returned the smile to her face. "Do we have any champagne?" she asked.

"No, unfortunately," Gen told her. "But we have a couple of bottles of wine."

"Good enough, lets have a drink then," Harry suggested being the first to walk into the kitchen.

Lavin hung back to take off her white pea coat. There was something tremendously frightening about Gen's good news. Despite it being Gen's life-long dream Lavin hadn't thought it would come this soon; much like she didn't expect to become Crown Princess for another decade.

Thanks to royal duties her time in London would be scarce, meaning seeing Harry would almost impossible. Now, with Gen leaving for Africa she wouldn't be seeing her cousin for who knows how long.

She inhaled, shaking herself from her negative thoughts.

Lavin walked into the kitchen and was immediately passed a glass of wine. She smiled at Harry and her cousin who were still discussing Africa.

"Shall we toast?" she interrupted, raising her glass.

Harry and Gen nodded, thrusting their glasses forward.

"To Gen, on her biggest dream coming true. I wish you all the best in the world and hope you have the time of your life."

"Cheers!" Harry exclaimed, clinking his glass against Lavin and Gen's. "And as a little aside, Will has planned to propose to Kate while they're traveling in Kenya."

Both Lavin and Gen shouted a surprised "What?!" when they heard the news.

"Are you serious?" Gen asked.

"Yes," he nodded.

"It's about time." Lavin commented with a smile before indulging in the wine she held in her hand.

Now, not only would Lavin be subjected to endless royal duties, rarely seeing Harry, and Gen going to teach in Africa she would lose Kate to marriage and her own royal duties.

Lavin knew her thoughts were selfish and that change was inevitable but change seemed to be happening quicker than she ever thought it could.
♠ ♠ ♠
Unfortunately, I am not that good with endings; therefore this is not the end of Lavinia and Harry. I'm not sure when but soon enough I will begin a sequel and I hope that you all continue on with reading it!

Happy New Years everyone!

I would like to thank everyone that read, subscribed, and commented. You're all too amazing for words and I wouldn't have been able to do this without you! I love you all so much!

And for the final time (at least for a little while): let me know your thoughts.