Waking up in Vegas

We’ve heard so much about you

I was bored and none of my friends were replying to my text messages so I decided to call John.

“I’m bored, you should come entertain me,” I said as soon as he said hello.

“I’m actually going to a Diamondbacks game with my family,” he said with a laugh. I barely suppressed a groan. Why did everyone have plans but me? “But you should come! We have an extra ticket. Aunt Liz was gonna come but something came up.”

“You want me to meet your family?” I asked, pretty shocked. We had only been “dating” for a couple weeks.

“Yeah, it’ll be fun! And I’ve already met yours,” he said like it wasn’t a huge deal. “Say you’ll come!”

“That wasn’t my idea! But ok. I’ll go.” I loved baseball, I was bored as hell, and I didn’t want to turn down a Diamondbacks game, even if I had to meet John’s family. I just hoped they would like me.

“I’ll pick you up at six!”

“Ok, see you then.” I hung up the phone and went into a panic when I looked at the time: 4:49. I took the fastest shower I had ever taken in my life and towel dried my hair, leaving it to fall naturally. I put on a little bit of makeup and tried to decide what to wear. I didn’t want it to be too fancy since we were going to a baseball game, but I also didn’t want it to be too lazy looking since I would be meeting John’s parents for the first time.

I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and slipped them on while I was deciding what shirt to wear. Eventually I settled on a Diamondbacks jersey that Daddy had bought me the last time we went to a game. Something casual seemed like a good way to go. By the time I was finished getting dressed and ready, John called. Talk about perfect timing.

I said goodbye to my parents and walked outside to meet John.

“Wow, nice shirt,” he said when I opened the door and climbed into his truck.

“I’m a huge Diamondbacks fan. This is not the only shirt I have,” I informed him.

“Never would have guessed.”

“There are still a lot of things you don’t know about me O’Callaghan.”

“Oh, alright Andrews. Well there are some things you don’t know about me either.”

“For example?” I asked.

“That I really want to kiss you right now,” he said with a charming smile and I fucking blushed. God damn my red cheeks.

He smiled and I was starting to think that his number one goal in life was to make me blush as much as possible. But I didn’t care when he leaned over to close the gap between us and kissed me.

“We better go,” I whispered after I pulled away a few minutes later. “Don’t want to be late. That would be a bad first impression.”

“Good idea,” John replied. He put the truck in drive and we headed to the ballpark.

It took us a little while to find a parking spot and when we finally did, John called his dad, letting them know we were there and finding out where to meet them. We got out of the truck and John took my hand, leading us to the ballpark entrance.

I could tell right away when we found John’s family because he looked so much like his dad, and they were all freakishly tall and good looking like John was. His mom smiled at us as soon as she saw us and waved us over.

“Mom, Dad, this is Kendall,” John introduced us with a smile as soon as we were close enough and the butterflies in my stomach were going crazy.

“Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. O’Callaghan,” I said politely with a smile.

“Oh, please call me Jenny,” his mom said quickly and came over to give me a hug. It was unexpected but it was nice. “We’ve heard so much about you and it’s so great to finally meet you Kendall.”

I was kind of surprised and I looked at John but he was just smiling. I wondered if he had told them that we were married. I kind of doubted it; otherwise I don’t think they would have been as happy to meet me as they were.

“And I’m John,” his dad said, giving me his own hug. I guess it was just a family of huggers. “But you can call me Jay. Wouldn’t want to get me confused with this punk,” he pointed at John, who made a face at him.

“And these are my annoying, less handsome, younger brothers, Ross and Shane,” John told me, pointing to the two boys who were standing with his parents.

I waved as I giggled. They protested and started getting into an argument about who was better looking.

“That’s why I’m the one with the girlfriend,” John said, throwing his arm around my shoulder and the others became quieter.

“John, stop messing with your brothers,” his mom scolded and I couldn’t help but laugh. “Come on, let’s go in.”

We walked towards the gates and I offered to reimburse them for my ticket but none of them would have any of it.

We had pretty decent seats and I could see the whole field almost perfectly. I was definitely excited for the game. I ended up on the end next to John who was sitting next to his mother. John put his arm around me, pulling me close to him and kissing me on the head, and I blushed a little. It was weird being so affectionate when his parents were sitting right there. He saw me blush and he figured out what the matter was because he leaned over and whispered into my ear.

“Trust me it’s a not a big deal. They don’t care at all.” Then he kissed me on the cheek and my blush got even worse and I swear that’s the only reason he did it because he started chuckling then.

The game started and I got way into it. I always got lost in baseball games and I couldn’t always control myself. I was shouting at the players and the umpires and cheering the Diamondbacks on. Every now and then I could feel John’s eyes on me but I was so focused on the game that I kept shouting.

“You are hilarious,” he whispered into my ear after a particularly close play at second on a steal. It totally looked like he was safe but the stupid umpire called him out and I was pissed.

“What?” I asked, starting to come back to reality.

“I’ve never known a girl who got this excited about baseball.”

“Oh god, I’m sorry! I’m being crazy huh? Your family probably thinks I’m a nut.”

He chuckled and shook his head. “No, it’s great! I love it! And the only person I’ve ever seen shout like that at the umpire is my dad, so you’ll get along perfectly.”

I just smiled. I was actually glad that I was kind of fitting in and that they seemed to like me. More glad than I probably should have been.

We were talking about the game and other random things when I heard John’s younger brothers start saying his name and taunting him. He looked over and was about to say something when they pointed up towards the big screen and then all eyes were on us two. I followed their fingers and my cheeks instantly got heated when I saw what was up there. It was the freaking kiss cam and it was pointed on John and me. Why did this have to happen when we were here with his parents?

He looked at me and grinned that lopsided grin, then grabbed my face between his hands and planted a big kiss right on my lips. If I hadn’t been lost in the kiss I would have heard the ballpark break out in applause and cheers and whistles and I would have seen his parents looking at us with approving grins on their faces. But I didn’t hear or see anything; it was like John and I were alone and the only thing that mattered was his lips on my lips.

He finally pulled away and smiled at me and I couldn’t help but smile back when I saw the twinkle in his eyes and I could tell that he was genuinely as happy as I was. And for once I wasn’t blushing.

We were finally pulled from our moment when Shane complained about being hungry. And now that he mentioned it I could use some food and a beer. I told John and he headed up towards the food stands with his dad and brothers. It was just Jenny and I left and she moved over to John’s seat to talk to me.

“I’m really glad that you and John met,” she started, apparently not wanting to beat around the bush. “Don’t tell him I told you any of this stuff but I don’t know if I’ve ever seen him this happy. Every time he talks about you he has a smile on his face. And he pretty much never stops talking about you. And I can see why Kendall. Just from meeting you today I can tell that you’re an amazing girl. I really hope you’ll be around for a long time.” She smiled and me and patted my knee. “Wow, I’m sorry for throwing this all at you, you’re probably really overwhelmed now.”

I just kind of nodded and smiled. I didn’t really know what to say. I was definitely glad that she liked me but it was crazy hearing that stuff about John. This whole relationship was crazy but it was definitely a good crazy.

“Thanks Jenny.” She smiled when I said her name. “It really means a lot. I really like John and I’m glad we met too.” I chose to leave out the how we met. “And it’s been great meeting you guys today. I can see why John is such a great guy because he has an amazing family.”

She smiled at me there was something else behind the smile in her eyes but before she could say anything else the guys came back and John started giving her crap about being in his seat and trying to steal his girlfriend. He sat down and winked at me and I grinned. This time I leaned over and kissed him and he gave me a questioning look and I just shrugged.

Then my favorite player was up to bat and I was lost in the game once again. The rest of the ballgame seemed to go by pretty quickly because the Diamondbacks were playing great and I was having a great time, talking and joking around with John and his family.

When the game was over and the Diamondbacks had won, we all headed out to the parking lot. John linked his fingers through mine and led me through the stands and all the people that were on their way out. We walked with John’s family to their car and said goodbye to them before we went to find his car. This time I was the one to initiate the hug when Jenny said goodbye and she smiled at me again and I couldn’t help but feel like she knew something that I didn’t when I saw the look on her face. Jay hugged me goodbye too and Ross and Shane were too busy messing with John to do anything more than say a quick bye.

“So your parents are great,” I said once we were safely in his truck and heading out of the parking lot towards home.

“Good! I’m glad you guys got along.”

“Me too.”
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now they've both met the parents aww