Waking up in Vegas

We’re just kissing innocently

Everything with John was going great. We continued spending time together, hanging out with Sully at John’s apartment, going out and doing things together. John thought of the cutest date ideas and my friends teased me to no end about them, but it didn’t even matter because I was having the time of my life.

We went to the drive in a few times and cuddled up in the back of his truck with tons of blankets. We went back to his special spot in the desert a few times; to watch the sunset or the sunrise, and one time he played me a song on his acoustic guitar. That night we ended up doing a little more than kissing in the back of his truck, but he still wasn’t pressuring me into going all the way or doing anything I didn’t want to do.

We were on another date, driving through downtown Phoenix before heading out on the highway, but John wouldn’t tell me where we were going. I just watched the scenery for a while until we started getting farther and farther from town.

“Where are we going John?” I asked him as we got onto the interstate. Things were starting to get less and less familiar to me. It wasn't like I was scared John was going to murder me or something but I didn't like feeling like I was lost.

“I don't actually know Kendall. I'm just driving for now. When I get tired of driving I'm gonna take an exit and we're going to go explore.” He turned to me with his lopsided grin and everything was suddenly ok with me.

And actually it sounded kind of fun. Going somewhere random to explore and have an adventure. It was exciting. It seemed like my life had gotten more exciting since John entered it. I wasn't used to it, but I was beginning to really love it.

“Can we have fake names and accents?” I asked, wanting to make it even more interesting.

“Of course my dear Kendall.” I blushed. I always fucking blushed when he said sweet things like that and I hated it but I couldn't help it. I guess I just wasn't quite used to it yet.

“Ok my name is gonna be Trixie and yours is gonna be Duke.”

“Duke? Really?”

“Well what do you want it to be?” I asked him.

“Elvis.” I rolled my eyes and giggled at his answer.

“Alright Elvis.”

“Thank you, thank you very much,” he said in his best Elvis impression and it was actually pretty good. But I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

“You're welcome my hunk of burning love,” I replied in my best old time southern drawl.

“Ooh I love it when you talk dirty to me,” he said, still with his Elvis accent and we practiced our accents for the whole rest of the drive.

Finally John took an exit for a town I had never even heard of before and I was getting excited to go exploring with our new aliases.

Our first stop was an old time diner and it was just the cutest little thing I had ever seen. Our waitress got a kick out of our accents and somehow we managed to keep them up throughout our entire dinner.

John held my hand on the way to the parking lot and I was trying my hardest not to start blushing again. I started walking back towards his truck but he pulled me in the opposite direction.

“Let's take a walk,” he said when I looked at him, confused.

He never let go of my hand as we walked through the little town we had ended up in. We talked about some of the few things we hadn't talked about yet, learning more about each other bit by bit.

We found a playground at the end of one street and I finally let go of John's hand to run towards the swings. They were my favorite. John came to stand behind me and started pushing me lightly so I could swing higher and higher.

“Higher Elvis! Higher!” I yelled in my accent that we had lost when we were having our intimate conversations.

“Anything for you darlin'.”

I laughed as the wind blew through my hair. I felt light and free as I swung through the air, propelled by my... by John's hands. It still felt weird calling him my husband, even to myself. We should just be dating, being each other's boyfriend and girlfriend but we had to go and get drunken married first.

The sky was starting to get darker but I was reluctant to leave. I liked being Trixie. She was carefree and fun.

“John,” I started but was interrupted.

“Don't you mean Elvis, Trixie?”

“Oh yes. Sorry. Elvis. Get me down!”

He stopped the swing and came around the front to help me get up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up and into him. He wrapped one arm around my waist and tucked a strand of hair that was blowing in the breeze behind my ear with the other. I was mesmerized by his eyes and I couldn't look away. Until I looked down at his lips and that was probably a bad idea. That damn smirk was there and that thing would be the death of me I swear.

I stood like putty in his hands as he leaned down and closed the gap between us and brought his lips down upon mine. We shared a sweet kiss at first. But I could tell that it wasn't going to stay sweet for long. There was something more building up under the surface in each of us. It got more heated and then I remembered exactly where we were.

“John,” I breathed out, pulling away from him just slightly. “We probably shouldn't do this in the middle of a playground.”

“Do what?” He asked breathily with an eyebrow cocked. “We're just kissing innocently.”

“You know damn well that was not leading anywhere ‘innocent.’”

He smirked again and grabbed my hand and started walking quickly back to the truck.

“Now what?” He asked once we were safely in his truck. I could tell by the look on his face that he had pretty much the same idea as me.

“How far are we from home?” I asked and he got out his phone to look it up on his GPS.

“About an hour and a half.”

“Way too long,” I said and he looked at me through his lashes. I bit my lip, starting to feel self-conscious until he placed his lips on mine again and all thoughts were thrown out the window except the fact that I wanted him and I wanted him now.

“Where's the nearest hotel?” I asked in barely a whisper when we pulled away for air.

He looked at me with eyebrows raised and I knew he was surprised because he had always been the more aggressive one in our relationship but those kisses were starting to change me. And I felt totally comfortable around him. I just had a gut feeling that he wouldn’t screw me over like the other guys I had dated. Even though he was surprised, he wasted no time in punching some information into his phone and started driving without another word.

We pulled into a hotel parking lot a few minutes later and I was starting to get nervous again. Maybe another kiss would help. This time I closed the gap between us, sliding over on the bench seat right next to John and kissing him eagerly. I tangled my fingers in his hair and his hands roamed to the bottom of my tank top, inching their way up underneath my shirt against my bare skin.

“Let's go in,” I whispered with my forehead pressed against his when we stopped to catch our breath.

He opened his door, got out, and helped me down from his side of the truck.

“We need a room,” he wasted no time telling the attendant as soon as we walked in the front doors. John paid and we got our key and practically ran to the elevator. Luckily we were alone and our lips quickly found each others' again.

We got to the third floor and rushed down the hallway to our room. John opened the door and pulled me in behind him. Once the door was closed I was being pushed against it and sandwiched between it and John's body.

Clothes were shed quickly and we tore the covers off the bed. Before I knew it I was lying on my back in my underwear with John lying on top of me.

“You are so gorgeous,” he said looking up and down every inch of me. And of course I blushed. “And you're even more gorgeous when you blush. I love that I can make you blush,” he said, starting to sound cocky.

“I hate it! It's so embarrassing!” I protested, throwing my hands over my face.

He chuckled and removed my hands before kissing me softly on the lips. Things had been moving really quickly but now it was as if everything was going in slow motion.

John took his time kissing virtually every inch of my face and my neck before reaching around to unhook my bra. He pulled it from my body, tossing it carelessly on the floor where the rest of the clothes were strewn about. He looked down at me again, licking his lips as he took everything in. And this time I surprisingly didn't feel self-conscious. I guess John could just make me feel comfortable.

“What? No blush?”

“Shut up! I don't blush about everything,” I said and slapped him on the arm.

He chuckled and leaned down to kiss me again. It started out nice and slow and it got deeper and suddenly held a lot more meaning than any other kiss that night had. I could feel something more behind it and I was pretty sure John could too. We made eye contact as John pulled away for breath and I could see it in his eyes as well.

“Are you sure you're ready to do this?” He asked barely above a whisper. He knew my history and I thought it was sweet that he was making absolute sure. But I was definitely ready.

I nodded and reached down to pull his boxer briefs from his body to get my point across even further. After that he didn't need telling twice and he helped me out of my underwear.

He wasted no more time and moved his hand down, sliding it over my stomach and down to my knee, then up my thigh before slipping two fingers inside of me. I gasped at the sensation and all too soon they were gone. And then John was gone too and I was about to complain when I lifted my head up and saw him digging in his jeans pocket. He came up with a condom and returned to me quickly.

Then he was pushing in with something a lot bigger than his fingers and I grasped his arm as I tried to catch my breath and deal with the waves of pleasure crashing over my body.

“John,” I breathed out and his lips found mine again in a soothing kiss as I got used to this new, foreign feeling with him.

He made me feel so comfortable and it had never felt this amazing with either of the other guys I'd been with. He made sure I was enjoying it just as much as he was. And trust me, I definitely was.

I could feel myself getting closer and closer and John never faltered once as I let him know that I was almost there. He led me to probably the best orgasm I had ever had in my life and kept going until he reached his own shortly thereafter.

He collapsed on the bed next to me and rested his head on my chest as we tried to catch our breath yet again.

“I love you Kendall,” he said after a long silent moment when we had both stopped breathing hard and I froze. I swear I stopped breathing.

I didn't know exactly how I felt about him. I knew I was feeling the lust after that amazing sex and I really did enjoy my time I spent with him a lot. Like a lot a lot. I knew I trusted him and I didn’t think he would hurt me. But I just didn't know if I was ready for the L word.

So I pretended to be asleep. I felt him move and I kept my eyes shut tight. I just didn't know if I could say it yet and I didn't want to make him feel bad or hurt his feelings. So it was better to say nothing at all and act like I was sleeping.

I heard him sigh and then felt more movement. He was gone and I was cold until he returned and threw a blanket over me before cuddling up next to me again.

As I drifted off to sleep I had to admit that it felt right being in his arms, and I wondered to myself if this could actually be love.