Waking up in Vegas

The tall one with the tattoos

As soon as we got to the club Cassie announced to the bartender, and anyone within shouting distance, that it was her birthday. So we were bombarded with free shots and drinks and random guys coming up to all of us. I knew that I was already pretty drunk from the drinks I’d had at the casino and I knew that I shouldn't drink that much, because I really was a lightweight, but I knew Cassie would have none of that so I took every shot with her and the girls and I didn’t turn down a drink.

That proved to be a bad idea. Because within an hour of us getting there, I was definitely wasted. I was beyond wasted. I could barely stand up straight.

“Happy birthdayyy!” I shouted, walking up to Cassie and hugging her tight before kissing her on the cheek.

“Someone’s wasted!” she sang out and Camrynn, Mallory and Jayla giggled with her.

“No way. I’m perfectly fine,” I slurred.

“I think this counts as something she regrets,” Mallory said as she kept laughing. “This girl never gets drunk.”

“Yes I do. I just don’t get shitfaced like you whores.”

“Wow, now she’s getting hostile,” Camrynn said and took another sip of her drink.

I just flipped her off and took another huge chug of my drink.

“Well, if this counts as another one, which I’m sure it will in the morning, then that’s number three. One more left Kendall babe. What shall it be?” she asked, scanning the massive amounts of people packed into the club.

“I don’t know, but the guys are looking mighty fine here,” Camrynn said, looking around too.

“That’s it!” Cassie shouted.

“What? I don’t get it.” I was confused. How did guys being hot count as a regret? That was definitely a good thing in my opinion.

“When’s the last time you’ve been laid?” she asked me.

“That’s none of your business,” I said matter of factly. Or at least as much as I could with the state I was in.

“That’s what I thought. We’re gonna get you laid!”

“It’s your birthday; shouldn’t you be the one getting laid?” I objected.

“There are plenty of men here for us both.”

“Come on Cassie, you know I’m not like that. I don’t sleep with guys I just met.”

“Yeah yeah, you’re a goody two shoes, I know. I guess you can just make out with someone then, or maybe a nice blowjob.”

“Cassie!” I shouted, blushing. I wasn't a prude or anything. I just liked to at least have some sort of intellectual and emotional attachment to someone before getting into the physical stuff. And I had had really bad luck with past relationships, especially when it came to sex. I had just been wronged too many times.

“Oh hush. Now let’s find the guy.”

She stood up from her seat to get a better look at all the guys in the club. There were plenty of them there that night. And guys in Vegas just seemed a lot more attractive. Or maybe it had something to do with all the alcohol I had consumed.

“Let’s see, do you want someone tall? Someone muscular? Blonde hair, blue eyes?” Cassie asked as she scanned the crowd.

“Do I really have to do this?” I whined. I don’t know why I didn’t just put my foot down and say no. Again, it probably had something to do with the alcohol.

“Yes. And I found the perfect guy,” Cassie replied with an evil smirk.

“Oh god,” I groaned and rolled my eyes. I should have known. Once Cassie sets her mind on something she doesn’t get over it. It would be a good trait if she put it to good use. But it seemed like more often than not it was something that had to do with me; something that I didn’t want to do.

“Come on.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me out onto the dance floor.

We were dancing together as Cassie started to point out my intended target.

“See that guy over there? The tall one with the tattoos. He is fucking sexy and you are going to make out with him!”

“Cassie!” I yelled but I couldn’t help but giggle, because I was really fucking drunk. And that guy was really fucking attractive. This was starting to seem like not such a bad idea after all.

“Come on Kendall babe, it’s the last one! Then I’ll stop nagging you and we can just get even more drunk off our asses and celebrate my birthday in style!”

“Fine!” I agreed to it because I knew that I might as well just get it over with. And honestly I really didn’t have a problem making out with him because he was gorgeous. I just had to try to figure out how I was gonna do it.

He was around a group of guys and Cassie started moving closer to them so I followed. We just danced with each other for a little longer and Camrynn, Mallory and Jayla soon joined us on the dance floor.

I was almost disappointed then, because as much as I truly loved my friends, they were all insanely gorgeous and I just felt like a plain Jane around them. They always told me I was pretty too but I still felt like an ogre or something compared to them. And I didn’t know how much of a chance I was going to have with this mystery guy with them around.

But it was like Cassie could read my mind or something because she whispered something to Camrynn, then to Mallory, and then to Jayla and soon they were picking their own targets. Camrynn sidled up next to the one with slightly ginger hair and a pretty impressive beard and his hands found their way to her hips as they started dancing together. Jayla walked towards the one with brownish-reddish hair and a shirt that said something about zombies while Mallory headed towards the shorter one with long hair. Cassie winked at me before moving closer to the one with brown hair and a goatee.

Soon it was just me and my intended target and I took a deep breath before taking a step towards the tall one with tattoos, as Cassie had called him. I looked up at him and attempted my best seductive look as I had seen Cassie use successfully many times, and it seemed to work because his hands were reaching for my hips and we were dancing together awfully close and I had to admit that I didn’t hate it.

We were dancing face to face and I couldn’t help but to look into his eyes. They were such an amazing green color and they were mesmerizing. I only looked away when Cassie bumped me and I knew it was on purpose and I knew that she was telling me to get on with it. If she was one thing she was persistent.

So with the alcohol coursing through my veins giving me that extra liquid courage, I took a step even closer to the mystery man and leaned forward slightly and stood on my tiptoes to connect my mouth to his. He reciprocated with full force and soon his tongue was in my mouth and I was almost getting uncomfortable at how good it felt to be making out with a complete stranger in the middle of a crowded club in Las Vegas.

We pulled away after a few moments because we needed to be able to breathe and I smiled shyly at him and he returned it with a blindingly perfect smile of his own. We continued dancing and eventually all of us made our way to the bar to get more drinks. I knew in the back of my mind that drinking more alcohol was a bad idea but I was still having fun and I still wanted to make Cassie happy on her birthday. There was no way that she was done for the night. After all, it was only the first club that we had been to.

So we decided to move on to a different bar and the guys accompanied us. We all introduced ourselves and we ending up hanging out with those five guys for the rest of the night.