Status: Completed. :)

Love Me

With me, girl, is where you belong

"So why exactly do you have to pick my outfit out?" I asked.

"Because, I know where we're going, and I know what you should wear." He informed me.

"Well if you just told me where we were going, than I could be the big girl I am and pick out my own clothes." I smirked.

"Have a little faith, Emma. I'm not going to make you look bad." He chuckled.

"No because not only would I not wear it, it would make us both look bad."

"I'm not worried about that! God, I'm not a spoiled brat." He smirked.

"I know you aren't, but a lot of people probably think you are because you're so famous." I told him.

He slightly frowned, "I know."

"It's okay, though. Because you aren't."

He smiled, "Thank you."

"Anytime, so what am I wearing?" I asked.

He grinned, "This!" He pointed to the outfit laying out on the bed.

Blue skinny jeans, a white shirt that said 'You smile, I smile.' with a heart around the words, a black tank top, and black converse.

I smirked, "You would pick that shirt."

"You would have that shirt." He replied, mirroring my smirk.

I slightly blushed, "Well I do have to promote my boyfriend," I huffed, "what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't?" I fake gasped.

He laughed, "When did you buy that shirt?" He asked.

"I don't know, but it's actually one of my favorite shirts."

"Awh, I feel so special." He joked.

I laughed and lightly bumped his shoulder, "Oh stop!"

He laughed, "Go get dressed!" 

"See, this relationship isn't going to work if you don't stop trying to tell me what to do!" I laughed.

"Oh please, you should be bowing at my feet. That's how awesome I am."

"That really had nothing to do with the topic." I laughed.

"Shut up!" 

"How should I do my hair?" I asked.

"Wear it down, you can style it any way you want." He smiled.

"Okay. One second."

One second actually turned into a half an hour.

"Emma!" He whined, "How much longer?"

"Patience, my dear boy. Not much longer." 

I decided to straighten my hair for the first time in awhile. I forgot how long it took.

I pinned my bangs back to my head pushing them up a little, I quickly put on a little bit of makeup, and walked back into my room.

"You look amazing." He complimented.

I blushed, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He smiled, "Are you ready?"

"Yes, let's go." I grabbed my phone and gestured for him to go first.


"Where are we going? We've been driving for years!" I whined getting impatient.

"We've been driving for like twenty minutes," He laughed, "but it isn't too much farther. Maybe like three more minutes." He informed.

I looked down the unusually busy road with my eyes squinted, I couldn't guess where we were going.

"What's the date?" I asked.

"October 17th, my single Mistletoe came out today." He smiled.

"I know," I smiled, "I bought it." I laughed.

He looked over at me grinning, "Really?"

I nodded with a smile.

"What did you think about it?" 

"I love it." I honestly admitted.

He beamed, "That makes me happy."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, really." 

"Why?" I laughed.

"I already told you, your opinion matters a lot." He told me making a left following a shit ton of other cars.

"Well I'm glad I made you happy."

He parked, "Stay." 

I laughed, "Yes, master."

He opened my door, and held his hand out, "How are you miss?" He asked with a fake British accent.

"I'm just dandy," I replied mocking his accent, "how are you?"

"I'm perfect." He grinned, locking his car.

Our fingers laced together as he directed me towards I didn't know.

"Oh my God, we're at a haunted house!?" I asked.

He smiled down at me, "Yes, why?"

"I get so freaking scared." I admitted.

"I'll protect you."

I blushed, "Well what about this crowd?" I asked.

"Sunglasses. We both wear them when we're in line, and when we get in there, it'll be dark so it won't matter." 

"You're clever." I laughed.

"Why, thank you."

He bought us speed tickets, for both the haunted hayride and the haunted house.

We were on the hayride and he made me sit in the aisle.

"Justin," I whined.

"Yes?" He asked, laughing.

"They come up on here. They're going to get me."

He laughed even harder, "No they won't. I promise."

Just at that moment I looked back over and a Michael Myers guy was right in my face.

I let out a bloodcurdling scream which caused a lot of people on the thing to laugh.

I dug my head into Justin's chest. "Is he gone?" I mumbled.

He was rubbing my back, "Yes, he's gone."

I hesitated when looking up, but he really was gone. "That was horrible." I muttered.

He laughed.

By the end of the hayride, I was basically in Justin's lap. That's how scared I got.

"Come on it's  haunted house time." Justin grabbed my hand.

"Do we have too?" I whined.

"Yes we have too. It'll be fun." He smiled.

"Fine. Only because you already paid." I mumbled.

He laced our fingers, and we got in line. 

I was getting more and more nervous the closer we got to the entrance.

Finally, he was giving her our tickets.

We walked through and not three seconds into it I already screamed. 

There was a theme through each room, and there was a person scaring me through each room.

The scariest part was the part with the clowns. One was like on the wall coming closer, and under him there was one crawling.

I screamed so loud I hurt my own ears, I backed up into the corner. I opened my eyes after what seemed like forever, and they were still there.

I ran and dug my head in Justin's chest letting him drag me through it.

Finally after what seemed like forever, it was over, and I ran out of that place.

Justin came out five seconds after me laughing.

"That was terrible!" I whined.

"Oh come on, you didn't have fun?" He asked.

"Well yeah, it was fun. But it was terrifying! I'm going to have nightmares!" 

Suddenly I felt like someone was behind me, I turned around to see a guy with an ax, and I almost fainted from screaming so loud.

I ran to Justin and he wrapped his arms around me. "Let's go, you've got to be thirsty." He put his arm around my waist and directed me to the car.

"As scared as I was, I had a great time. Thank you, Justin." I smiled.

"Anytime, darling."

We went to a empty diner, and had a nice time.

By the time we left it was midnight, "Oh shit."

"What?" He asked, putting the tip on the table.

"I forgot my keys, and my parents went to my aunt'sl house tonight."

"That's fine, you can just stay at my house."

"No you've already done enough, I'll just like call my grandma or something."

"Oh nonsense." His phone went off. "We're already on the news." He laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"Justin Bieber, and his girlfriend, Emma Debrasco, spent their Monday evening at a local haunted house, where sources say Emma was terrified..." He trailed off.

"Wow, they're quick." I muttered.

He laughed, and his phone started ringing.

"Hello?-Oh, hey, Ryan.-Nothing-Yeah, a haunted house-Yes, terrified.-Yeah you can stay-alright I'll be home in a little,-Okay,-alright, bye." 

"Ryan's staying?" I asked.

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind." He looked over at me.

"Of course not."

"Tonight should be fun." He winked at me.

And somehow he always knows how to make me blush,

I laughed, "I wonder what the paparazzi would think if they knew I was staying." I thought.

"Oh they'd instantly jump to the sex scenario." He laughed.

"That's comforting." I chuckled.

"Will you take a picture with me so I can upload it to Twitter for my fans?" He asked.

"Of course." I smiled.

We pulled up to the house and Ryan was already inside.

We went to the basement, "Ryan! Take a picture of Emma and I!" Justin boomed.

Ryan laughed, "Okay. Hey, Emma."

"Hey, Ryan." I laughed too.

Justin put his arm around my waist, and I leaned into him. We both smiled.

"One more! To the mirror! Come on Emma!!" He ran to the bathroom in the basement.

I walked in and he was grinning, "You take it with your phone and send it to me." He said.


I got my phone out and he wrapped both hands around me and rested his head on my shoulder, we both smiled.

That was the first picture.

The second was almost the same except we turned our head and were looking each other in the eyes.


The next one, he kissed my cheek, 

"Hey." He said.

I turned around and he crashed his lips to mine.

And that was the last one.

"You're blushing." He smirked.

"Shut up!" I laughed.

We went back into the other room and I put the first one as my home screen and I put the one of us kissing as my background for my lock screen.

Ironically, so did Justin. "Great minds think alike." He smiled.

"Apparently." I smirked.

"Go look at my tweets!"

@justinbieber: Had a great night with @EmmaRae
@justinbieber: Went to a haunted house, Emma was so scared
@justinbieber: Like my new icon? ;) I do too.
@justinbieber: More pictures are on my instagram.
@justinbieber: oh! thank you for making #MISTLETOE number 1 #ILOVEMYFANS #GREATESTFANSEVER
@justinbieber: relaxing tonight, with @itsRyanButler and @EmmaRae ;)

I blushed, his icon was the one of us kissing.

I put it as mine too.

And at this point, I wasn't sure who was going to lose this bet first.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooooo comments? :)


Favorites?! :)


I've been thinking, and I might do a sequel for Impossible.

I have some great ideas, so I need your opinion.

Should I?

With love,
Denise. <3