Status: Completed. :)

Love Me

I promise my dear

"Emma, people like me don't just stumble across people with voices like yours everyday. Me finding Justin was pure luck, but finding you? This is fate." Scooter explained.

"Okay?" I asked.

"Singing could really do you good. Better yet, this industry could use fresh talent, especially a girl." He said.

"I couldn't. Signing in front of people is something I can't do. Besides, I'm already dating a super famous celebrity, if I suddenly became famous, people would assume I was using him, and that is something I am not doing."

"Of course you aren't using me, love. But your voice is way to good to pass up. You don't necessarily have to just shoot out with an album, you could do a duet with me." Justin smiled.

"I thought people had to be signed to sing songs with other people...?" I worded that confusingly, but I'm pretty sure they knew what I meant.

"You do not have to be signed to do a duet with me. Besides, once the label hears the cover we just sent, they'll be begging you to sign a singing contract." He said.

"I don't want people to think I'm using you. I'll sing a duet with you, but I'm not going to do anything else. At least, I don't want too right now."

Justin slightly frowned, "Okay. But before we get too ahead of ourselves, we don't want to be late, let's go get ready for the movie premiere." He smiled.

I returned it, and slipped my hand into his outstretched one.

We got back into the car, and I sighed. 

He looked at me, smiling only a little bit. "Don't work yourself up, beautiful. You don't have to do anything you don't want too. Okay?" He asked.

I smiled, "Okay."

We arrived at the place, I didn't see a name, and I didn't think to ask for it.

It was warm and it was big, Justin was getting a trim, and his hair styled, and I was getting mine done. Justin's doing.

Let's just say, his hair was done within the first ten minutes, and mine was taking much longer.


I stared at her while she got her hair done. She agreed to do a duet with me, that definitely was a start.

I just had to convince her to want to show off her voice.

It really was too good to let it slip away unrecognized.

I understand why she doesn't want too, if I heard about someone, unknown to the world, was dating me, than suddenly she became famous, yeah. You think about it.

So what I'm going to start doing, is innocently promoting her.

I'll hint to people that she can sing, and by..popular demand, than she can become famous.

Because as much as she will try to deny it, she does want to be famous. And if I were confronting her about it, I'd guess she's always wanted to be famous, she just never got the opportunity.

Than of course, she'd say something like 'Dating you is close enough. I'm practically already famous, Justin.'

Because she's stubborn.

But I'm determined, and she will end up pursuing a music career.



The limo pulled up to the theater and was met with a countless amount of camera flashes.

It was a mystery to everyone outside as to who was in here.

Taylor Lautner got out from the limo in front of us, before we got out, and the screams were extremely loud.

He made it halfway down the red carpet, when Justin looked at me, "Ready?"

I took a deep breath and nodded, this night I was bound to end up all over the internet, and news tomorrow.

Kenny got out first when people realized who was in the limo: "OH MY GOD!! JUSTIN BIEBER IS HERE!!!"

The screams were overwhelming, Justin stepped out and they got even louder.

He held his hand out, and I placed mine in his, letting him help me out.

We got out, and started walking when the screams became deafening.

I saw Justin smirking, obviously satisfied. And I'm pretty sure I even saw Taylor Lautner frown towards us. Not that he has a problem with Justin, he wouldn't have invited him if he did; he was just..jealous because it was his movie, and the people were screaming louder at Justin than him.

Justin chuckled, and slightly shook his head.

"What?" I asked, smiling at him.

"The people scream louder at the fact that we're here rather than the star himself." He laughed again.

"What?" I asked. What does me being here with him have to do with anything?

"Don't you realize? My fans absolutely adore you. You're basically famous now. You wouldn't be able to walk on the street without paparazzi hounding you, and surprisingly, I'm sure some of my fans would actually ask for a picture and an autograph."

I scoffed, "Your fans love you. You decided to 'date' me, that's the only reason I'm 'famous'."

"Regardless, your life will never be the same." We walked over to some interviewers that were shouting his name.

"Hello, we're here with Justin Bieber! And his lovely girlfriend, Emma Debrasco. Justin, Emma, how are you today?" The lady smiled.

"I'm wonderful," He started, gesturing for me to answer.

"I'm perfect, and you?" I asked.

"I'm swell, thanks for asking." 

She blew us up with questions, when finally, we made our way down.

We met with the other celebrities, Justin socializing, when we made it into the theater.

The movie was good, not only was Taylor hot, but he really is a good actor.

After a couple of comments on his looks..I kept them to myself as a result of the glares Justin was giving me. Kenny was laughing his head off.

We got out of there at around midnight, and I wasn't tired at all.

"Wanna stay at my place?" Justin asked.

I shrugged, "Sure!"

"Someone's hyper." He laughed.

"Aw, very good!"

He laughed again, and we were off to his house.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked Ryan and Justin.

"Sleeeeep!" Ryan groaned, and rolled over.

I turned to Justin, "How about you?"

He smiled, "Anything."

"Movie?" I asked.


"Of course. You pick it out. I'll set everything else up."

I went upstairs and got my bed ready. If I was going to fall asleep, it was going to be in my bed. I made popcorn, and Emma made her way up here.

"I couldn't decide between two." 

"Which ones?" I asked.

"Something Borrowed, and No Strings Attached." She said handing them out to me.

"Well, I've watched No Strings Attached, but I haven't watched the other one yet. So is that one okay?"

She grinned, "It's perfect."

We ended up watching the whole movie, it was really good, and we both got really into it.

The credits rolled on the screen at 3:00 AM, and Emma yawned.

I turned off the tv, and pulled her close to me, "Goodnight, Emma."

"Night, Justin." She mumbled half asleep.

"Love you." She whispered out, before letting out a soft snore, that didn't last for more than a minute.

I froze, shocked, but than I smiled.

"I love you too, more than you'll ever know." I whispered back, kissing her on the forehead, before falling asleep with Emma in my arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have like the last couple chapters written already.

I know how I want this story to end, and I have since I first got the idea.

I have like maybe two other chapters completed as well, I just have to write the ones that go before it, and the ones leading up to the end.

I love this story,

So any of my That Should Be Me readers, don't worry, I haven't forgot about that story, I just have been so busy.

Which reminds me, sorry for taking so long, there's been a lot of shit happening recently, but I'm doing my best.



LoveMe—HA! I'm hilarious—Always,
Denise. <3