Status: Completed. :)

Love Me

I'll put nothin' above ya, above ya


Scooter had surprised me with a trip to New York! Isn't he thoughtful?

Ha! As if! He scheduled me to go do an interview and to preform on the Today Show.

I called Emma,

Justin is italics Emma is bold


"Hey, are you done packing yet?"

Of course I asked Emma to go. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't? And what's weird? Something in my gut is telling me that like she has to go. 

"Yeah, I'm all packed and ready to go!" She giggled.

I grinned, "I'll be there in five, sweetheart."

She giggled again, and I could imagine her blushing, "Okay, see you soon."

We hung up, and Kenny helped me pack my suitcases. He went in the car with Scooter and my mom, so Emma could sit up front with me.

I pulled up to her house, honked and made my way to her door.

She opened it in a frenzy, and screamed when she saw me standing on her doorstep.

"Jesus, Justin! You scared me!"

I let my laughing die down, "You actually think I was going to make you carry your suitcases? Aw, you're so cute, Emma." I grinned.

She blushed, but motioned for me to come inside.

She had two suitcases and a carry on bag. I scooped all of them up, and packed them in my car with no hesitation.

I closed the passenger door for Emma, like I always do and we were on our way to the airport.



We arrived in New York city at about seven at night. Tomorrow was his interview and performances.

I'm kind of surprised he asked me to go, and I really was going to say no, only because I kind of missed work.

Weird, I know.

But there was just..this weird feeling I got. Something was telling me that I had to come with him. And usually when I get these kind of feelings, it's for a good reason.

"Emma!" Justin whined as he plopped down on the couch, laying his head in my lap.

I started playing with his hair, "Yes?"

He smiled with his eyes closed, he loves the feeling of people running their hands through his hair. "Ah, I'm going to take you out tonight. Wear kind of formal clothes, but not too formal." He mumbled.

I giggled, and kissed his forehead before gently moving his head and going to my suitcase.

Something formal, but not too formal?

I settled on a simple dress, black, spaghetti strap, with a white pullover thingy.

I curled my hair, and I wore black flats.

Simple, but fancy.

It was nine by the time I was done, and Justin was already presentable waiting for me.

He was wearing black skinny jeans, a white v-neck, a sort of dressy jacket, and his traditional hi-tops.

His eyes widened slightly when I walked in.

"Too much?" I asked worried.

"Oh, heavens no. You look perfect," he smiled, "ready?"

I grinned and nodded my head, "Yeah."

He took me to a very expensive restaurant. My begs and pleas for him to let me pay were a waste of breath.

"I asked you out, meaning I'm going to be the one to pay." He stubbornly explained.

Overall, it was a very..romantic, and relaxing dinner. Even if there were paparazzi loving the pictures they were getting.

Justin didn't seem to mind, and if he didn't, I shrugged it off myself. Even if it is super creepy, I'm not going to let them ruin a good night.

We took a walk through the park, it was beautiful because the stars were out. 

"Thank you for coming, Emms." Justin laughed.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you invited me." I smiled.

"I don't know why, but I felt needed to be here." He shook his head, as if he thought he was going crazy.

"No way! Seriously?" I asked.

"No, I'm being dead serious, why? What?"

"I'm not kidding you, I felt like I had to come with you. Like something told me that if I didn't come, I was going to regret it." 

He looked at me shocked, "That's how I felt. It's kind of freaking me out..maybe I should cancel tomorrow's things."

"Oh no, you'll be fine. Don't cancel." I rolled my eyes.

I didn't have a bad feeling about anything happening to him.

Something I wasn't going to tell him?

I had a feeling something was going to happen to me...


I woke up at 5:00 AM on the dot, along with Justin. 

We had to be at the place by six, so we got presentable, and fast.

I wore dark skinny jeans, my 'You Smile' shirt, and my converse.

Justin wore denim skinny jeans, a flannel, his hi-tops, and a tan jacket.

This boy had a serious sense of style.


We all piled into the rented SUV, where Justin played with my fingers. He was still half asleep.

As we got closer and closer to the building, my stomach started hurting more and more.

The fans were way to loud for it being six in the morning.

Justin smiled sheepishly at me, and Kenny opened the door.

Justin was waving to his fans walking just a tad bit in front of me, and to the right. I was looking around, New York was beautiful.

That's when I saw it.

"Justin! No! Get down!" I screamed, he turned around confused.

My adrenaline was pumping, everything was seriously going in slow motion like a movie would.

I heard the ear splitting sound, just as I pushed Justin on the ground.

In that instant, about five people jumped on Justin. Protecting him.

I felt a horrible pain in my left side, Justin stared up at me in horror.

I smiled weakly toward him, before dropping to the ground.

I had to come to this with him, so I could save his life.

I regret nothing.


It was silent for maybe thirty seconds, before the horrified shrieks filled the area.

"Emma!" I cried out, "No!"

Why would she do that!? Why did she do that!? She's so stupid! But she's also so amazing!

I started crying, and people surrounded Emma. They always have paramedics at these types of things. Just in case something like this happens.

Kenny and three other men dragged me toward the car.

"No!" I shouted in tears, my mom was right beside me trying to calm me down. "No! I want to ride with Emma!" I sobbed, "Please!"

My mom nodded, and they safely led me to the ambulance, where Emma had just been put in.

I sobbed, and grabbed her hand.

She let out a weak moan, "Justin." She coughed.

I jerked up, "Emma? Emma! Are you okay?" I whispered.

"Listen to me–don't interrupt."

"Okay." I sobbed out.

"I knew something like this was going to happen," She coughed, "I saw the gun, and my one and only instinct was to protect you. I had to take that bullet."

"No, Emma, no." I cried.

"Listen to me, Justin. I don't regret it one bit," She wheezed, "If I had to do it over, I'd take a bullet for you a hundred times."

She was struggling to talk now, and I was sobbing worse.

The paramedics were in a frenzy, trying to stop the bleeding, trying to keep her alive.

"I don't want you feeling guilty. Promise me this–no matter what happens, you will not blame yourself. Because I saw that before anyone else, and I chose to act on it. It isn't your fault." 

I cried and gripped her hand, "Why did you take it for me?" 

She laughed weakly, and I cringed. "Promise me, Justin."

"I promise I will not blame myself! Now tell me why!" I sobbed.

"Because," She gulped, "you have so much more left to do in this world. You help people; save their lives. Your fans look up to you, and some would actually kill themselves if you died. Your mom needs you, you have a beautiful little brother and sister who need you. You have more to do. You're so generous, and you help so many people all the time. It isn't your time to go." She choked out.

I sobbed gripping her hand.

"Justin?" She asked, whispering.

I looked up, wiping my face, although it was useless, I was crying to much. "Yeah?"

"I love you. Just know that, okay?" She coughed.

"I love you too, Emma. More than you would ever know." I cried.

She smiled, and her eyes closed.

I sat back and cried violently for a whole three minutes before we were at the hospital.

They rushed her in, and I slowly trudged to the waiting room.

By the time my mom, Scooter, and Kenny made it here, my tears were falling silently, and I just stared at her door.

God, please.

Let Emma live.
♠ ♠ ♠



This was kind of an emotional chapter to write.

I'm sick too, so that doesn't help at all.


Denisers. <3