Status: Completed. :)

Love Me

Love me, love me, say that you love me


As much as I wanted to do absolutely nothing but sit here, I knew I had responsibilities. I forced myself to pull my phone out, and I forced myself to get on twitter.

The tv in the lobby was playing the news, and to nobody's surprise, what had just happened was on there.

I watched as she realized what was happening, I saw the look of determination take over her features.  

I saw how hard she tried to get me down safely, and I watched the bullet hit her.

I winced, but couldn't get myself to look away.

As soon as it made impact she jolted upright where she stood, her one hand held the spot, and her other pushed me down. All at the same time.

She waved the confused guards my way, and they all piled on me.

I cried out to her, and she just smiled painfully, before falling over.

I blankly directed my attention to twitter.

Every single trend had to do with me or Emma.

Trending Topic; World Wide:
1. #PrayForEmma
2. #PrayForJustin
3. #ForeverGratefulToEmma
7. #StayAliveEmma

I had to make sure every single one of them knew I was alive, and I had to make sure every single one of them knew it was because of Emma.

@justinbieber: I'm at a loss for words right now. Completely in shock.
@justinbieber: I owe my life to @EmmaRae
@justinbieber: I am completely unharmed, because of Emma.
@justinbieber: #PrayForEmma, #ForeverGratefulToEmma, #StayAliveEmma, #beliebersloveemma #thankyouemma.
@justinbieber: As of right now, there is no word on how she is. Keep her in your prayers, please. #PrayForEmma.
@justinbieber: I love you, @EmmaRae

I started crying again, but I needed to RT some good tweets.

@justinbieber: RT @ItsRyanButler: #PrayForEmma, #StaySafeJustinandEmma. Love you both so much.
@justinbieber: RT @scooterbraun: #forevergratefultoemma #prayforemma . What that girl did was heroic, she truly is a life saver.
@justinbieber: RT @kennyhamilton: Mad appreciation to @EmmaRae, that girl did my job better and faster than I did. #prayforemma, #stayaliveemma #thankyouemma, #forevergratefultoemma
@justinbieber: I'll keep you all updated on her condition. Keep her in your prayers. #prayforemma

I waited, and waited, and waited, I got impatient, I got mad, upset, furious, I was devastated.

This was taking too long. I need to know if she is okay or not.

They wouldn't tell me anything! What is the point of being a celebrity if they won't even tell me how she's doing?

An hour passed, than two, than three, still no word when four passed.

We got at this hospital at 6:30am.

The doctor finally came out at 11:30am, five hours without one peep.

I was beyond being able to describe how I felt. I couldn't even name it.

"Normally, we wouldn't be allowed under any circumstances to release her condition status, but since you're Justin Bieber, and she was with you. We've decided to tell you." He started.

We all sighed in relief, and my mom grabbed my hand.

"How is she?" Scooter asked.

"Emma is alive," He started, and we all let the relief hit us. I cried again, "She's sleeping right now, but she got here fast enough, to where she didn't lose too much blood. It didn't hit anything important, thanks to one little sequin on her shirt. Not only are you a very lucky man, Mr. Bieber, luck was on her side too."

"Ca–can I see her?" I whispered.

She isn't awake yet, but she should wake up soon. Mr. Bieber, you're allowed to sit in there with her until she wakes up." He nodded once, gave a small polite smile and walked away.

My mom pulled me into a crushing hug, but I squeezed right back. I sobbed into her shoulder, and she sobbed into mine.

"Go in there," my mom demanded, "us three are going to go get you something to eat and drink." 

I nodded, and almost ran into her room.

I held my breath entering her room, and I exhaled sharply when I saw her. She looked like she was close to death.

I pulled the chair up next to her bed, and I grabbed her hand.

"Hey, Emma. You pulled through it. I don't really know what to say right now. I'm at such a loss for words. I love you, even if what you did was incredibly stupid, I'm still so appreciative, and I won't ever be able to thank you enough." I mumbled.

I got back on twitter, to see all of the topics trending from earlier, still were. There were tons of celebrities tweeting #prayforemma and things along those lines.

I wiped my tears, before tweeting.

@justinbieber: just got done talking to the doctor.
@justinbieber: Emma is alive, thank god.
@justinbieber: thank you to everyone who prayed for her. Keep praying though, she's gonna need it.
@justinbieber: holding her hand waiting for her to wake up. Love you, @EmmaRae

I waited exactly ten minutes before I went to check the trending topics.

1. #PrayForEmma
3. #ForeverGratefulToEmma
4. Stay safe biebs.
9. #GetBetterEmma

I took another screen shot of all the trends. Hopefully it would make her feel better. Feel loved.

I stared at her face, she was incredibly pale, and she was covered with scratches, and bruises. As I stared at her face, the tears fell without control, but she was beautiful.

I've said I love Emma, and I do. I love her with all of my heart.

She's an amazing person, what's not to love?

I'm confused on what kind of love this is though, my head is so confused that I hadn't been able to process it.

I can't think straight about anything at this moment.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I was in love with Emma. And if I'm not now-I wouldn't be surprised if it happens.

My emotions are so tightly wound, I'm unable to describe how I'm feeling at any given moment.

I went into Emma's room at 11:45am.

One hour passed without her waking up. That had to be normal.

Two hours, okay. She got hurt pretty bad. Breathe, it'll be okay.

Three hours, I'm getting kind of worried..


When five hours came, I was out of my chair and finding the nearest doctor.

Mom, Scooter, and Kenny all left me here to take care of the legal shit, and all other things.

I refused to go. I refused to leave her side. I had to be there when she woke up.

I found the doctor at his desk, reading a file.

"Excuse me, can you please tell me how long Emma is going to sleep for? I'm starting to get worried."

He looked up at me with a sympathetic expression, the one that most doctors wore.

"She got out of surgery at's now, 4:30..she should be waking up before five. She lost a lot of blood, and she had so much medicine to help with the pain, that it's normal for her to have slept for five hours." He explained.

I nodded, and ran back to the room–no change, but I wasn't really expecting one.

I took a picture of her, just in case we needed it for anything.

I sat there in that hospital room, holding her hand all day, and I still don't regret it.


When five o'clock rolled around, I was getting drowsy. 

I laid my head on her bed, right next to our hands.

"Damn it, Emma! Wake up! You're alive, you can do this. Don't leave me, Emma. We still have to do our duet." I tried to joke, and the tears just kept on coming.

I didn't know it was possible for a person to cry so much in just one day.

It was 5:23pm, when I heard a deep breath and a soft groan.

My head shot up, to see Emma scrunching her face together.

"Emma?" I asked.

Her answering smile was not only filled with obvious pain, but it was still dazzling.

"Justin." She croaked out.

And she finally opened her eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah, I couldn't actually kill her.
At least not this early in the story..


Lol, no, but seriously.

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