Status: Completed. :)

Love Me

Love me,

I stared at the crowd, nervous. I was never one who enjoyed attention. Especially when all these people wanted to hear what I had to say.

There are a lot of things in life you'll find you don't want to do. Somethings, you absolutely despise. But there comes a time in life where you have to take a deep breath, and get over it. You have to push away your feelings, and do what you have too.

Well, that's what I was trying to convince myself.

Public speaking has never been one of my key points. As soon as I found myself starting, my face would heat up so bad that it honestly made me so uncomfortable. I'd stutter over my words, and my stomach would cramp up.

Those little things people tell you to do, like imagining everyone in their underwear never worked for me. I'd be much more comfortable closing my eyes, and just pretending they weren't there.

But as everyone knows, when you're publicly speaking, eye contact is extremely important.

It's not like this was a big press conference, not at all like the ones you see on tv when someone is releasing information with a huge crowd of reporters.

This was much worse.

This was me having to go on The Today Show, and having to tell my story. Explain to the wondering people what really happened, and why.

Of course Justin would be with me, he had too. He was also doing the same thing I was. The difference being, he was used to these things. He was someone who being questioned in front of millions of people, was completely relaxed, comfortable, and just plain out good at it. 

He was a natural at this life. He was born to be famous, to be adored and unfortunately, hated on. He was born to preform in front of a ton of people at any given time.

I, on the other hand, was born to be a quiet, shy, girl who stayed out of the way.

I wasn't born to do talk shows, or be on stage in front of tens of thousands of screaming fans. I took what people thought of me seriously, a flaw that I can't seem to get over.

I'm not one of those people who will do anything to make sure my image is perfect. I'm a true person, who acts like myself. I didn't need to pretend to be someone I'm not to get anyone's approval. If they didn't like me, as I was, well than there was no need for them to stay in my life.

I'm not changing for anybody. I'm me, and that's all I ever will be.

"Now to talk about the horrific accident that occurred last time they were here, is Justin Bieber and Emma Debrasco! This is the first time they will be discussing the matter to the public."

Justin and I walked out on the stage, hand-in-hand. 

"Hello, how are you two today?"

Justin smiled, completely comfortable in these types of situations, "I'm wonderful. How are you?"

The girl whose name slipped my mind blushed. I wanted to gag. She had to be in her twenties, and by the look in her eyes, she was mentally undressing him.

His charm is irresistible.

"I'm just peachy," she giggled, twirling her hair. "How are you, Emma?"

My face, still in its fake smile mode, relaxed. All of this has been practiced.

"I'm doing better, thanks for asking."

It's a natural thing for people to compare themselves to others. It's an insecurity thing that lies in all human beings. So, when I saw her eyes scan me, I resisted the urge to smirk.

For this twenty something year old girl, to be comparing herself to me was absolutely hilarious.

"So last time you were supposed to be here, Justin, something went horribly wrong." That's when the footage of my getting shot started showing on the huge screen behind us.

I watched intently, it was always intriguing to watch a situation you've experienced from a camera. Only because it only shows. Everyone who has watched this, has only witnessed what happened. They don't know what emotions were in play, or what everyone was thinking.

Well, that's sort of the point why we're here, isn't it?

"Watching that, is definitely something else. I'm sure though, it was completely different having to live through it though."

"That day, was filled with a lot of emotions, and just a lot of stress." Justin chuckled, nervously.

"That's why we're here. Everyone wants to know what it was like," She smiled seductively towards him.

Anyone watching wouldn't have noticed any of this, but I was three feet away, with an amazing ability to read people.

Justin caught it, and shifted nervously, and uncomfortably in his seat.

"Well, who would like to begin?" She asked politely. 
Justin and I looked at each other, and I shrugged. He raised an eyebrow, and I knew he wanted me to go first.

I sighed, silently and sat up a little bit. "I will." I smiled, even if it was fake; you couldn't tell.

"Okay! Well, we'd love for you to just..tell the story from your perspective, and after both of you have done that, we have some questions from our viewers. If that's okay."

I nodded, and Justin did the same.

I took a deep breath, getting ready to re-live that horrible morning.

"It was very early in the morning, everyone was still half asleep. I was alert though, because as weird as it sounds, I felt like something bad was going to happen."

Everyone stared at me intently, I pushed my hair out of my face and continued.

"We got out of the car, to the sounds of excited screams. I remember thinking, 'They're screaming way too loud for it being six in the morning', but I know how much each of Justin's fans adore him, so hearing those screams reassures him."

"Growing up on the other side of the country, New York always fascinated me. I walked slower, looking at my surroundings, allowing Justin to go and pay attention to his fans. I didn't need to be right by his side at all times, and they came there to see him, not me."

Everyone laughed, and Justin grabbed my hand.

"I was looking around, admiring the city, when I saw it." I stopped, gulping.

"What exactly did you see?" The girl asked, her face expressionless. She was truly interested, though I'm sure even the camera men were as well.

"I saw the black car, and I saw the gun sticking out of the cracked window. And as cliché as this sounds, everything but my thoughts started going in slow motion. I could feel my adrenaline pumping."

"There was only one thought running through my head, and that was caused by the image my mind showed me."

I shook my head, having the image pop up again.

"Can you describe that image?" She asked, politely.

"The image is what would have happened if I didn't do anything. Justin getting shot like they intended. There was one thought crossing my mind, 'Do something, now. Save him.'"

Justin squeezed my hand, and took a deep breath. I squeezed back, giving him a smile.

"So I shouted for Justin, I told him to get down. But all he did was turn around confused. So that's when I ran toward him. I heard the sound of the gun getting shot, as soon as my hands met his body. And I pushed him as hard as I could. As soon as his body started falling down, I felt the pain."

Justin drew in a shaky breath, and I chuckled. My thumb started making small circles on his hand.

"All the people covered Justin, and I can remember the horrified look on his face as he realized what was happening. I gave him a smile, the best one I could muster up, before it was too much. I started blacking out, and I fell."

"Wow." She breathed out. Let's call her..Annie.

"It was completely quiet for half a minute, when I yelled out, 'Emma! No!' than terrified shrieks filled the air."

"Paramedics rushed over to Emma, as Kenny and other guys tried getting me away from the open. I thrashed, trying to run to Emma. And after sobbing out, begging them to let me go with her, my mom told them to let me and I ran to the ambulance."

"I grabbed her hand, and she coughed out my name weakly." He grimaced, "She made me promise that no matter what would happen I wouldn't blame myself."

I gulped, and tried stopping himself from crying. "It took five hours for me to hear anything on how she was doing. When the doctor came out and told us that she was alive, my mom and I sobbed into each other's shoulders.

"They only let me go in the room, Scooter, my mom, everyone else went to go handle everything else. I made sure to tweet during all of that. I had to make sure all my fans knew I was unhurt, and that it was all because of Emma. She slept for another five hours, and I just sat there holding her hand, and crying every drop of water I had in my body out."

We all laughed along with him, and I looked over at him. His face was red, and he was on the verge of tears.

I squeezed his hand, he could do this. 

"She woke up, and she immediately started comforting me, telling me that it was okay, and I had no reason to cry. It was all okay. She just got shot saving my life, and she was comforting me."

"I asked her why, and I was amazed at her answer." He shook his head, amazed.

"Why did you take that bullet?" 'Annie' asked.

"Because. Justin is such a genuine person, he's an inspiration to millions, and he did not deserve die over someone's delusional mind. He had so many people who needed him. His mom, his little brother and sister, his whole family, and lastly all of his fans.

"He's literally saved some of his fans lives. They look up to him so much, they need him. This world needs Justin more than it needed me, so I took that bullet."

I saw a tear fall from Justin's eye. He quickly wiped it away.

"That touching." She mumbled, obviously at a loss of words.

Justin was about to lose his composure, when I quickly stood up pulling him up into a hug.

His head buried itself in my neck, and he sobbed.

I was whispering in his ear, "Justin Drew, don't you cry over me. I'm fine aren't I? You're going to work yourself up. Calm down, and breathe. I'm not going anywhere. I love you." 

He took a deep breath, and wiped his tears away. I helped, and I could hear the audience 'awwwing'.

"I'm sorry," He said shakily, "it's still a very touchy subject." he laughed.

"Completely understandable." She replied, staring at us I'm awe.

"Are you two okay to answer some questions?" She asked.

We nodded, and she smiled.

"This question is from Sarah L in California: 'Is it true that you're actually scared of Justin's fans? To Emma.'"

I laughed embarrassed, "Honestly? Yes. His fans are something I've never experienced before. They're so protective, and devoted. And they scare the crap out of me."

"From Callie G, in Arizona: 'Justin, how does it feel knowing that the girl you're dating is literally willing to give her life to save yours?'"

"The feeling is indescribable. It's heart warming." He smiled.

"From Gina D in Alabama: 'To Justin, how long do you think you and Emma will date? Forever? Not forever?'"

Justin chuckled, "I don't plan on letting Emma go anytime soon."

I felt my face heat up, and I smiled.

"From Sarah T in Rhode Island: 'To both Emma and Justin, do you believe you're in love?'"

I blushed insanely, I glanced at Justin, and his face was a mirror of mine. Him and I laughed, nervously. "Uh, well..." I trailed off.

Him and I looked at each other, and he smiled, with raised eyebrows. I nodded, agreeing.

"I can't lie to my beliebers." he muttered, "I honestly do believe I'm in love with Emma."

Everyone looked at me, and my face was as hot as a burning stove. "I do, if I didn't believe that, than I wouldn't have taken that bullet without any hesitation."

Talk about awkward.

"Selena G in California," She paused, Justin and I glanced at each other. "'What are your thoughts on Selena Gomez and the former rumors about you two dating?'"

Justin shifted uncomfortably. "Selena is a great person, and the rumors were completely false. That's all there really is to it." he said shrugging.

I had a feeling Selena was going to end up being a problem, and from the looks Justin and I were exchanging, he did too.

"I can't believe that she'd actually do that." he fumed, getting in the car.

"Calm down, how are we even sure it's her?"

He opened his mouth to reply, but was stopped by his phone beeping.

His eyebrows furrowed, than he glared. He passed the phone to me coldly, gripping the steering wheel hard.

From: Selena Gomez.
Hey, Justy! Did you like my question? ;) ha, just some humor. I wanted to know if you wanted to maybe go get coffee and catch up?

I stared at his phone, shocked. Wow, flirt much?

"Interesting." I muttered.

"Now the media is going to have a field day with this. Fucking shit!" 

"Just tell her that you aren't interested, if your not that is. If you are, well it's just coffee. Right? There isn't anything more for them to get out of this. Don't let it stress you out."

His fingers were moving at impressive speeds, and the noise was a constant thing for at least two minutes.

He handed me the phone, starting his car and putting his shades on. Driving off.

To: Selena Gomez.
What were you thinking? There's a way to do things like that, without it being so obvious. You could make a lot of people mad doing things that carelessly. I really don't like being an ass to girls, but Selena, how many times do I have to say I'm not interested? I'm sorry, but I'm just not. I'm dating Emma now, and I don't want you coming between us.

"Have you two ever dated before? I'm just curious," 

He laughed humorlessly, "A month or two before we met, at an awards show I was in my dressing room. She had been trying to get with me all month, when she walked in my dressing room. She ended up forcing herself on me, and just straight up tried making out with me. I pushed her off me, and kindly asked her to leave. She didn't, so I left."

"That's a little desperate." I shook my head.

"She doesn't want me, she wants my fame. There's something wrong with her. Anytime someone is big, she goes after it. Nick Jonas, Taylor Lautner, the guy from Glee! Now she wants me." 


"She stresses me out." He parked outside the hotel, and opened my door, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm sorry, she just knows how to push my buttons." 

"It's alright. There's nothing to apologize for."

"I was being a grouch ass."

I laughed, and grabbed his hand. "Let's go, Bieber. Time to watch stupid movies and get you back in a good mood."

He grinned, and kissed my cheek. "I don't know how I got lucky enough to get you in my life." he stopped and looked at me with a smirk.

"What are you thinking?" I asked suspiciously.

"First one there gets to pick the movie!"

He started running, but I'm annoyingly competitive, so I won.

We entered the room, laughing.

And weirdly enough, we both stopped dead in our tracks at the same time, looking at the couch.

Looks like we had a visitor.

Justin looked at me, and I just stared at the figure on the couch.

"Justin?" The intruder called out.
♠ ♠ ♠
I tried making this a long chapter :)
And uh,
AWWWWE, to Justin crying on live television.
Awwwe. ;)

All Time Low, and The Maine are two bands that make my heart smile.

Than obviously, Justin Bieber is like a mega sex god, but if I didn't feel that way, would I be writing about him?



You all make my world awesome.

Who do you think the visitor is, and why?



Yes, even you, Silent Reader. :) cause you read this story, I love you already. Comment and make me love you more.

Denise :]]]