Status: Completed. :)

Love Me

To think that you're the one for me

Ever have one of those days where you constantly get followed by a countless amout of people? And they're shouting questions, stating false rumors like how I'm supposedly dating Selena Gomez? No, that's a lie. I'm completely single, also they beg me to let them have a picture? Those days where you just want to be left alone. Where everyone seems to think it's the perfect time to come up to me.

No, I guess you wouldn't, considering you're not one of the most famous people around the world.

I am.

I'm a human being. I make mistakes. There are somedays I wish I could walk on the road without someone coming up to me, or secretly taking pictures. Wanting something from me.

That's all anyone does to me. They want. They want this, they want that. I mean, I love my fans, they're the reason I'm this famous, but sometimes it would be nice to find a person who didn't want anything from me. Someone who would treat me like a normal person. But not a heartless person, that's not what I need.

I was walking with Scooter, and I could tell he was getting annoyed. Hell, I was annoyed.

I'm not saying I regret being this famous, I wouldn't change a thing. It's just weird how everyone is so obsessed with me, and it's extremely frustrating to have people just want, want, want.

When I go on Twitter, 'Oh, Justin, follow me.' And 'Oh, Justin, retweet me.'

There is never anything that says, 'Hey, Justin. I just wanted to tell you that I hope you're doing well, and I hope you have a great night.'

Something like that would be amazing.

But no, everyone wants a follow, everyone wants a retweet.

I give a lot. Honestly, I'm not trying to sound cocky, I'm not full of myself. All of the Someday profits go to charity, I actively donate and try to help people. No, I'm not complaining that I do all of that stuff, it's the right thing to do, and it helps me not get a big head.

Just because I'm famous doesn't make me better than anyone else.

It's really overwhelming how much pressure and stress I'm under, but I'm dealing with it the best I can.

"Justin, this is getting out of hand."

I sighed, I have to literally wear a ridiculous disguise to be able to walk down the street.

"Justin, are you and Selena dating?"

"How about a picture, pretty boy?"

"Where are you going?"

Blah, blah, blah is all I hear anymore. I really try and tune them out, but it's hard when they're like two dozen of them.

"You hungry?" Scooter asked.

I nodded, and he chuckled.

"Alright here, this seems like a good enough place. Just put your sunglasses on."

I quickly put my shades on, and we ducked into a resturant named, Chow Down

I hope I don't regret this..
♠ ♠ ♠
I know how I want to start this story off.
Sorry they're boring right now, but I just wanted to introduce you to the characters and their personalities.

The next chaptaaa they meet. :)

Who's excited?!


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With love,
Denise. <3