Status: Completed. :)

Love Me

Fool me,


Things slowly made their way back to normal. 

I felt extremely relieved when I realized Emma really wasn't going to leave me.

A lot has happened in the past couple days, leaving me with a lot to think over.

I lied not only to Emma about Selena, but I've lied to everyone. Everyone knows its bullshit, but admitting we dated and admitting we broke up, makes it all real.

I tried forgetting about it. I didn't want it to be real. I wished it never happened.

She was the worst decision I ever made.

Just thinking about her put me in a horrible mood.

I shook my head, but I could feel my blood boiling already.

Chaz and Ryan came staggering in, laughing, and making me jump.

"Justin!" Chaz boomed.

"Hey, guys." I mumbled.

"What's wrong?" Ryan asked, picking up on my bad mood instantly.

"Selena's causing unnecessary drama between Emma and I."

"How so?"

I told them both the whole story.


"That is bullshit! Is she just going to try and decide she wants back in your life now that you have Emma?" I heard passing Justin's room trying to get to mine.

"We're faking dating, Chaz. But she doesn't know that." He sighed.

"Fake dating? Really?" 

"Yeah," Justin replied, annoyed.

"Really? You guys look so real together.." Chaz trailed off.

I smiled, and couldn't figure out why.

"No. It's fake." Justin muttered.

"Oh come on, Justin. You don't feel anything for her?" Ryan challenged. 

Justin sighed, annoyed. "No, Ryan. It's all fake. I mean, she's a great person, and she's like my best friend, but that's it." He replied.

I frowned, and stepped back. I was hurt.

This really was all fake to him.

God, I felt like an idiot!

How could I even let myself believe that Justin felt anything toward me? Especially after finding out how in love he was with Selena. 

I slowly trudged my way to my room, I sat on the edge of my bed, and the tears fell.

I will not let him know I knew. I'll act the same, but he'll realize that I'm now aware this is just a bet.

I really felt something for this boy, and he just practically broke my heart.

Looks like I was right; I wished I was wrong this time.

No. I wasn't just going to lay down and take this. 

I wasn't going to be forgotten, and dammit. I wasn't going down without a fight.

Selena, you got another thing coming. You're going to wish you never messed with me when this is all over.

That's a promise.


"Fake dating? Really?" 

"Yeah," I replied, my bad mood still obvious.

"Really? You guys look so real together.." My heart thumped, and I fought myself from smiling. I couldn't give it away.

"No. It's fake." I lied,

"Oh come on, Justin. You don't feel anything for her?" Ryan challenged. 

I sighed, annoyed at his cockiness. "No, Ryan. It's all fake. I mean, she's a great person, and she's like my best friend, but that's it." I partly lied.

I couldn't let him know that I lost the bet, because he would have rushed and told Emma, and that would have ruined everything.

I have a plan, and I didn't want anything interfering.

I loved Emma, and everything about her. She was way too stubborn to ever consider the thought of us being real. Well, at least out loud. What goes on in her head is a complete mystery.

I couldn't stand the thought of losing Emma, and I wasn't about to let Ryan, my jackass of a best friend, ruin this for me.

After this plan, Emma would be mine.

Selena had put a setback on it, but it was going to pick back up today. 

I only had so much time to get the girl, who was technically already mine.

I excused myself from the two morons arguing about pointless nonsense to go find Emma, I hadn't seen her a lot today, and I didn't like that.

I stopped in my tracks when I heard sniffling. Why would she be crying?

I resisted the urge to storm in there and demand to know what happened, to comfort. Anything to see her smile.

"This really was just fake to him," she sniffed, "I'm such an idiot! All my life I told myself I wasn't going to even bother with love, and here's this boy who made me reconsider. Just to prove my suspicions right!"

"It really sucks, the one guy I let my walls down for, the one guy who took my heart without me even realizing, doesn't even like me. It's fake." She sobbed.

My heart dropped, she heard the conversation between Ryan, Chaz, and myself.

I'm such a fuck up.

I stood there for minutes, listening to her conversation, and trying to think of something to do.

Should I just walk in there and explain everything? Or should I pretend like I didn't know?

My life is so stressful.

"I just don't know what to do, Samantha." She whispered, "I don't want to feel like this. I want to feel happy," 

"What makes me happy?" She laughed humorlessly, "He makes me happy. He fucking makes my world awesome. I took a fucking bullet for him! Doesn't that prove how much I really care for this boy? And he still thinks its all fake? What the fuck am I supposed to do?"

"What?" She giggled, "Did you really just say that? Don't play dumb! 'You have to make him want you, show him what he has even if it isn't real.' You're corny."

My curiosity exploded, was she really going to do that? 

I was still going to stick to my plan, it was too perfect to abandon. Besides, all girls love romantic situations. Especially when they're truly heart filled.

"I will make him fall in love with me too, if it is the last thing I do, I'll have Justin Drew Bieber head over heels."

Emma, love, I already am.

It was extremely difficult to have to try and ignore this sudden gain of information. Knowing Emma's feelings made me full of happiness. And it kind of made my plan pointless, but it was so well thought would be a shame to just not follow through.

I'm taking much longer than necessary, and somehow I kind of wondered if I was going to regret waiting. 

I was going to show her how much she meant to me. I was going to show her how good of a boyfriend I could be, and I was going to show her the true romantic side of me—a side I only showed to one other person.

A decision I will never stop regretting.

I wanted this relationship to last, and I wanted to prove to her that love does exist for everyone, and that I'd never hurt her intentionally.

I wanted the way we got together to be magical, like a book or movie.

I was cheesy, but I wanted to be able to tell my story with pride, knowing it was truly a fairy tale.

And I know Emma wanted the same, so I'd stick to my plan, and hopefully everything would be okay.

Emma came out looking spectacular. She removed all evidence of her crying, and if I hadn't heard it for myself, I never would have believed she was.

"Hey," She smiled sitting in front of me.

"Hey," I replied, beaming. Knowing she loved me too was an immaculate feeling. I was practically walking on sunshine.

I'm such a nerd, no wonder why I have no friends..

"What're we doing today, superstar?" She giggled.

"I want the world to see what you mean to me." I said, looking straight into her blue eyes.

Her breathing picked up, and a smile made it's way onto her lips.

"What do you mean?" She whispered. 

"You should know that I'm not going to tell you," I chuckled.

She rolled her eyes, but the smile remained on her lips. "You're amazing, you know that right?"

"You're the best thing that has happened to me, never doubt that, Emma Rae." I said, truthfully.

Her face got red, and she looked toward her shoes grinning like an angel.

She was the best thing–excluding my career. That didn't count.–that has ever happened to me.

I'd do anything for this girl. Anything she wanted, just to make her happy, just to see her smile.

I'd give up everything for her, though I know she'd never ask me that. No matter what the circumstances were.

I'd give my life for her; and I know she'd do the same.

How did I get so lucky in life?
♠ ♠ ♠

I'm sure some of you are filled with joy!

And some of you are confused.

But believe me, they both admitted their love in this chapter-not to each other directly, but still.

And Justin knows Emma's feelings, so you're probably sitting there like, "What the fuck is this bitch on? Just get them together already!!"

If only I made it that easy, right?

This story isn't over yet, and sorry to say, there's gonna be a lot of drama coming up.

One of these chapters-not sure which one yet-you're going to find HILARIOUS. I'm sure you'll love me :)

I'll let you know when it's coming up soon!! I honestly can't wait for it. I've waited for this chapter since the first one I posted!

Ah! Look at me getting ahead of myself :)


Some new people up there :) made me truly happy.


So comment!!

Seriously, All my silent readers, leave a comment!

Not because I'm greedy and want a lot of comments. Of course that's a given, I love comments, but because I want to thank you personally for still reading this.

Let me do that :)

Comment, tell me how you're liking the story.

Okay! You guys don't care about all that so-yeah,

Comment and such,

Denise!! :]]]