Status: Completed. :)

Love Me

Fool me, oh how you do me

"Your fans sure are something else." I told Justin as he sat down.

His eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, "What do you mean?"

I laughed, he really had no idea. "Pictures of you only in your boxers are going around twitter, and let's just say..your fans have a..colorful mind."

He looked at me, even more confused. I clicked on one tweet, and laughed again.

Oh! The things I'd do to this boy, him and his Bieberconda...

And below it was a picture of him only in his boxers.

I laughed once more before turning it around so he could see for himself.

He studied it, at first his expression was extremely confused, but as he scrolled through the timeline his expression changed, he was suddenly embarrassed, and he blushed. "That's..awkward."

That made me laugh more, his expression was too much.

"Your fans are a riot, they always make me laugh."

He sat next to me, as I scrolled through my timeline. Almost all of the tweets on my newsfeed having to deal with Justin, and his Bieberconda.

He read them all carefully, blushing like a maniac.

"How the hell did the paparazzi even get that? I was only getting the paper..." He muttered.

"Your fans don't seem to mind." I giggled.

He blushed again.

I continued to scroll down, when I was met with a tweet that made me blush too:

Damn, that's HUGE. Emma is one lucky girl..I wish I was in her shoes, RT if you think they've gotten it in yet!!

I peeked at Justin, and he was biting his lip, blushing immensely.

I quickly scrolled down, that was..awkward.

I could see him out of the corner of my eye; he was staring at me, still biting his lip. Though now, his eyes were black.

How typical, but the thought made me blush even more. It was hard pretending like I wasn't paying attention.

He licked his lips, and my heart started pounding even more. That was

Typical teenaged boy hormones.

He coughed once, and quickly got up, "Be right back." he said in a strained voice.

I giggled as I came to the realization. Whatever he was imagining turned him on. And he left so he wouldn't embarrass himself.

My heart thumped as I realized something; he was imagining me.

I could feel my face heating up, but I couldn't stop the feeling of flattery that appeared.

It was nice knowing someone wanted you, especially at my age.

As awkward as it is, it was reassuring.

He returned minutes later with an embarrassed smile, and a small blush upon his cheeks.

I smirked at him, and continued to scroll down.

My eyes widened at the tweet, and I literally gasped after clicking the link.

My nose scrunched up in disgust. People really are..something.

"What?" He asked sitting down next to me.

I quickly minimized the link, looking at him with skeptical eyes.

"Seriously, what?"

I sighed, pulling the link back up, and handing the laptop to him. And moving to sit across from him so I could study his face.

His face was astonished as he read it. 

"This is..ridiculous." He glanced at me, with a profound blush.

I smiled sympathetically, "Well like I said, your fans sure are something else."

"I feel so..dirty." He laughed. "I feel violated. This is just disturbing."

Scooter and Ry Good came in sitting down next to him on both sides.

"Dirty Bieber Secrets? What in the-oh! Ew!!" Ryan [Good], exclaimed.

Scooter looked extremely uncomfortable.

"This is weird." Justin shook his head.

"That's disturbing!" Ryan retorted.

"That too." He laughed, nervously.

I just sat there.

"Well, you have a photo yeah."
Scooter mumbled.

I laughed, "You guys get so uncomfortable over the littlest things,"

"Yeah don't understand.." 

They tried defending themselves, failing miserably.

"Oh save it!" I laughed, "Come on, Justin. You have to get presentable."

Watching him do a photo shoot, was funny.

He hadn't been through wardrobe yet, but he was checking out his surroundings.

The background was supposed to make it look like he was on a plane, for whatever reason that was.

"You got a new camera?" He asked the photographer.

"Yeah! Want to see it?" She asked, smiling.

He nodded his head eagerly. 

This sight was too much, so I took out my phone and quickly snapped a picture of him.

He looked down at me with a smirk on his lips, "Hey!"

"Sorry, I couldn't resist." I giggled,

"I'm going to get you back! Believe that." He handed the photographer back her camera, and started walking toward me slowly.

I backed away carefully, unsure of what he was planning on doing.

I felt defeated as I backed up into a wall, he smirked.

"You know, you're in for it."

I didn't reply, I stood there trying to figure out what he was planning.

He got closer, and put his hands on my waist.

I wasn't expecting what came next.

He started tickling me! "Justin!" I cried out laughing, "No! Please!"

After five minutes of that torture, him and I both breathless, he rested his forehead on mine. "Gotcha." he whispered, his lips hovering over mine.

My breathing sped, and my heart beat furiously.

He placed his lips on mine quickly, and I immediately responded.

His right hand went around my waist pulling me closer, mine went around his neck. His left hand found its way on my cheek.

I knocked his hat off his head, to which he smirked in the kiss, and my hands tangled themselves in his hair.

We pulled away breathless, with swollen lips, and silly grins.

He bent over to pick his hat and smirked at me, "Hats bother you while kissing?"

I blushed, "They're annoying. I like playing with a guy's hair when we're kissing."

He was suddenly very close, "Feel free to knock mine down anytime." He whispered.

I smirked and moved a bit closer.

We were about to start again, but we were interrupted. 

"Justin! Wardrobe!"

He groaned, "This isn't over."

I stared, still smirking as he walked away.

"Oh! Don't forget, I have a surprise for you after this." he called over his shoulder.

My lips formed into a grin, how could I forget? 'I want the world to see what you mean to me.' 

It was adorable.

It was confusing.

How could he believe this was only fake when he kissed me like that?

Maybe it wouldn't be as difficult as I thought it would be to make him feel the same.

Be prepared, Justin. I don't give up easily.

@EmmaRae: With @justinbieber, :) wanted to share this picture with youuu. ;)
♠ ♠ ♠

Sorry, I just wanted to show his..hormonal side. ;)

DBS is GROSS. And he actually did find that.

Though, I don't believe he ever addressed it.

Anyways, so what do you think?

What do you think about my new layout!? I made this, and a new one for That Should Be Me a few nights ago.

I was up all night, cause I do everything off my phone.

It's extremely frustrating to try and make a layout on my phone..


dreamgirl13 (Oh I know! I wish I knew him. Ugh!!)
ScreamDaniix3 (Haha that's weird! I've never met another Denise my age, 2 S's or otherwise haha :) and lolol about the plan thing! :])
june1998 (Thank you!! :]])
ILoveNiallHoran (Haha smile like a retarded cow? I'd like to see that :D and thank you!!)
peytonrowe (Why, thank you :]]])
difi8 (Thank you so much!!! :D)
peaceluv4eva (Thank you! :]])
SecretxLoverxJ (Awh! Your comments always make me smile! :])
MoMo_92 (Thank you! :]])
kmaarie (Why, thank you! :) and you're the only one who noted it, do you like it?!)

I'm getting more as each chapter is posted :D


I love you guys!


Deniseee :) <3