Status: Completed. :)

Love Me

Kiss me, say that you miss me

"Emma, just hear me out." Scooter said with pleading eyes.

Deja vu, much? 

I was suddenly reminded of the day this all started, when my mom was begging me to give love a chance.

"Scooter," I sighed, "listen, I understand you and all the really important label people think my voice is too good to pass up, but I'm just not meant to be famous. I don't do good in front of people, and it's not comfortable for me to be in the lime light."

He sighed, disappointment apparent in his eyes, "I suppose you're right, if you change your mind though..." he trailed off.

"You'll be the first to know."

He gave me a weak smile, before walking away defeated.

I turned my attention to Justin who was staring at me with an amused smile, and eyes full of–what looked like–awe.

"What?" I asked, feeling the corners of my lips turn up involuntary.

"It's refreshing knowing that you aren't using me to become famous. Even if I agree with Scooter, it's still reassuring, and I stand by your decision." 

I grinned, "Being famous just isn't for me. We'll leave that to you."

He laughed, "Deal."

We sat down, relaxing, and watching a little bit of tv.

He turned the channel to Adult Swim, to watch Family Guy.

"Oh look, it's a new one." I mused.

"Caller number five will win Justin Bieber tickets!"

He shook his head, laughing.

Stewie crashed Brian's car, and crawled out when the radio guy talked again.

"Congratulations! You're caller number five! You've won Justin Bieber tickets!"

"Oh yay! Dreams do come true! Never say never!"
The perverted old man cheered.

Justin stared at the tv, before glancing at me with a shocked but amused smile on his face.

And than, we started busting up laughing.

"Oh my God! That was hilarious! You really can't go a day without being reminded how famous you are, can you?"

He tried to control his laughter, but was failing, "No I really can't, but damn, that was great."

"It's incredible how many shows, stories, just anything include you."

"Most of them are making fun of me, but I know."

I put my hand on his shoulder, and he gave me a smile, "Don't let them get to you. Really, you're amazing and they're all just jealous." I didn't say that to make him feel better; it was the truth, and somewhere deep down he knew it.

"Thank you, Emma. I love you."

"I love you too, Justin."

"No! No! Listen to this!" Ryan said laughing.

Ryan, Chaz, Justin and I were all sitting down telling stories and laughing.

"This one time Justin and I bet on a match of COD, it was earlier this year when he came back to Stratford," Ryan started laughing.

"Oh, can we not tell this story?" Justin groaned, putting his face in his hands.

I shook my head, "No! I want to hear this."

Justin groaned once more, hiding his face in his hands.

"Well, we were in one of our competitive moods, and he was being an ass anyways, so we bet on the game. He lost, because I'm fucking awesome, and I dared him too..." He started cracking up laughing, along with Chaz. Justin himself was laughing, shaking his head with a small blush on his face. "I dared him to walk down to Erin Reynold's house butt naked, with only his socks on, because she had the hugest crush on him since like third grade, and now that he's famous it made it that much better."

All three were laughing pretty hard, Ryan and Chaz more than Justin.

"So Justin goes striding down the street, only wearing socks when he fucking goes over to her window, tapped on it like three times, he started like insinuating shit, and was like 'I heard you had a crush on me, wanna fuck?'" Ryan was trying to keep his voice composed, but was failing.

"She looked out the window and her face was fucking priceless, and there's Justin, completely naked smirking like a asshole."

Ryan started laughing uncontrollably, "They were talking, when all of the sudden-" Chaz and Ryan were roaring, "Her dad, who saw it from his bedroom upstairs, bursts in holding a fucking shot gun, and once he kicked the door open he cocked it."

"All we heard was the gun being cocked before all we saw was a bare, naked ass, Justin running down the street."

I laughed along with them, not quite as loud though, and Justin shook his head, "You assholes could have told me he was coming. You all saw him look out of his window."

The laughter grew-if that were even possible-when Justin said, "Okay, enough embarrassing stories about Justin."

"I'm shocked, Bieber. I always thought of you as the good-boy type."

He smiled, slightly embarrassed, "I'm full of surprises."

Later on that day, Justin and I went to the Disney studio place, so he could shoot his episode of So Random.

Him and I were extremely tense, because Selena was there. She had just got done shooting an episode of Wizards of Waverly Place.

Justin was on break when I got a phone call from Samantha.

I put it on speaker because I was playing with Justin's hair.

Emma is bold, Samantha is italics.


"Hey, whore! Tonight you and I are going shopping. I miss you, and I haven't hung out with you for like ever!"

Justin and I laughed, "Okay, what time?"

"I'll pick you up at five. Justin's house?"

"Yes, I'll give you directions later."

Justin pouted, "You suck Samantha! You're taking her away, and I'm going to be bored."

Samantha laughed, "Suck it up, Bieber. She was mine first! Gotta go, love you slut."

"Love you too, skank."

I hung up and Justin pouted toward me. "You suck."

"Awwwwe. You poor thing, you only have Ryan and Chaz to hang out with."

He stuck his tongue out at me, and I laughed. "Fine, be a big baby. I'll go hang out with Sterling Knight."

I started walking away, when I suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Don't you dare." He pulled me back, and I fell on his lap.

I laughed, and glanced around the room to see Selena staring. Her eyes were full of hatred, but she had a smirk on her lips.

I shrugged it off, and buried my head in his chest.

He wrapped his arms around me, and squeezed lightly.

"You smell amazing." I mumbled.

I felt his body shake lightly, "Why thank you. I surely try. Your hair smells like apples."

I smiled, "That's because I rolled around in apples instead of showering." Him and I laughed a little, "Kidding. My shampoo is green apple."

"The smell is calming." He mumbled, resting his head on mine.

"Justin! Are you ready!?" Someone shouted.

He groaned, "This always happens. Noooouh!"

I laughed and sat up. "Go, duty calls."

He pouted again, "Fine. But I don't wanna."

I kissed him on his cheek, and stood up.

He walked over to the set, with a grin on his face.


The doorbell rang, and Emma skipped toward it.

I followed and as soon as she opened the door, I wrapped my arms around her waist, burying my face in her neck. "Do you have to go?" I whined.

She shivered, and I smirked. "Y-yes, Justin."

"Samantha, this is Justin. Justin this is Samantha."

I picked my head up, and smiled at the girl. "Nice to meet you, Samantha." I reluctantly let go of her waist with one hand to hold mine out.

She grinned, placing her hand in mine shaking it. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Justin."

We let our hands drop and I smiled, "As it is to meet you."

"I've heard a lot about you," She winked at Emma who was blushing.

"Oh, really? Like what?"

Samantha opened her mouth, but Emma cut her off. "Okay! Let's get going! I don't want the mall to close!" She turned around to give me a hug.

"Don't gooooo." I whined.

"I'll be back before you know it." She whispered.

I looked up at Samantha who was grinning, she met my eyes and mouthed, "Kiss her."

I gave her a smirk, before pulling back a little bit to look at Emma.

She was blushing and I quickly leant in.

Like before, my right hand wrapped around her waist, my left went up to her cheek.

And also like before, her hands made their way up to my head and she knocked my hat off.

Both of our lips turned up into a smile.

We pulled away once we heard Samantha clear her throat.

"Sorry to interrupt, as cute as that moment was, especially when you knocked his hat off, and both of you smiled! Awww! No, anyways, I don't want the mall to close. Let's go!"

Emma and I laughed, and she was blushing. 

"Have a good time."

She smiled at me, being dragged out of the house, "Thank you!"

After about two hours of Emma being gone, Ryan and Chaz left to go find something to eat, I wasn't hungry so I stayed home.

I was watching tv when Emma texted me to let me know she was on her way back.

I grinned, now I wouldn't be bored, and alone.

Surprisingly, right after that text, Ryan also texted me telling me that he got Chinese, and him and Chaz bought me some. They were on their way back too.

I heard the door open, "Back already?" I asked, assuming it was Emma.

I didn't get a reply, so I went to turn around, when all of the sudden I felt someone on my lap.

I looked up, to see Selena.

"Hey, Justy."

"What the fuck!? What are you doing here!? Get. Off. Of. Me."

"Awe, come on, Justin." She whispered.

"No. You need to leave."

"Why? Because your precious girlfriend is on her way home, and you don't want her to catch you?" She smirked.

"How the hell did you know she was on her way home? How did you even know she wasn't here? GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!"

Three things happened at once:

1. I heard the door open, and Emma saying bye to her friend. 2. Ryan and Chaz were right behind her. 3. Selena attached her lips to mine.

I didn't have time to push her off, before I heard Emma stop laughing, and gasp.

I tried pushing Selena off, but every time I pushed, she dug her nails into my neck.

I heard Emma run out.

Lord, just kill me now. Please.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oooh, drama.

Before I start rambling, which I have a lot to talk about! :))

Thank you to everyone who commented!
SecretxLoverxJ (I know! I wish they were more like that in real life with the Twitter thing, and thank you :])

polkadottedgiraffe15 (Thank you very much! And I never planned for her to be famous, this chapter was like her saying no she didn't want too, but in previous chapters I hinted it, but I'm so glad you like the story! :])

dreamgirl13 (I'm going to be so sad when it ends! Ah! And thank you! :])

kissthangel (thank you :])

MoMo_92 (I loved that chapter! I love the hat thing and the whole surprise I thought was adorable, not trying to toot my own horn or anything, that's just probably one of my favorite chapters :], and you're just going to have to wait and find out ;])

i eat dinosaurs (I'm not that crazy! Everyone's entitled to their opinion. And it means a lot that you're still reading this even though you don't like him, AND you recommended it to someone! AND, you haven't liked a story as much as mine!! You're freaking awesome. :])

ILoveNiallHoran (thank you! And I'll definitely check your story out! :])

SarahhhDarlinggg (Thank you!! :])

littlelion; (Thank you!! :]])

june1998 (Thank you :D)

never grow up; (DBS was something on Tumblr. It stands for Dirty Bieber Secrets, and it was disgusting.)

CodySimpsonsBabe (I always love reading your comments. They make me smile, and I adore them. I love you! :) <3)

12 people. Wow.

You all fucking rock.


Anyway! That was an actual episode of Family Guy, I watched it last night :)

So, I was watching tv, and saw this commercial that was this girl chasing people driving in their cars screaming, "How much did you pay for your new car!?"

I literally almost died of laughter. I don't know why, maybe it's because I'm such a nerd. :)

And lastly, here's my little rant for the day,

So I've read all of the Twilight Saga books, more times than I can remember, and I absolutely adore them. Right now, Twilight is on FX, and I'm literally laughing all the way through it. The movies are horrendous compared to the books, they're pathetic! And Kristen Stewart is just a terrible actress. Absolutely horrible.


How'd you like the chapter?

Leave me love. :))

Love always,
Denise. <3

P.S. Next chapter was the one I was talking about. The one I've been waiting for ;)

If I get 5 comments from someone who hasn't commented before, I'll post it tonight!!!