Status: Completed. :)

Love Me

Tell me what I wanna hear,

Emma stormed out in tears, and I stood up pushing Selena off despite the pain in my neck.  "Damn it, Selena! You fucking crazy bitch! You just ruined the one thing I had in my life! I fucking hate you!"

I ran out to find Emma sobbing in the street.

"Emma, please..just let me have a chance to explain."

"What, Justin? Explain what? Explain what I already know? This was a fake relationship, and I have no reason to be this upset? I know this, but yet, here I am, sobbing." 

I put my hand on her shoulder, but she shrugged it off.

"I don't want your pity." She spat.

"Damn it, Emma! Are you really that blind? Let me fucking explain!" 

"What, Justin? What?" She screamed.

"Selena has been trying to ruin my life! That's all she ever wanted! Especially when she found out about you. She's jealous of you, and she's mad that I have moved on, she's jealous of how I treat you, how 'perfect' we look together. I don't like Selena, she forced herself on me knowing you'd walk in, and she'd expect us to break up, and for me to go running after her. "

"Why are you wasting your breath? You've said before, this relationship is nothing but fake. Remember? You told that to Ryan. I thought that maybe you were lying when you told him that, because of how amazing you were treating me, but obviously I was mistaken!"

"I said that because I didn't want him to mess it up! Emma, I–I," I sighed, "I didn't want to lose this bet. I lost a long ass time ago, but I couldn't get myself to tell you. I just couldn't lose you. I'm in love with you, Emma. I love everything about you. From the way you scrunch your nose up in confusion, to your absolutely adorable giggle. I love being with you, and I love how my fans adore you. My mom loves you, my family loves you, and I love that."

"I love how I don't have to think about being a good boyfriend with you. Everything I do, from just simply holding your hand, to buying you gifts is an impulse. I just do it because it feels right. All of those surprises, I don't think about it, I just love seeing you smile. I love how natural being with you is. And I love how you aren't in this for my money, or my fame. I love how I'm the only person you have trusted with your heart. Deny it all you want, but if you didn't feel anything, you wouldn't be crying right now! You mean the world to me, Emma Rae Debrasco, and I'm not afraid to admit it to anyone!"

She stared at me wide eyed, tears still falling.

"So I lost the bet, Emma. I love everything about you. But tell me now, do you really want me out of your life? If you do, I'll go. It won't be easy, and I won't do it without trying to change your mind, because all my life I've been looking for you. And now that I've found you, I'll be damned if I'm going to give you up without a fight." I started crying too.

"You want to know what I think?" she asked, sniffing.

"What?" I asked quietly.

"I think you're amazing. From the stupid surprises, to the adorable words you say that keep me up at night grinning, you are absolutely perfect. I think taking that table from Rachel was the best decision I had ever made in my life. I think it's adorable how much you love your fans, and I think it's adorable how you don't forget to remind me that I'm beautiful. You show me off to the world, and you're famous so I mean that literally. You flirt with me on twitter, and you treat me like I'm gold."

"I don't know when I realized how I felt, so you didn't necessarily lose. I'm so in love with you, that it scares me. It scares me how just the thought of you not being by my side makes my heart ache in such a way that it's impossible to describe. I've never been one to want love, and I love how you made me change my mind. You proved to me that true love exists, and you were the only one persistent enough to stay! I love how you were the one to sneak into my heart. And I love how you made me want to be with you."

I stepped forward, "Emma Debrasco, will you go out with me? For real this time?" I asked.

She giggled, "Of course I will. But I still count our beginning date to be October 8th, because that's when the rest of the world was told."

"That's fine by me. Now..come here." I muttered, before crashing my lips onto hers.

She responded immediately, and-to no one's surprise-her hands were knocking my hat off, like it was a routine.

My left hand gently stroked her cheek-which made her heart skip a beat, something she told me once-was done without even thinking about it, an impulse. My right arm snaked around her waist.

It was the same position each time, and something that would not get old anytime soon.

I could go everyday for the rest of my life having her knock my hat off of my head, my right arm going to her waist, and my left hand holding her face gently.

Everything I do that deals with Emma comes natural, I do it without a single thought.

Our lips moved together perfectly, it was like they were made to be attached.

And I believed that. Her hand fit perfectly in mine, her body fell perfectly against mine, and our lips moved together perfectly.

She was my soulmate, and everything was right in the world when this girl was by my side.

We pulled away, our tongues throbbing, our lips puffy, and silly smiles on our faces.

"I love you so much, Emma Rae Debrasco." I whispered, resting my forehead against hers, getting lost in her incredible blue eyes.

"I love you so much too, Justin Drew Bieber." She replied back, grinning.

We heard wolf whistles and saw Ryan and Chaz standing on the porch fist pumping.

Emma laughed, and we made our way on the porch hand-in-hand.

As I held her hand, and I felt myself finally able to breathe, knowing she actually was mine now. It wasn't fake anymore, it was real. And I loved it.

Emma stiffened when Selena stomped her way on the porch.

Ryan smirked, seeing the fury in mine and Emma's eyes, and I heard his iPhone ding, he was recording this.

"I can't believe you! You see him making out with me, and you're still with him!? What is wrong with you!?" She screeched.

I was about to say something, but shut my mouth when Emma let go of my hand and stepped forward a bit. 

"You're pathetic, you know that? Your whole life is worthless. You're fake, and it kills you knowing that nobody really likes you. You try and sabotage our relationship, because you can't stand the fact that he moved on. You fucked him over, and now you're pissed off because he got over you." 

Selena's face got red, and she stomped closer. "He's only using you! He's using you to get over me, and sorry you'll never compare."

Emma laughed humorlessly, "Please. He isn't using me, and I'm not using him. And I'll never compare to you? That's funny, because I'm sure everyone likes me more, you lost everyone because they all realized how incredibly fake you truly are."

"That bullet should have killed you, you stupid whore. The world would be better off."

I was fuming, and I was really about to blow up, but Emma's next action surprised everyone.

She laughed humorlessly, glancing at everyone. She shot me a reassuring wink, before stepping closer to Selena-who was smirking-and quickly threw a right hook, punching her in her face.

There was a loud crack, and than Selena fell to the ground. It was silent for maybe twenty seconds, before all three of us started laughing hysterically.

"Damn, Rambo! Get it!" Chaz boomed.

Emma smiled victoriously, while shaking her hand violently. She looked at it and cursed, "Stupid bitch broke my hand." She muttered.

The laughter grew after that statement, and I saw Ryan and Chaz doubled over from laughing so hard. I stepped forward immediately, "Let me see."

She shook her head, "No! I just need some ice it'll be fine." she said, still shaking it.

"Emma," I said.

She sighed, holding it up for me.

It was already enormous. It was obvious that it was broken, and it was already turning black and blue.

"Come on," I said grabbing her by her waist.

"Where are we going?" She asked confused.

"Ryan, Chaz, let's go!" They were still laughing, but ran to meet us.

I heard a groan from the porch, and turned around to see Selena twitching.

"Oh my God! You bitch!" She screeched, holding the left side of her face.

"What was that? You want the other side of your face broken too!? That can definitely be arranged!" Emma yelled.

Selena stood up shakily, and she looked terrified. "You're just going to let her do this to me!?" She asked, looking at me.

I laughed, "I don't control her, she has a mind of her own. And you definitely deserve it."

"My face though! Something is broken!" She cried.

All four of us started laughing, and I put Emma in the passenger side of my Range Rover before turning to look at a pleading Selena.

"Leave, Selena. I don't want to see you again." I said sternly.

She screeched, stomping her foot before running to her car.

I got in my car laughing, along with Emma, Ryan, and Chaz.

Emma moved her hand, and hissed.

"I never would have guessed for you to be the violent type." I said smirking at her.

"Oh shut up!" She laughed, embarrassed.

"Emma, you're a beast! I've never saw a girl throw that hard of a punch! Not only did you break your hand, but you broke her fucking cheek bone and gave her a black eye! In one punch!" Ryan said laughing.

"No, her ugly face broke my hand." She muttered.

All of us erupted into laughter again, and Emma joined too.

"Where are we going?" She whined.

"To the hospital. Your hand is broken."

She stared at me with wide eyes, "I just need to put ice on it, hospitals aren't needed."

"You just don't want a cast." 

"Casts are ugly, and it's going to make me look like a fighter!" 

"No, it'll make you look badass. It'll tell people not to mess with you." Chaz contradicted. 

She huffed, "And what do I tell the paparazzi when they ask? 'Why are you wearing a cast, Emma?'" She mumbled, "'Oh you know, because I beat up Selena Gomez cause she's a lunatic. No big deal.'"

All of us-excluding Emma-erupted into laughter once again, "Just tell them you broke it catching a baseball the wrong way." I shrugged.

She stared at me with curious eyes, "That's a great excuse. How are you so good at coming up with those off the top of your head?"

I laughed, Ryan and Chaz sniggered in the backseat. "I kind of had a feeling something like this was going to happen..I had to think of every possibility."

"Ah! You knew this was going to happen!? And you let that nasty just break my hand?" She huffed.

I rolled my eyes grinning, "I didn't know, but it was a possibility."

"Stupid whores making me break my stupid hand. Stupid boyfriend not stopping me from punching that stupid girl." She muttered.

Ryan and Chaz were having a field day, but I was too preoccupied by her calling me her boyfriend.

I grinned in victory.

Emma was mine, and that's all that mattered.

"Well, Ms. Debrasco, that sure is one mean break, I feel very sorry for the person you punched."

Ryan, Chaz, and I sniggered, and Emma's face turned pink.

"I don't." She mumbled.

The doctor laughed, and glanced at us three with an eyebrow raised.

We struggled to compose ourselves.

"What color cast would you like?" He asked Emma.

"Red!" Chaz shouted out.

"Green!" Ryan chose.

"Purple!" Weirdly enough, we all shouted that out at the same time.

She looked at us amused, while the doctor was getting a tad bit annoyed, but he was also laughing.

Emma rolled her eyes, "Black, so I don't have to coordinate my outfit around it."

We stared at her in shock, "Whatever!" We muttered.

After the cast was put on, we made our way out of the hospital, Emma glaring at the cast the whole time, her good hand, in mine.

And to nobody's surprise, there were paparazzi everywhere, but to everyone's surprise, Selena was walking in with an ice pack on her face.

I grabbed Emma and pulled her back as she was about to walk out the doors.

"What?" She asked,

I didn't answer but Chaz, Ryan and me pulling Emma walked down a deserted hallway. "Listen, if we walk out right after Selena walked in, they'd put it together." 

Emma sighed, "I shouldn't have punched her."

We all stared at her in shock, "Shouldn't have punched her? Yeah fucking right! That was awesome and we're all glad you did!" Chaz said, Ryan and I nodded in agreement.

"Well what are we going to do?"

"Ryan and Chaz put your hoods up and sunglasses on, go out and pull my car up in the back, Emma and I will meet you there." I ordered.

They nodded and Ryan held his hand out, I dropped my keys into it with a sigh. I hate when other people drive my car.

We made our way to the back, and I sighed in relief when I saw there were no paparazzi back here.

Ryan and Chaz got in the back, and Emma got in the passenger while I drove off. 

What an eventful day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah! The chapter!!

So, do you love me now? ;)

Let me post the commenters before I talk about things!

Cliche-Trite (Awe! I'm happy you like it! And hahaha, how's this chapter? ;])

AllstarWeekendGurl (Aw! Thank you :D)

MoMo_92 (Omg! Your rant! Lol I've never saw anyone get so passionate in a comment over one of my stories! I love it! :D)

anne-stessy (Hahaha awe! Your comment was so sweet! Hahaha eager, I like it :D)

sabrina (Thank you! ;) and is that a marriage proposal? Don't make me blush ;]]])

dreamgirl13 (Awh! I feel so special! :D)

polkadottedgiraffe (You're welcome! And I agree, Eclipse was by far the best. I hope the pattern continues, because with every movie they get better. And awe thank you! :D)

mzach1432 (Thank you so much! :D)

xitsmaiax (Awh! Well thank you for commenting!! And hahaha stupid Selena is right!)

ScreamDaniix3 (Your comments always make me grin! I love them!! How's this chapter? Are you a happy camper? ;])

One: There's either one or two chapters left. I haven't decided yet. So if the next chapter is the last, don't be surprised.

Two: Once this is finished, I will post the first chapter of my newest story,

Smells Like Teen Spirit.

Comment and subscribe to it! Make me proud readers! Don't let me down!!

Lastly: Tell me how you felt about this chapter, tell me what you liked, your favorite part.


Love always,
Denise, :)