Status: Completed. :)

Love Me

'Cause honestly, the truth is that you know I'm never leavin'


I frequently checked in to make sure that everything was okay for them, but I didn't do it too often to annoy them.

As I was heading over to give them their check, I found only Justin at the table.

I set the check on the table with a smile. "Is there anything else you need?"

"Actually, I have a question." He asked.

"Of course."

"This is weird, but have you already had your lunch break?" He asked.

"Oh, well yes I had it just before you came in, why?" I asked.

His face was abruptly disappointed, "That's a shame," He sighed, "You see it's-nevermind, thank you for everything today, it has been lovely meeting you, Emma." He smiled, and then he was gone.

I picked up the check book to find the exact amount in there and smiled.

I looked at the table again to see a thirty dollar tip. I looked out the doors to see him laughing, disappearing into the crowd.

What a strange day at work.


"Hey, Scooter?"

He looked up at me, waiting for me to continue. "I'm going to go hang with Amy." I said, smirking.

"Oh, and how long is this one going to last?" Scooter sighed.

"Not sure yet."

I'm not the type of guy who goes around having meaningless sex with random people.

I'm still a virgin.

But I am the type of guy who can't seem to stay with a girl for longer than a week.

Of course I can, but being in a long relationship isn't going to help me find my soulmate.

Somehow, someone told me when I was younger that the more girls you date, the better chance you have of finding 'the one'. So I'm working on that.

I've always wanted to fall in love. More than just about everything.

Of course, my career, my fans, and my dream come first. That's my number one priority at the moment.

"Justin, when are you going to stop this?" Scooter asked.

"Stop what?"

"This-this phase you're going through. How you can't keep a girlfriend for longer than a week now. A week, Justin. That's horrible. You're never going to find what you're looking for that way."

I rolled my eyes. "It isn't like I enjoy breaking hearts, Scooter. And this isn't a phase, I will find what I'm looking for soon enough."

If I could stop, I would.


I wasn't really looking forward to going home. My mom is no doubt still pissed, and I'm never going to hear the end of this love thing.

I'd do just about anything to shut her up.

I was walking out of the resturant, searching for my phone in my purse.

As soon as the door closed behind me, I was knocked over and the contents of my purse were scattered all over the sidewalk.

"Oh, ouch." I muttered.

"Oh! I'm so, so sorry! Really, I wasn't watching where I was going and-Emma?" The person rushed.

I rubbed my head and looked at the person. I knew who it was, but I wasn't just going to say it like I knew him personally.


He chuckled, grabbed my hand and helped me up, "It's me, Justin."

"Oh! But anyways, really it's no big deal."

He rolled his eyes, "Look, I'm late for something," he grabbed everything shoving it back in my purse, "but I'll make it up to you, okay?" He asked.

"What? No it's fine, re-" I tried.

"Ah, ah, ah. I'll make this up to you," He beamed, before kissing my cheek and walking off.

As I walked to my car, I tried to decipher what I had gotten myself into..


"Mom, for once can you please just give it a rest? I'M SO TIRED OF THIS. Do you not understand how much I don't care about any of it? I'm never going to fall in love. That is the last time I'm ever saying that to you again." I argued the next morning over breakfast.

"Emma Rae Debrasco, don't you raise your voice or get an attitude with your mother." My dad started, "She's not asking you to go out, find a boy and try to make yourself fall in love with him, sweetheart. All she wants is for you to be a normal teenage girl and date. Open yourself to that world."

I stared at him in disbelief. "What kind of parents actually want their daughter to date? You two are messed up in the head. Do you want me to get my heartbroken? Do you want me to suffer?" I asked.

"Don't be so dramatic, Emma. It's not like we're asking that much from you. Everything you ask for, we get you. The one time we request you do one simple thing, you throw the biggest hissy-fit? How is that fair to us? What if I went and turned off your phone? Only because you don't want to even attempt what we ask from you." My mom ranted.

"I'm done with this conversation. I have to get ready for work." I stormed upstairs.

Ever since I got home yesterday they've been bugging me about it. But yesterday, I just ignored them.

I got dressed in bright purple skinny jeans, the Chow Down white v-neck, a simple black tank top, and my black converse.

I pulled my wavy hair into another low side pony tail, skipped make-up, brushed my teeth, grabbed my stuff and went out the door.

I got to work early, to see my manager talking to someone in her office. I sighed, putting my stuff in the cupboard.

"Emma." I heard behind me.

I quickly stood up, and whipped my head around to see no one other than Justin standing there, with an extremely attractive smirk on his face.

"Goodness, you scared the hell out of me." I breathed.

He chuckled, "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, but what are you doing here?"

"Making it up to you. I told you I would yesterday, come on we're going out for the day."

I wasn't trying to be rude, but my sarcasm took over, "And here I thought you had common sense," He was staring at me with an amused smile, "I'm working, genius."

He laughed, "Nope. I talked to Margaret, and got you the day off. You're coming with me."

Oh shit.

Arguing with Justin is pointless, seeing as how I'm now sitting in the passenger seat in his nice Range Rover.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

He laughed, "Well first we're going to get some ice-cream, and we're going to talk."

"We're going to talk?"

"What did you expect? I may be Justin Bieber, but I still do normal things." He laughed.

"No, you being famous had nothing to do with that. It's just, I wouldn't have guessed for you to be the talking type."

"I'm full of surprises, Emma."

I was currently sitting in the middle of just about everyone talking with a poorly disguised, Justin Bieber.

"First things first, do you want me to get killed by all 700 billion of your fans?"

He laughed quite hard at that, "Relax, Emma. I won't let my fans touch you."

And surprisingly, I did relax.

I didn't respond, but I raised an eyebrow, ushering for him to start.

The conversation started off light. We played the favorite game, the hate game, the simple get to know someone starters.

"When you came into work this morning, you seemed upset. I don't want to pry, but may I ask what was wrong?"

I contemplated telling him, I mean it wasn't like I had absolutely no one to talk to, I had my great friend Samantha who I told just about everything too, but I needed to talk about this, and I needed to do it now, before I exploded.

"I come from a never ending line of perfect relationships, and marriages. There hasn't been one single divorce on my mom's or dad's side," As I said this, his mouth dropped. "Lately, both of my parents have been hounding me to try and fall in love. They don't get that I just plain out don't want to fall in love."

He stared at me for a moment, "That's impressive," He whispered, "Anyways, this is weird. I come from a long line of failed relationships, and marriages. It seems like nobody in my family lasts. My mom, and Scooter both hate that I date frequently, they don't really want me to fall in love. I can't get myself to stay in a relationship for longer than two weeks. I can't wait to fall in love."

I stared at him like he had three heads, "That's so weird. But why would you want to fall in love?" I asked.

"Love is magical. Why wouldn't you want too?" He countered.

"All love is good for is hurting you." I muttered.

"It's weird how your parents want you to get a boyfriend, and my mom wants me to have a stable relationship." He chuckled.

I stared at him with a raised eyebrow, when I practically saw a lightbulb go off. "What?" I asked.

He stared at me with a huge smile, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I just thought of something, amazing."

What have I gotten myself into?
♠ ♠ ♠
This was supposed to have been posted earlier,

But my phone was being such an asshole.

I actually had to re-write this. But in a way, I think it came out better this time.


Favorite: line, sentance, part?





With luuuuv,
Neiserz. <3


I'm coooool ;)