Status: Completed. :)

Love Me

'Cause you're my angel sent from above


"Are you mad?!" I accused.

He laughed at me, "Emma, just hear me out. This could work!"

"No, it won't. Things like this never work!"

"Emma please."

"Explain to me how you think this is actually going to work."

"Your parents want you to date, check. My mom wants me in a long relationship, check. We both gain."

"You're forgetting something, oh smart one." I said rolling my eyes.

He smirked, "What?"

"The fact that you can't be in a long relationship."

He stared at me amused, "Yes I can."

"Oh please, if we did do this, you'd either break it off with me or cheat on me within two weeks."

"Okay, I bet you."

"Bet me what?"

"I bet that I can date you for thirty days, without breaking up with you or cheating on you."

"If I win?" I asked.

"I'll leave you alone, won't bother you ever again."

"Okay," I smiled.

"And if I win, I get to bother you all I want, and you have to do one thing I tell you."

"What's the thing?" I asked.

"I don't know yet. But, you down?" He stuck out his right hand.

Damn the competitive side of me. "It's a bet." I stuck my hand in his.

He stood up, and stuck his hand out. I eyed it, but took it. Surprised when he just started walking, still holding my hand.

"What are we doing?" I asked.

He chuckled and turned around. "We're dating now, Emma, love. Couples walk through the streets holding hands."

"Oh yeah.."

He smirked, "Sure you don't wanna back out?"

"Please." I grabbed his hand, "You might want to back out."

He laughed, took off his sunglasses, and snaked his arm around my waist. "Let the paparazzi begin."

"You'll protect me from your fans right?"

He smiled down at me, "Of course I will."

My heart thumped, and I got butterflies in my stomach.

"Shall we go meet your parents?" He asked.

"They already know who you are." I muttered.

"Be that as it may, I don't know them."

"Ugh! Come on," I started pulling him.

"Where are you going?" He laughed.

"To my house?"

"I have a car. This way."

"Pfft, I knew that."

"Oh sure!" He laughed, again.

Justin being the gentleman he is, opened my door and closed it for me.

I blushed.

"Aw, you look so cute when you blush." He grinned.

"Shut up!" I giggled.

"Which way?" He smiled.


"Are you sure you want to meet them? They're probably going to freak out." I worried.

"Emma, we're doing this. Calm down, they won't know this is fake. Breathe."

He opened my door, and helped me out. Keeping my hand in his.

"Okay, let's do it."

He smiled and I pulled him into my house.

"Mom? Dad?" I called.

My dad came into view, and Justin stiffened a bit. I bit my tongue so I didn't laugh.

"Hey, dad. Where's mom?" I asked.

He eyed Justin suspiciously, "In the kitchen..who is this?"

I laughed, but ignored him, and pulled Justin into the kitchen. I could tell he was tense because of my dad's appearance.

My dad is a built man, who has plenty of tattoos. He's over 6 foot, and over 200 pounds, but none of it is fat.

"Emma? And oh my, you're that famous fellow." My mom gasped.

Justin laughed, but was still tense.

"Oh! That's why he looked familiar!" My dad boomed.

Justin slightly jumped, and I squeezed his hand.

"Yes, but what's going on, Emma?" My mom asked.

"Mom, dad, this is Justin Bieber,, uh." I couldn't choke it out.

Justin sighed, "I'm her boyfriend, Mr. And Mrs. Debrasco."

"Yes, sorry I haven't got used to it yet." I explained.

The truth is I couldn't grasp putting my boyfriend and Justin Bieber in the same sentance.

It was silent, then my dad's booming laugh erupted. He slapped his hand down on Justin's shoulder and said "Finally."

My mom started crying.

"Okay, well...I have to get back to work." I lied, pulling Justin out.

"Emma, we want to meet this boy. Have him over for dinner sometime. Or he could come to the family picnic tomorrow!" She suggested.

"'Kay!" I called out.

"You were so nervous!" I laughed.

"You didn't tell me your dad looked like that." He shook his head.

"It was cute." I giggled.

"You're lucky I had the balls to say I was your boyfriend. Why did you struggle?" He asked smirking.

"Firstly because we aren't really dating, and secondly because I couldn't ever imagine saying 'Justin Bieber is my boyfriend.' Out loud."

He laughed, "Get used to it, sweetheart." He grinned, "Now we meet my mom."

"Shit." I muttered.

He laughed, "Don't worry, she'll love you."

"If you say so.."

My eyes widened at the sight of his house. "Your house is amazing."

"Thank you." He held his hand out, "Ready?"

"More than I'll ever be."

Let's just say, Pattie did love me. She told me she liked me more than any other girl Justin has brought home. And then she said that there weren't many. I was shocked, but I didn't let it show.

Justin wanted to come over for dinner.

He's insane.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow. That is long.

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Deeeniseee. <3