Status: Completed. :)

Love Me

Give you a little more

"Justin Bieber attended his girlfriend's, Emma Debrasco's, family picnic yesterday, and we have a lot of info!"

The crowd cheered.

"But let's have the man himself out here, as we explain it. Justin?"

The screams were deafening, and if possible, got louder once he stepped out on stage waving to all the crying girls.

"Hello, Justin." Ellen smiled.

"Hey, Ellen." Justin replied, giving her a hug than sitting down.

"So, yesterday you went to Emma's picnic?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.

He chuckled, "Yes, I did."

"So how was that?" She laughed.

"Honestly, it was great. I actually felt like I was normal for a little while, until Emma's cousin came out." Justin rolled his eyes.

"Oh, is that the girl wearing the skirt?" Ellen asked, smirking.

"Yes, she was wearing that outfit in like negative thirty degree weather!" Justin said,

Everyone laughed along to his joke, but he didn't say it to be funny.

"So tell me about this cousin." Ellen prompted.

"Emma and I were relaxing when we heard her, she came over stumbling with her super high heels, and let's just say she didn't really believe that Emma and I were dating. I don't think anyone seems too." He shook his head.

"Actually rumor has it, that this is all for publicity. That you two aren't really dating?" Ellen questioned.

Justin rolled his eyes, "I would not lie to my beliebers," lie. "Emma and I really are dating. She's an amazing girl." He smiled, and no pun intended, I smiled.

"So we have Emma here, and after this break she's going to come out, and they're going to tell us how they started dating! I know all of you must be dying to know, shoot, I am!"

Suddenly, I was being rushed to thirty different places within five seconds. People were chaotic, and it was stressing me out.

"Emma, stand on that purple X okay?" Someone yelled.

I nodded, wobbling my way over there. My heart was pounding, and my hands were clammy. I was completely nervous.

"We're on in 5, 4, 3, 2..."

"Welcome back! We're here with pretty boy, Justin Bieber talking about his relationships. Before the break, I said we were going to have Emma out, and I always keep my word..Emma?"

I walked out to loud cheering and my name being called, I smiled and waved. I definitely need to get used to this.

Ellen embraced me in a hug, and I sat down next to Justin. He smiled at me, and quickly kissed me on my cheek.

Cheers, screams, and even more crying girls.

How does he put up with it?

"Hello, Emma. How are you?" Ellen smiled.

"I'm fantastic," I grinned, "how are you?"

"I'm just dandy, so what's it like to be dating the most famous boy in the world?" Ellen winked.

"Honestly? It's great. When we're together, it's like he's normal and not famous. It's easy to forget he's living the superstar life, until he makes me do things like this, and I see myself in a magazine or on tv. It's unreal."

"How is he as a boyfriend? I'm sure everyone assumes he's the perfect guy and always does everything right."

"Well, we have our differences, but just because he's famous doesn't make him perfect. He's a human being, and we all make mistakes. But he's really sweet, super romantic and definitely adorable." I laughed.

I looked over to him, to make sure that was okay, and he was blushing.

"Oh! Look at him blushing!" Ellen called out.

Justin laughed, than he grabbed my hair and put it on his face. He quickly took a little strand and used it as a mustache. "Who's Justin? And why is he blushing?" He asked.

Everyone erupted into laughter.

He grabbed my hand, rubbing his thumb in small circles, and it calmed my nerves.

"So Justin, explain to us how this happened." Ellen prompted.

"Okay, so I was having a really bad day. I was tired and cranky, and everyone decided to hound me and come up to me. I just wanted to be left alone. I was with Scooter, and him and I, getting annoyed, decided it was getting out of hand."

He stopped looked at me, and smiled.

"So we ducked into this resturant called Chow Down, and all I remember thinking as I walked in was, 'God, I hope I don't regret this.' We sat down, everything was normal for a minute, until the waitress arrived."

Him and I chuckled, remembering.

"Her name was Rachel, she came over and she opened her mouth to speak, but she started to have like, a panic attack. Scooter and I were kind of scared, I actually took my sunglasses off to look at her better."

"We were about to leave, when a small girl with bright yellow skinny jeans walked over and said, 'Okay, Rachel. Let the poor boy eat in peace. Go in the back and finish cleaning up that spill, I got this one.' Rachel nodded and practically ran away."

"Now, at first, I thought Emma was just trying to act confident, and trying to gain my attention, but once she brought our drinks out, she asked me if I wanted the blinds closed, she said, 'I don't know about you guys, but I hate when people watch me while I eat."

I piped up, "Well it's true! It really annoys me." I laughed, everyone laughed along.

"I was fascinated. People coming up to me, or taking pictures of me while I eat is one of my biggest pet peeves. I actually asked her if she already had her lunch break, I wanted to know her. But she did, so I left her a tip, and laughed as I saw her face before leaving."

"He left me a thirty dollar tip! Usually I get five, maybe ten if I'm lucky but he left me a thirty dollar tip, I looked over at him, he was smirking and he laughed before leaving!"

Justin winked at me. I blushed, but rolled my eyes.

"So anyways, I was on my way to go meet Scoot, I was texting, in a hurry, not paying attention to where I was going when BAM! I knocked into someone. 'Oh! I'm so, so sorry! Really, I wasn't watching where I was going and-Emma?' I asked. She was rubbing her head."

I rubbed my head remembering.

"She didn't know it was me, I actually had to tell her who I was." He shook his head, grinning. "But I quickly put all of her stuff back into her purse, since I knocked everything out of it, and I said 'Look, I'm late for something, but I'll make it up to you, okay?' And Emma being her shy self, tried saying 'What? No it's fine, re-', but I cut her off!"

We laughed, he was getting so into this. He was even using his hands.

"Than he said, 'Ah, ah, ah, I'll make this up to you.' He grinned, than he kissed my cheek and walked off." I added.

"So the next day, I went into her work, and I got her the day off. She came in and she looked angry, but I wasn't too concerned about that. She was wearing bright purple skinny jeans. I was amazed." He laughed, "She was putting her bag in her cupboard, when I called her name. She whipped around, saying how I scared her and whatnot, I took her out for icecream, we got to talking, got closer, and here we are." He smiled.

We had fun for the rest of the time, got our ridiculous gifts from Ellen, laughed, and than Justin performed, and we left.

"That" I said once we got in the car.

He laughed, "Thank you for doing this."

"Thank you, and you're welcome..?" I confused myself.

He chuckled, but turned in the opposite direction from my work. "Uh, Justin? Where are you going? My work is that way." I pointed.

"I know."


"We're going shopping. You need to help me, also we're meeting my mom and her friend Kathy. I got you off work."

"Why do you need my help for shopping?"

"You're opinion matters. Also, well, you'll see." He grinned.

♠ ♠ ♠
A long one?

I think, I can't tell thooough.

My favorite part was the mustache thingggy.




Denisers. :)