Status: Slowly updating.

The Newcomer


Harry was walking down the corridor in a haze; his head was starting to hurt again.
Someone rushed past him; he squinted at the stranger “Sadie?” he called, but they just kept running shouting something behind their shoulder which he didn’t catch a sound of.

A few hours later he woke with a start the nightmare still terrorizing his mind, a girl laying on a stone in the middle of a lake looking identical to Sadie, pale and blonde hair spawned across the stone with only one sentence on her lips in a strangled cry: ‘you need to help me’.

His heart was pounding in his chest, as he decided to go for another walk grabbing his invisible cloak and robe draping it over his sleep-wear.
Crying echoed around the empty abandoned corridor tangled with whispered hisses, Harry creaked the door open – still invisible under his cloak the scene in the room folded out to him, a tall brunette boy was standing over a pale looking girl who was shaking and quietly sobbing.

Harry quickly pointed his wand at the boy shouting “Expelliarmus” disarming the boy who shot around with a cruel smirk on his face
“Who’s out to play tonight?” his voice something more than his looks and his eyes were black, with his teeth needle point sharp as-well as his tongue nearly like a snakes long and pointed, forked slightly.
“Confundus” Harry shouted, a confused dazed look appeared on the boys face
“Where am I?” he asked, “In a classroom, you’re on school grounds you’re allowed to go home now” Harry answered crouching down to the brunette girl who was still quietly sobbing
“I think I should, thank you sir.” Alaego then walked out of the classroom, Harry not even wondering where he was going his only thoughts on the girl in front him.

She looked up at Harry “Sadie” he whispered, she had a tight glare but fear was still on her face “that won’t be the last on him, that’ll only make him angrier. Wand magic doesn’t work on us.”
Harry wanted to asked what she meant by ‘us’ but she passed out from either exhaustion or pain. He picked her up without a single struggle, she was so light.

“Madam Pomfrey?” Harry called into the dim lit hospital wing.
“Yes Potter?” the healer asked from across the room, she was sitting in her desk
“Oh my, Merlin” she gushed before walking over to him and shouting instructions and demands of him.
“I’ll get Dumbledore” Harry suggested “Get Snape while you’re at it as-well, I think her head house should hear of this.” Harry nodded before leaving the wing and rushing towards the headmaster’s office.

Draco was already walking around the corridors when he had to hide from Professor Snape, Harry Potter and Headmaster Dumbledore all muttering in soft tones.
He decided to follow them after hearing “Sadie Safford, she’s in danger.” from Harry Potter.
‘What would potter have to do with Sadie?’ his mind spoke to him, but Draco pushed out the obnoxious thought and kept following them towards the hospital wing.

“Malfoy what are you doing here?” Snape barked, “I know who was after her” he spoke clearly and fearless, “after who?” Snape played dumb, “Sadie, Alaego was after Sadie.”
“Alaego? Tall brunette, seventh year? Slytherin?” Harry rushed “Yes, they’re cousins.”
“That’s not possible” Dumbledore said hushed after staring at Draco for sometime.
“I heard them in the bell-tower, she called him cousin and they were asking each-other why they were in this world like there was another world.” Draco explained confusing himself in the process.
Harry stared at Malfoy and suddenly it all clicked. “She’s not safe here anymore”

“We know that Potter” Snape hissed,
“Everyone be quiet. She’s resting.” Madam Pomfrey demanded, everyone’s lips became zipped as they walked over to the sleeping girl in a white bed, her face mirrored the same white colour.
“What’s the verdict?” Dumbledore asked.
“She’ll survive, on her half. All my potions aren’t or won’t work on her body, what is she Dumbledore? Bringing in foreign creatures in our school is the last thing we need!” Madam Pomfrey shouted in a low tone.

“She’s an angel, from the realm of Balcakia, Alaego I believe is her cousin but he’s the bad of the kind. She didn’t know what witches or wizards were until I invited her into Hogwarts nor has she mastered wand magic. She uses her own as I believe Mr. Malfoy has witnessed.” Dumbledore stared at the blonde boy.
He gulped
“Wand magic doesn’t work on them, correct?” Harry piped up
“Correct” Snape replied

“I disarmed Alaego and used Confundus, he acted like he effected by the spell but Sadie told me ‘That won’t last on him, it’ll only make him angrier, wand magic doesn’t work on us’ I was confused by the way she said us but I understand now.”
“Smart one Potter; just make things worse for her!” Draco couldn’t bite his tongue.
“If you two are going to quarry, leave my wing now.” Madam Pomfrey glared at the two boys. They shook their heads and muttered their apologizes.

“Excuse us for a moment; we’ll be back by the hour with some help. Madam Pomfrey will sort you boys out.” Dumbledore and Snape had been muttering to themselves while the two boys had been quarrying – Madam Pomfrey nodded staring sternly at the younger boys with a crack both of the older wizards were gone.

“Now, you will take turns in looking after Sadie and on look-out while I will be in my office sorting out files. No fighting understand?” Madam Pomfrey said sternly.
Both of the boys nodded “I’ll go on lookout.” Draco muttered before turning and walking towards the door.
Harry just sat down in the chair and watched out the window.

It was a few hours later when she finally started to stir, Harry was on look-out and Draco was sitting by her side.
“Boy” a deep voice boomed, “out of the way.”
Draco looked at the old man with a staff and orange robes “Malfoy, this is a man and friend from her realm.” Dumbledore explained, Malfoy just nodded and stared in amazement at the purple stone which was shining brightly.
“Where are her swords?” the old man barked
“She has made an oath to not show in-front of students eyes.” Dumbledore explained “Make them leave” the old man grunted. “I do not like your world of mortals.” He muttered.

Words of beauty and pain suddenly filled the room as the two younger boys were pushed out by a gush of wind and the doors of the hospital wing slammed shut, Draco ran up to them and tried pushing, yanking and even at one point kicking them open but nothing worked.
“We’re locked out” he grunted “Why are you so upset Malfoy?” Potter asked
“Go away Potter” Malfoy hissed before walking the other way, but not towards the dungeons like he should have been but out of the castle and onto their grounds.

“She’s an angel” Draco muttered feeling the light breeze from the lake dance around him, “That she is” he heard someone say behind him, he span around his wand out ready to attack.
“Put it away, Mortal boy.” A tall slender woman laughed by the light of the moon he could tell that she had spirals and symbols swirling over her skin.
“Who are you?” he asked, putting away his wand like she said.
“I’m Irina, I’m one of the realm’s Queens.”
“You’re her mother?” Draco asked, Irina laughed again shaking her head.

“Saturn’s mother died young, we have multiple rulers for our lands. Give me your wielding hand, boy.”
Draco wasn’t sure why he listened but he outstretched his right hand – the hand he used to hold his wand – ‘yes your fate is defiantly tangled with darkness’ he heard a voice in his head say, he looked directly into her green crystal eyes which reminded him of the forest in spring.
‘Yes I’m the earth queen. Saturn is the water princess yet her name means fire. She’s a dangerous one – you need to understand that, she needs to control her anger.’ The lady laughed again.
“What’s so funny?” Draco asked confused.
“Nothing you would understand mortal,” her voice was beautiful “Saturn is the name for fire, her father is the fire king while her mother was the water queen. It’s tainted for the kings and queens to mix with each-other but breed that is a first. Saturn doesn’t know she is the next water queen, she only knows of her fire inheritance.” Irina gave the blonde boy a small smile, exposing white teeth.

“You need to make sure she knows, the mark I gave you on your wielding hand gives you the protection you will need, to stand with her as-well as the protection against her cousin, I would send him back to the realm but I am no wielder of the dark. I do not have the power to control the portals.”
Draco’s brow creased.
“What do you not understand?” she asked quietly.
“Why me?” was the only question that left his lips
“Because it’s fate. I must go, I am growing weak – I should not be in this world for long and soon Saturn will understand that too. By the light of the moon she grows stronger, by the light of the sun so does the fire. Three springs from now she’ll need to return to the realm for good. Do you understand boy, or she and all of the water tribes will perish.”

Draco nodded as he watched the queen fade away; staring at the swirling marking on his right palm he was wondering whether anyone else would catch him out and what it meant.
Would Sadie understand?