Status: Slowly updating.

The Newcomer

Confusion and Choices.

“FATHER!” she muffled into her pillows, sweat glinted her skin and sheets.
She pulled them off and let her feet touch the cold floorboards of her dorm; it would have just been past midnight.
She pulled her robes over her night gown and slipped into her slippers then slipped past her sleeping dorm-mates.
Her breathing hitched as she slipped through the corridor doors and into the grounds, feeling the cold night breeze on her cheeks she felt as ease, she nearly felt at home staring at the forest which lined the border of the grounds or the lake which reminded her of the dark sea by her window.

She was sitting on a large rock by the lake when she heard a twig snap behind her, she didn’t react, she knew who it was, and she had sensed him a while ago.
“Draco” she whispered as softly as the sea breeze
“Saturn” he muttered against her hair, his lips brushed her scalp and Saturn tensed up.
Those feelings, those images were too much for her as she darted from him and nearly fell into the sand
“How? How can you know what my father looks like in that cell? How do you know what I haven’t told anyone, not even Snape.” She muttered unable to look at him, unable to keep her eyes focused on one thing.

“It’s been two months since I’ve been given this mark to protect you, Saturn.” Draco said with remorse in his voice “and three weeks since I’ve been given Voldemort’s, I’m one of his followers. He could get into my head and find you, he will hurt you and he will kill you.”
She saw his eyes fill with tears, as they stared straight into her’s reflecting off the moon-light
“I don’t want him to hurt you, I don’t even want him to find out about you.”

“Why would he hurt me? What am I to him that he doesn’t already have?” Saturn asked,
“He’d hurt you because I like you Saturn, to me you’re something worth fighting him for. I wish I never got his mark, I wish I was never branded with his evil. You’re an angel; it’d be you’re blood he’d want so he could be immortal. He can’t die, Saturn.”
“I’d fight him Draco; I wouldn’t let him hurt me. I came here to run from my world, I’m not yet mixed up in the evils of yours.” Saturn placed her hand over his, Draco laced his fingers through hers
“It’s my job now to protect you, will you finally let me? Will you teach me how?” he asked, his grey-blue eyes staring into hers.
Saturn didn’t say anything just nodded.

Over the coming weeks they worked together, with Draco’s help they we’re concealed in a silent bubble every afternoon in their corner in the library.
“Remember that two week detention Snape gave me?” Saturn asked, he nodded not sure where she was going with this “Well, you’re aware of my oath to Dumbledore” Draco nodded still not sure where it was going “It’s only for students, not professors… well those two weeks of detention Snape was helping me train with my weapons and teaching me wand magic.”
A smile spread across Draco’s face, “That’s great Sadie.”
He was still getting used to call her Sadie around school and Saturn in their private time.

“I won’t be at school for the holidays; I’ll be leaving tomorrow with my father. I wish I could bring you to my house, to meet my mother. She’d like you, I think. Deep down.” Draco ushered shyly, a tint of blush on his cheeks, Saturn laughed softly at his changed behaviour.
“I don’t think you could protect me from your father, but thank you for the offer Drake. I need to go see Dumbledore, save me a seat for dinner?” She asked kissing his cheek softly, he nodded watching her go.
Thinking he couldn’t risk asking her to be his girlfriend as much as his heart yearned for it, he couldn’t risk Voldemort or his father knowing her existence; soon she’ll be just some girl from school.

He muttered the counter-curse for the silent spell and gathered his books.
“Malfoy” he heard a voice hiss, he looked up glared “Wesley” he spat at the lanky red-head
“Why are you hanging around Sadie so much? She doesn’t need gits like you around her”
“Jealous, are we?” he smirked, standing up with his bag strapped tightly to one side, he took a step towards the boy “You don’t know what she needs” he growled so low he sounded lethal before walking out of the library.

“How are things with you and Malfoy?” Snape asked curiously, Saturn had gotten used to him always being at the meetings with Dumbledore, “Better.” Was all she said, she wouldn’t hint her feelings had grown for the boy that she had yearned for him to always be around him she hadn’t felt this feeling before and it confused her.
“Rumours are going around that you’re in a relationship together?” Snape pressed.
Saturn laughed, “We’re strictly friends, Snape.”
“Can I leave now, Dumbledore?” the old man nodded and watched the girl leave his office.

“Professor Snape, you shouldn’t be so pressed with your questions on the girl” Dumbledore said.
“I know but if Lucius finds out about her, if she is anything more than friends with Draco I think it’ll get back to the dark lord and he’ll want her to himself.” Snape explained.
“I understand you’re worry, but I also worry myself that with you it ruins deeper than that”
Snape shot Dumbledore a glare, “She’s my student Albus, and it’s in my duty to protect her.”
“Such a change of heart for one girl, Severus; you may go now.” Dumbledore dismissed the man with a teasing smile on his lips as watched him leave with a dark scowl.

Saturn pushed through the doors to the hall, she knew she was a little late for dinner but she was ravish and lost her way towards the dungeons and wanted to wear something a little different for dinner under her robes.
A smile found her face when her eyes landed on Draco, He shot her a smile back and shifted to his right to let her sit by his left
“Did you do something different to your hair?” he whispered softly, a giggle left her lips.
She didn’t have time to wonder why he brought out this side of her, no one had since… her thoughts got interrupted by Dumbledore starting his end of term speech.

Saturn droned out most of the speech but the end caught her attention “Now students, I wish to warn you again no using magic out of school. I wish to see all your happy faces back here for another outstanding term!”
“Sadie, I was hoping to have a word with you” Harry said once dinner was finished, she sighed and watched her back as Draco was eying off harry
“Okay, the grounds? I feel stuffy in here” Harry nodded and led the way.

“Where are you staying for the break?” he asked,
“I’m not sure yet, I won’t stay with Draco because of his father and Voldemort. Maybe I’ll stay at the Order if Dumbledore lets me; I could catch up on study with Snape…” Saturn said light-heartedly.
“Would you like to stay that the Burrow with Ron and I? You could meet the Wesley’s and fit right in.”
Saturn was surprised by his offer, “I’ll think about it and send a letter to you when I make up my mind?” she asked softly.
Harry nodded and squeezed her arm “I just don’t want you hanging around Malfoy for too long” She nodded and muttered “Goodnight Harry” before leaving him alone in the grounds.

“What did Potter want?” Draco asked as Saturn turned towards the entrance of the Slytherin common-room.
“To wish me luck with my travels, warn me from you and to invite me to the burrow.” Saturn explained before walking past him and into the common-room.
“You won’t will you, stay with them?” Draco asked when they were both sitting in-front of the fire when the common-room was empty.
“I don’t know yet, Drake. I might… I need as much help as I can get, I need to blend in.”
“You’re a Slytherin mixing in with a blood-traitor family won’t be mixing in… if you want to mix in stay the break with me” Draco ran a hand through his hair, it was un-gelled.
“I can’t risk it, Drake. You know that” Saturn placed her hand over his “I’ll keep in contact with you, through this” she moved his hand over to see his palm and stroked the mark only she could see.

Saturn yawned and lent back and stretched “I think I need to go to bed now.” She muttered rising to her feet, “Goodnight Sadie.” Draco kissed her cheek before retiring to his dorm.