My Wiccan Life Story

My Wiccan Life Story

Let me just start by saying that since I was young, I was Catholic. I had been baptised, recieved communion, confirmation, went to Catholic private school, and was even an alter server. I was a devoted Catholic and knew alot about the Bible and faith. I even went to church on Sundays.
Then in middle school, I started to think more about my faith. In religion class we had talked about letter of the law (doing something because you feel you have to) and spirit of the law (doing something because you want to). I started to realize that certain things I did because I felt I had to instead of just wanting to. I also realized how worried I always was about doing something wrong and going to Hell or something. In my personal opinion, it just seemed wrong to have just a single divine being to oversee everything, like having a single answer to every question that can be asked. I kept this to myself, wanted to decide for myself.
It was around this time that I started to look into other faiths of spirituality. I researched every faith that seemed interesting but I found nothing that satisfied my beliefs. I'll admit that at this point in my life, I was exploring my own spirituality and things of the paranormal. I even believed in faeries at the time.
Then I started to think about the the Druids and Celtics of Ireland since I am very close with my Irish heritage. I had heard that they were healers and worshipped nature.
I came across Wicca. Something about it just clicked with me, like I had been meant to be part of this religion. I usually tell people who ask why I chose it that it was almost like it chose me. Every principal and belief just seemed to fit with everything I've believed in my whole life. It's hard to explain but it was almost like finding another part of me that I hadn't known was missing, even if it does sound clichéd.
I began calling myself Wiccan as I researched more and gave myself my religious, Lyra BloodWolf. (For those who don't know, when one is dedicated to praticing Wicca, you take on a name that suits you and will be recognized by that name by other Wiccans.) Telling my parents at first was actually a bit stressfull, my mom and dad being Chatholic and all, but once I explained to them fully about Wicca and dispelled the many negative things created by the media, they excepted my choice.
It would be foolish to say I haven't faced descrimination. In fact, someone in my school once tried to have me expelled, claiming I was mentaly ill and was a danger to others around me. When I was finally able to talk to this person, I found out that they were actually Catholic. They proceded to preach to me that I had chosen a "sinful path" and that I followed the Devil. And though this persons views of me angered and insulted me, I listened to what they had to say.
Once they had finished telling me their view, I explained to this person that I had once been Catholic and how devoted I had once been, which of course shocked them. I told them that my religion taught only good things and had no Devil involved, that I did not believe the Devil existed. I explained that I respected other's faiths and beliefs and would never think of harming someone in anyway, that I wanted the same respect I gave others despite our religious differences. Of course this person does not speak to me, but they at least respect me as a person. I've also had people say that I only chose to be Wiccan to get attention and to be different and weird. I always explain that I didn't choose Wicca to gain attention, I chose it because it felt right to me, just like others choose another religion because it felt right to them.
Wicca is indeed part of my life and always will be. I am Celtic Wiccan and proud that I found my religious identity. My point is not to preach about Wicca and get people to join, in fact I think it's wrong to preach about religion. Everyone finds their own path, sometimes it just takes awhile. In my opinion, what we name our beliefs is not important but how it benefits us is.
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I haven't posted anything in awhile. Sorry about that >.< My laptop kind of went rogue on me and lost every file including my stories. Once I recover everything I will start post stories once again and continue on the ones I have up already. Hopefully it wont take too long.