Status: finnished


Wall of Rain

Rain is like a wall, it surrounds and encloses.
The only difference between a wall and the rain is that rain will drive you mad. Constantly falling and slamming on the ground. A familiar sound to everyone. I'm trapped inside this room with walls of rain. Reality. How unreal it seems. And the other people trapped in it with me don't notice. Maybe because they're a part of reality. Which makes them unreal. I'm the only one that realizes I'm trapped. I'm the only one that's real.

I stared at my blank piece of notebook paper, looked at the clock, and began to panic. I inspect the class I'm in. I don't know what were suppose to be doing and there's only twenty minutes left. I don't even know what class I'm in. I tried to recognize the faces, but they look like everyone Else in every other class room. The teacher doesn't ring any bells either. Confused I reviewed the board.

"Paragraph on your hobby"

By paragraph it means eight sentences. I got started on it, thinking intensely about my hobbies. Which is very hard to do if you don't have any in the first place. Well what do I do in my spare time? All I do is, well, nothing. All I really do is stare into space. Should I write about that? I can only think of one sentence for that. I started to panic and looked up at the clock. When I did I saw my teacher right in front of me. I noticed that everyone was gone and the hall ways were chaos.

I stared at her, then I dropped my head to my paper. Not wanting to explain, I handed it to her, thereby making it seem like it was on the other side, then speed-walked out of the room.

This happens all the time. My teachers probably think I'm a slacker, but I try extremely hard. I just can't connect to what I'm supposed to do. It's like being in a dream; I end up places and have a feeling I'm supposed to be doing something.

"Lance!" a girl called out. I kept walking, letting her catch up to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Part of the end got cut off