Status: finnished


The Painting

Time goes by so quickly now. It's like everyone is in fast forward and I'm moving at a normal pace. People are colorful blurs. They rotate past me, never to touch. It's like I have an invisible force field around me. The walls and floors are asylum white. This place is for insane people.
We never go outside. For seven hours we never go outside. Was this the first time I really realized this? It suddenly struck me. The idea makes me begin to go insane, but I push it out. The only time we see the outside is through a window. My chest caved in making my heart sink. How can they control us like this?


I paid attention in class today. The teacher was talking about distopias. A Utopia gone wrong. A Utopia is a perfect society, so guess what a distopia is. School. They have a person or a group of people in complete control, making everyone appear the same, tight security, and propaganda. We have all of that. The princable pretends to treat us differently, but I'm not blind. It's just a show to keep us going. The cameras are watching us everywhere. Down the hall, in class rooms, and probably in the restrooms. Teachers around every corner keeping guard like Nazis. That's what this school is, Nazi Germany. Am I overreacting? No! It's true! Our princable is Hitler! Brainwashing the sense out of us then trying to make us show pride in it! Am I the only one that realizes whats happening?

Everyone was in the hall again. I walked out, not worrying about the time. Everyone was faster again. I wondered through the frenzy to my locker. Once I got my stuff and looked up to leave I realized that the hall was completely empty. How long ago did this-


The high pitched bell pinched my ears. My class room is on the other side of school. I slowly continued on. The chilled air bounded off the walls and onto my bare skin like a mean kid wanting to play with you just so he could hurt you. I needed a jacket.
I was half way to the classroom, where the courtyards were, and I saw Angie yearningly staring out of the window. It was like she could sense what I could sense. About the always being inside. Could other people understand what I do? Maybe I should ask her sometime...
I watched her. Never getting tired of her lonely owl-like eyes. The ones that said so much. This would be an amazing painting. I wish she could see her self now. Paint her self. Maybe I'll have to do that.

(After school)

I concentrated with every stroke of my brush. This must be perfect. Absolutely perfect. Just thinking about the reaction she would give, and the thankful look in her eyes. Perfect. perfect. perfect.

I woke up passed out in my paints. Did I ever even finish the painting? I rubbed my eyes and sat up. There it was. Perfect. Angie staring out of the school window. I showed a little inside, which was a few gray people without faces. Out side was beautiful. It was suppose to be like her painting with the greenery. Vines crawled up the brick wall and overgrown bushes. I made her eyes a dark green to stand out against everything else.

How was I going to give it to her? I couldn't bring it to school, it would get ruined and it wouldn't fit in my locker. It would be weird to walk around with this painting. What if she wasn't even at school?

She wasn't. Not the day after that or the day after that. A week passed. Two weeks passed. No Angie. I was getting tired of having the painting in my empty room. School got worst. Everything begun to get slower. The days turned into weeks. I was so tired but I couldn't sleep.
I decided to go by her house.