Status: On hiatus unfortunately! :( If you have any ideas and/or would like to be added as a co-author you can PM me.

Fill Your Heart

We Can Be Heros, Just For One Day

I stared out the window of the cafe as my mother spoke of her trip to Paris, the same trip that she abandoned me to go on. I knew we'd probably be here for a while since she was there for two years before she finally 'missed me', I knew it was a huge lie. She didn't miss me, what really happened is her french boyfriend kicked her out and she knew that I was on my feet. I had a job at the bookstore down the block, I was still trying to get work as a photographer because I got kicked out of boarding school, and a two bedroom apartment. She also knew that Jane had moved out so I now have an empty bedroom.

This was so typical, she's been pulling this shit since I was ten years old. She was always in and out of my life, even when she was around I was the responsible one. When she left for Paris with Jacob she had no problem leaving her thirteen year old to take care of herself. I sighed as she continued to tell me about the Eifel Tower and the millions of clothes she had bought while I had been WALKING across the London Bridge to work.

"Anyway, one weekend while me and Jacob were at the--

"Mom, I need to get back to work." I cut into her story as I slide out of the booth.

"But Emily, I am not finished!" She whines, I shrug.

"Sorry Mom, I've got to get back to work!"

She picks at her fingernails, "Can I walk back with you?"

"I guess if you want to."

I throw my messenger bag over my shoulder, she follows me out the door. When we get outside she continues her neverending talk of Paris, I wanted to slap her so fucking bad it was unreal. I shove my hands in pocket as I push the thought ot of my mind. No matter how much I hated her right now she was still my mother.

So I walked with my head down, trying very hard not to listen to her. My brownish-red curls spilled in my face. I look up at her when she taps my shoulder.

"Do you still want to be a photographer?" My mother asked, finally showing some interest in something besides herself as we entered the bookstore.

"Yeah of course." I walk behind the counter and put my bag on the floor.

She smiles "Maybe, just maybe, I can find you something to do..."

"Really? How?" I scrunch up my nose

"Well, I've got this friend who works for Rolling Stone who maybe could get you a job taking pictures, and maybe even touring with the musicians." She smiles hopefully, I knew deep inside my heart that she wanted to help me. Even if it was for her own selfish reasons.

"Oh my God! That sounds amazing!" I gush before biting my lip as I looked across the bookstore, noting that we had a few people strolling through the store.

She smiles "Okay, um, why don't I come get you this afternoon. You have your camer so we'll go see her?"

I sigh "Yeah that sounds great! I get off at four."

I watch her as she turns around and walks off. This really was an amazing oppurtunity, I tried not to get to excited about it because it's not guaranteed that I've got the job.

----------------------------------------------FF Four Hours--------------------------------------------->

I sat on the bench with my legs crossed and my eyes fixed on the book I was reading, I wasn't even sure what it was I just picked it up on my way out the door. It was about dragons and elves, they were in a battle against the goblins for the magic guantlet or something like that. The book was really quite stupid but I was so bored I didn't even care. My mother was thirty minutes late, for me that meant she's not coming. Figures.

I feel someone sit beside me and I look up to see nothing but fiery red hair. He wore tight red pants and a bright colored shirt, I look back down at my book, I didn't want to let on that I had recognized who he was.

I keep pretending to be oblivious until I feel someones eyes on me. I look up into the most beautiful and unique eyes I've ever seen. One was an ice blue and the other a light green, I smile politely still staring into his eyes. Out of all the pictures I've seen of him I can't believe I didn't realize the extreme difference in his eyes. He flashes me a friendly smile.

"What'cha reading?" He asked cheerfully

I giggle "I don't even know!"

He chuckles "Than why are you reading it?"

I sigh "Well, I was waiting on my mom. I didn't think I would read this much of it."

I noticed that even though he seemed outgoing but his eyes showed something different, they showed vulnerability and shyness. I smiled as we just stared at each other for a moment. I felt a blush rise onto my cheeks and I look away, I see that his cheeks are pink too.

"My name's David." He says, sounding a little shyer now than he had earlier.

"I'm Emily." We don't shake hands like you usually do when you first meet people, their was something different about us. Something deeper.

"So, Miss Emily how old are you? Nineteen? Twenty?"

I blushed, I knew that this was going to ruin it for him, it always did when I told a guy how old I was. I didn't want to be with guys my own age because they were totally immature, but most guys who were older than me didn't want to be with a girl who was only fifteen.

"You're wrong." I say simply.

"Um...Fifteen maybe?"

I smile "You're painfully close!"

"Oh my goodness! You can't be fourteen!"

I smile "Sorry."

He smiles, I still couldn't believe how different he looked with the make up and all. He was actually cute, I always thought he looked like an alien.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look up to see my mother standing over me with an eyebrow raised. I sigh, my smile drops from my lips. Leave it to my mom to choose this moment to show up.

"Hey Mom." I mumble looking back at David who stares back at me, the look in his eyes was strange...It was almost...Protective. This was such a weird moment.

"Hello Emily, are you ready to go?"

I smile weakly at David "Yeah I guess so, just give me one second."

I pulled out my camera and took a picture of David quickly, he didn't even know I was taking it until the camera flashed. It was perfect, his sharp features already looked like a drawing so the picture would hopefully capture that perfection.

David looks at me shocked "What was that?"

I smile "I took a picture of you."


I smile "Because I wanted to."

My mother rolls her eyes "Emily we don't have all day!"

I put my book and my camera back in my bag. I stand up with a sigh "I'll see you around David."

He smiles up at me "I'll meet you here tomorrow, at say noon? We can go get some lunch." We both blushed at his straight forwardness vs my simple 'see you around'

"Okay." I smile at him one last time before following my mother down the street, I glanced back at him every once in a while until we turned the corner. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.
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