Status: On hiatus unfortunately! :( If you have any ideas and/or would like to be added as a co-author you can PM me.

Fill Your Heart

Don't Let Me Hear You Say Life's Taking You Nowhere

His fingers ran over my arm softly as we sat on the edge of the bridge under the silver stars, why did something so forbidden feel so simple?

“You’re mum thinks you’re at work right?” He asked softly before his lips softly graze mine. Not quite a kiss, but it was close enough to send shivers down my spine. I nodded in response, I couldn’t speak. I felt like if I said anything this moment may disappear as if it never happened at all. It wouldn’t be long until we would both have to leave but that didn’t stop us from going farther and farther into our secret love. I didn’t know if I really loved him or if the thought was just so thrilling.

He kisses me for real this time, it was so deep and passion filled. I was sure it was finally going to happen, he was finally going to do exactly what I wanted him to. My hands trail down his chest but he stops me before I could get to my destination, how often does a guy hold out on a girl?

“David, please!” I tried to make my voice sound as desperate as I felt. He just shakes his head, “You’re in too big of a hurry. You don’t want to give up your sweet, beautiful innocence to just anyone. Especially not someone like me, I’ll only hurt you.”

“But you’ll be leaving soon, and I will too!” Tears began welling up in my eyes. This has been going on for six months, from the very first date we ever went on we were together. Like I said before, I don’t know if I loved him but I wanted to be with him.

I rested my head on the rail beside me and sigh, looking down at the water below us. I was leaving in two day, he was leaving tomorrow. This was the last time we would get to see each other for a long time. The last thing he said to me before I walked home was that he loved me, I couldn’t say anything back.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~One Year later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I’m returning to London for two days, mostly because I’ve been invited to a silly Halloween party. I suppose I don’t have to go to it but I want to see you again. I haven’t seen you in almost two years. I bet you’ve grown so much, so very much. It makes me sad to think of all the time we’ve spent apart. I can’t wait to see you again.
P.S. I love you

On a separate sheet of paper he had scribbled down the address of the Halloween party he wanted me to go to with him. It worked out great because it was very ritzy and I was supposed to take a few pictures there anyway. I won’t tell you how excited I got when the letter came in the mail more than a year after me and David spent those special two hours on the bridge. It was now 1974, I had turned seventeen a couple days before David wrote me the letter. There had been letters before that; they were the only way we could communicate with both of us traveling all the time.

My heart pounded when I thought of how much we both must have changed, when I thought of all the women on the road he was with while I waited for him. Did he even know I’ve been waiting on him? No, he didn’t. But I was anyway, I’d only dated one other guy and we were only ‘together’ for a week.
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I know it's short but at least I've written something right?