We Were Meant to Be. I Know We Were

Chapter 17

Electra's P.O.V.

Our friendship group seems to be causing controversy left, right and center today. Everyone noticed Sophie and Amber getting all lovey-dovey all over the goddamn place, holding hands and stuff. I think they were too busy going all gooey-eyed at each other to notice the entire corridors and classrooms go silent as they walked past. You can't really blame people though, there's not really any openly gay couples in school, until now of course. Speaking of gay couples, reminds me of my plan to get Chris and Mikey back together. Although I say plan, I mean plan to make a plan. It's harder than it looks. But back to the controversy that's actually happening right this second. Sophie and Amber, and Gerard and I apparently. Everyone was whispering about us as we were walking around. I didn't realise it would be such a big deal I was dating a senior but apparently it does. I got envious looks from girls I'd never even spoken to before! And Lindsey openly glared at me when Gerard put his arm around me. I love it when he does that, I feel all warm and protected. He walked me to my lesson and I sat at the back with a grin on my face. Nothing could bring me down today. Or so I thought. I'd forgotten that my life wasn't so simple and this was art class with a certain guitarist I'd rather forget. Apparently, I'm not allowed that luxury and Frank sat down beside me, and it looks like he wants to talk...

Mikey's P.O.V.

I hate Thursday mornings. It means I'm alone in games. Alone I tell you! Well, except for Chris but today, that's not really a comfort if I'm perfectly honest. He just sets me completely on edge. If I’m honest, it’s just unnerving having him stare at me all the time. It used to be flattering and all but now I don’t know how to take it. Half of me just wants to forgive him but the other half wants to rip him to shreds. I’ve never been a violent person but I sure as hell would make an exception for him. I got looks from most of the people I’m in games with. Clearly they had heard about Chris’ outburst from the day before.
Apparently, nothing stays secret in this school for long and it seems like it's our turn in the limelight. I sighed. I hate being center of attention and I have a feeling Chris did this on purpose. Wandering into the changing rooms after games, I knew I should have waited before coming in. The jocks jeered at me and I swore under my breath. I was in trouble now.They surrounded me, one of them right in my face, but before any of them had a chance to do anything, Chris showed up.
Chris pulled the jock back by his collar and shoved him away.
"Leave him alone." he said lowly and I sat there, my mouth agape. He'd never been openly protective before. He sighed shakily before turning to me.
"Sorry Mikes, I couldn't let them hurt you." He explained awkwardly, I was still too shocked to say anything. "I know this sounds cheesy, and I know its too little too late but... We were meant to be, I know we were. And I screwed that up." I couldn't help it, he just looked so broken and adorable, I just sort of automatically leaned over and the next thing I know I'm kissing him and it's just like it used to be and I fit perfectly in his arms and the world is spinning.
"What?!" Chris exclaimed shocked.
"We were meant to be, I know we were," I parroted his words from earlier back at him, before leaning in to kiss him again.