Status: Still thinking... Not sure if I'll write anything

Love Without Borders


Name: Elle Graham
Age: 30
Personality: Hard working, down to earth, and compassionate. 
Career: Emergency Doctor/ Volunteer at Doctors Without Borders-Vietnam

Name: Bradley Cooper
Age: 30
Personality: Charming, Outgoing, and Self-Confident
Career: Actor

"Bus crash on East 42nd, 20 injured." The sweaty emergency medic was rushing and quickly unloading all of the injured victims and directing the other EMs where to take them. 

I was just finishing a 16 hour shift at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, New York when a load of patients were coming in. 
"BP's dropping fast on this guy. We need to stabilize him quick." 
I quickly ran and was telling the nurses to get him an IV bag stat. The adrenaline was pumping and my head was telling what to do. After an hour of emergency treatments and another half and hour of cleaning up, I was able to take a break in the cafeteria. The unflattering fluorescent lights and the sterilized smell of the hospital over filled my senses. I sat back on a simple blue plastic and metal chair with a cup of cherry Jell-O in my hands. I just sat there looking at the nearly empty cafeteria, my mind refusing to reflect on the day. 
A petite woman with blonde hair, wearing pastel blue scrubs making her way to me. "Hey, Fischler wants to talk to you." 
I threw my plastic cup into a trash can and made my way inside an elevator and pressed the button to the 23rd floor multiple times. 
I walked passed a secretary and straight into Fischler's office and sat down in one of the comfy leather seats infront of his desk. 
"Hello, Elle. I have some bad news. You're fired."
I sat there incomprehensive of the news just told to me. And yet the only thing that I could spit out of my mind was, "What?"
"Due to recent budget cuts we're unable to keep the number of employees. I'm sorry."
I walked out and ran out of the hospital and out on to the streets. I stood there for moments and just watched the city move on by. What was I was going to do? How was I going to pay my bills? 
♠ ♠ ♠
:) sorry for this long intro I promise I'll this story up and running soon!