Status: Done!

Walking Away

Brian walks away from a relationship he can't deal with straight into the arms of his best friend. Zacky is ready for the family that Brian brings with him, three year old Emily Lane. The love they share is grand but will Brian regret walking away from Michelle?
  1. Take the Brat and Leave.
    Brian and Michelle are over.
  2. It's You.
    Brian thought it would be a fight to keep Emily, but Michelle doesn't have that sort of backbone.
  3. Uncie Zacky Take Me!
    Emily is the factor that makes them the family Brian wants.
  4. Go Ahead and Jump In.
    Zacky and Brian have to make their stand.
  5. My Kid Has a Mommy.
    Zacky puts himself into Emily's life, much to Brian's joy and Michelle's dismay.
  6. I Don't Want You to Get Hurt
    Everyone knows Zack is a good parent, he just has to prove it to the judge.
  7. I Kiss Uncle Zacky.
    Brian nurses his family back to health and tries to explain what he and Zack are.
  8. Wide Awake And Curious
    Emily's starting to ask questions.
  9. The End.
    Brian shows Zacky how much he really loves him.