Status: if you want go ahead and laugh god knows we do

The beatings that made me me.


Normal days that normal kids have: go to school see friends have fun. me go to school do what i can not to go home. what;s home you may ask home is metal wires and dodging lamps and trying to survive to see the day that witch and her partner pays. so lets just jump right in BD(mom) was out during her normal thing leaving the kids alone to fend for ourselves and try to make it through the night. D(older sister) was laying in the top bunk trying to do homework, T(older sister but younger then D) was just a baby then and was crying. B(dad) comes barging into D's room and just punches her and tries to wail on her. D not taking his crap turns and kicks him in the mouth and yells "don't you f***ing touch me!" B backs off and walks away frightened of the young girl.
ok all that above probably didnt make sense till you get this back story so BD the mother is crazy shes a horrible person whose made the lives of the people horrible shes bipolar and she belongs in a ward with a hug me jacket. she a ho and cruel and the father B is greatly overwhelmed and took his anger out on D because D is BD"s namesake but she is not her mother. now back to the story.
day after day beating after beating the girls walk through the door one day and say hi mom next thing you know DD(oldest sister) gets yelled at by mom and it getting chased by mom to get hit D yells take the beating take the beating its not worth it take the beating! DD refuses and runs and runs and gets beat ten times worse. she gets hit with a lamp across the head a chair to the back and gets punches and gets a goo solid black eye. after that beating D takes DD back to there room and says your face was so funny and mimicks her sounds and her faces and they both end up laughing so hard they cry.
them being so loud upset mom and she came barreling in with 3 leater belts brand new ones to. she made them hold on to the bed she whipped D with the hard cold leather and hard ice cold metal so much and so hard she dreamed she was playing in the snow as her older sister watched thid her heart fell to a bottomless pit because she could do nothing. then DD got whipped be moved her butt side to side to soften the blow this only made mom madder and her beating lasted an hour. again afterward Dmade them laugh it off and go to bed. later in time the beatings got worse and turned into burnings and wire whips.
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yeah so this 1syt really happened all im telling in her is the truth so if u find it dunny laigh if you got ?s ask ill answer and ill deff write more if you like it