A Rape Story... And Billie

A Rape Story...and Billie chapter 12

I got up from my bed when the alarm clock was ringing. I got dressed and walked to school. I had dark rings around my eyes, I had gotten no sleep last night. I was waering my old torn up jeans and my black Avenged Sevenfold shirt.
When I walked to the school doors everyone started to stare at me. "Ellie, are you okay?" a teacher said as she looked puzzled. "You and Billie just don't look right." I just turned around and walked away. Who was she to think that I've ever been okay, and now to say that I didn't look right? I've looked this way for a long time, its just that no one noticed.
Billies P.O.V.
"Mike, why does she hate me so much now?" Billie asked Mike."Billie, maybe you shouldn't have taken advice from anyone.. I mean you've touched her. I would be mad too." Mike said staring at the floor. "What do you know Mike, you've never even had a girlfriend! Oops, I'm sorry Mike I didn't mean it." Billie said shocked that he said such a thing.
"Its okay Billie ...I think I'm gonna go, see ya later" Mike said."Bye Mike" Billie said.Well, I think that if I appologize to her she might forgive me.
I started to walk towards Ellie and saw her face. She had really dark eyes. I couldn't do it. I can't face her like this. I'll appologize to her later, when she looks a little better.
Ellies P.O.V.
Damnitt!, where did I put my books ... oh there they are. I looked over to my left and saw Billie. I felt my knees go out. I fell to the ground without making a noise. Everyone just passed without glancing at me. I got myself back up and got my books. I walked to class avoidind everyone when they came near me.
The teacher started talking and I starting doodling. After awhile I looked at what I was drawing.I must have been thinking about him ..... I drew Billies eyes, no one can mistake his eyes for someone elses. His eyes, so dark and misterious, then again, so light and fragile ... Then it hit me. I had fallen for him, the guy who raped me, I fell for, but I don't think I'll forgive him ... although my heart tells me to. Something will happen, in time I'll know for sure.