A Rape Story... And Billie

A Rape Story...and Billie chapter 2

I walked into the school and Bam!!. I was already on the floor, I found Billie...actually he had found me.
"Hi Ellie, hows your day going?" He said happily as he looked down at me. I knew he was being sarcastic so I decided to be sarcastic back at him.
" I'm doing just great Billie willie, thank you for asking me!" I shouldn't have said that... he kicked me...hard. I went into fetal position. He just stood there grinning happily.

I looked up in pain and his hand was reached out. Was he trieng to help me up? I guess he was... I took his hand and he helped me up. Then as soon as I was up he rammed me into the locker as hard as he could. My head hit the locker and there was a really loud bang. My head was aching soo badly. Then he pinned me to it. I couldn't even see if my head was bleeding.

"Billie, a teacher is coming."
"Shit!," He started to move back as the teacher came closer.
"Mr. Armstrong, Ellie, arent you two suposed to be in your second hour classes?"
"Ummm yes, but Ellie had to go to the office. I was bringing her to the office."
" Oh ok bring her to the office and Ellie, I'll have Mr. Armstrong bring you your homework later."

Billie walked me to the office and then I walked home because my mom was at work and wouldn't be home until midnight. I went into the bathroom and looked at my head. There was no blood surprisingly. I sat down and watched tv. My couch was like a best friend. My couch was there when I needed it. I could probably even talk to it.... but I'm not that crazy..I'm pretty sure on that! Then again, I could have some brain damage from todays run-in with Billlie and the locker. I have a couple bruises where he touched me. About anything he touched he hurt.