A Rape Story... And Billie

A Rape Story...and Billie chapter 4

I ran to my locker and put the books I wasn't going to use into my locker and ran to my first hour class.
"Ellie, you have decided to join us the same day that Mr. Armstrong has... what a coincidence! Ellie, sit down next to Mike, don't talk our class has finally calmed down."
" Yes ma'am." I sat down next to Mike and he smiled at me.
" Hi Ellie, how are you?"
" I'm doing okay, how are you?"
" I'm good, why haven't you ever been in this class for like this whole quarter?"
"Oh...ummm..... I've been just really occupied."
"Okay Ellie, so hows your mom doing?"
"She's doing great, she got that job interviewing people."
" Oh, cool! I wish that I could get a good job, I'm stuck working at Starbucks, then again I get all the free coffee that I want!"
The teacher interrupted, "Mr. Prichard! Will you stop flirting with Ms. Nash!"
" Oh umm sorry."

After first hour class I walked to my locker with Mike, he had the locker right next to mine, then there was Tre's locker, and then there was Billie's. On the other side of me was my friend Matt.
"Hey Ellie, how did you get that dent in your locker?Matt asked.
"Oh, I think that someone hit it.
"Oh, okay. Hey Ellie, I was wondering, do you want to hang out after school?"
" No thanks Matt."
" Okay, well if you change your mind, you know where I'll be at."
"Okay Matt".

"Look out!" Someone screamed out.
Thunk... "owwwwww, what the fuck!? Where did this football come from!"
" Oops", Billie walked over and helped me up. "Sorry Ellie, I didn't see you there."
I looked around, of course, theres a teacher around. I got up and walked away.I went to all of my classes that day. I walked to my locker at 3:15. Billie was standing there waiting for me.
"Shit! What the fuck do you want!" I yelled
" Ellie," Billie said calmingly I would watch my language if I was you."
" Well your not me so go fuck yourself!." I got my stuff and walked out of the school.

I walked home quickly making sure that Billie wasn't following me. If he folowed me then he would be following me for revenge. I really don't need anymore bruises for awhile. I really dont need anymore bruises period! Well, I jinxed it, Billie found me.. and he looked pissed! He grabbed my arm and threw me to the ground. He kicked me in the ribbs and he waited to see my reaction. I layed there holding my ribbs. I started feeling pain all over my body. I couldn't move, my body ached soo bad that I couldn't move. Wham! He kicked me again. Tears started rolling down my face, all I could do is take the pain that he was inforcing... More and more tears rolled down my face. I couldn't take it, I passed out.