A Rape Story... And Billie

A Rape Story...and Billie chapter 5

I woke up and looked around, It was black as hell. I looked aroung again and figured that it was about maybe 8:00 o'clock. I got up slowly because my body still ached. I walked home as slowly as I could possibly go. I wonder what I can do to get rid of this pain. I was right outside of Billie's house. I heard screaming.

"I don't want her to know! She wouldn't care!"
" Billie, yes she would!"
" No, she wouldn't, she hates me!"
" Billie, its your fault! Your the one that did it to her! You beat her up almost every day, it's not hard to figure out why she doesn't like you!"
" Mike, will you stay out of it! I will get her to like me one way or another!"

I walked away confused as hell. He couldn't have wanted me to like him. Mike was right, I hated him! I would never like him, unless there was a miracle! I walked into my house and my mom was home.
" Where have you been! I was soo woried about you! She ran over to me and looked at my face. You look like you went to hell!"
" I was in hell, I'm going to bed, night."

I walked to my bedroom and passed out again. I dreamed about Billie today, then I woke up. I walked to the bathroom. I turned on the light and closed the door. I lifted up my shirt... I had bruised ribbs. I started taking the rest of my clothes off. I walked past the mirror and something had caught my eye. I had marks going up my legs. "What the fuck did he do! I was just guessing but........did he rape me?"