Status: inprogress

Baby, Maybe Someday.

Too Much

Dean went through the nearest entrance he could find, unsure if it was the right one or not. When he asked a nurse about Lucy she directed him to the maternity ward. It felt completely surreal to go up to the nurse there and ask for her, and then be told to follow her to Lucy’s room. Dean had been hoping that it was all a weird dream, but when he went into the room after the nurse he didn’t doubt it was reality.

There she was. Shit.

“She should be awake soon. It was rough on her.”

“Thanks.” Dean whispered, standing next to the chair at the foot of Lucy’s bed.

The nurse left, and Dean stared at the woman on the bed. In the nine or so months since he’d last seen Lucy she’d changed noticeably. There was definitely some more weight on her, but that was to be expected from pregnancy. Dean couldn’t help thinking that slightly more rounded cheeks looked pretty on her, even with her dark brown hair sweaty and stuck to her forehead and her face splotchy red with exhaustion.

Dean finally sat down, letting his eyes shut for a few moments. Then he had to blink rapidly to stay awake, the long drive finally taking its toll. He was determined to stay awake until he could talk to Lucy, but it was getting harder by the second. If she didn’t wake up soon Dean was sure the dull sounds of the hospital would put him to sleep. Even with the splitting headache that he could feel developing.


Her dry voice made him twitch awake, sitting up straighter and rubbing his eyes. Lucy was propped up in the bed now, her hair still a mess and her eyes widening in horror. Dean stood up and crossed his arms, forgetting how happy he was to see her in light of all the anger and the bit of betrayal he was feeling.

“What the hell, Lucy?” he said, feeling that was enough for her to get the gist.

The woman on the bed shut her eyes. “I wasn’t going to tell you. I’m so sorry.”

“What?” Dean gaped at her. “You’re joking, right? You weren’t even going to tell me that you were having a kid?”

“You know where I was coming from!” insisted Lucy, opening her eyes again just to narrow them at Dean. “After everything you told me I wasn’t going to dump this on you. I was going to do it myself.”

“We can argue about this later. Just explain to me…how this happened.” Dean groaned and sat back down, rubbing his throbbing head.

“I found out after you left. I thought about it for weeks, but I finally decided I wouldn’t call you. It was hard, but I knew it was right. I only had them call you now because things changed.”

Dean started to pace, his blood pumping faster, the seriousness of his situation was beginning to set in. “This is a lot for me to handle right now, Lucy. You know what I do, why it’s impossible for me to have a normal life. Everything is going to complete shit and this is just the cherry on top!”

“Which is why I wasn’t even going to tell you. But like I said, things are different now. I think something wants to hurt me. Maybe hurt the baby.”

When she said that last word Dean definitely felt like he was going to pass out, prompting him to sit back down in the chair. He wasn’t sure if it would have been any easier to deal with if Lucy told him months before. Maybe it would have been, but that didn’t matter. He was still a dad, and he was in no way prepared for it.

“What’s trying to hurt you?” asked Dean, trying to think clearly for a few moments.

“I don’t know. That’s why I called. I’ve been waking up and feeling like there’s something watching me, and I’ve been seeing things. Shadows that disappear as soon as I look at them. And these awful nightmares.” Lucy shuddered, crossing her arms over her chest.

Dean rubbed his eyes harshly. “Okay, I’ll look into it. I just…I think you can understand why this is blowing my mind, Luce.”

“I know. I know.” she pursed her lips briefly. “And you’ll probably never get just how sorry I am. This whole thing has changed every aspect of my life. I don’t really know what to do, especially now that something wants me and Cassie gone.”

If Dean hadn’t felt like he was on the verge of puking before, he definitely did now. “C-Cassie?”

“Yeah. Cassandra Joan Winchester.” Lucy looked wary of Dean’s reaction. “I didn’t know if I should give her your name or not, but I did. Are you mad?”

“Her?” Dean blinked so the room would stop spinning. “It’s a girl?”

Lucy nodded her head, a cautious smile hinting at her lips. “She looks like you. Her hair is dark like mine, though.”

“Please.” Dean groaned and blinked again and again. “Too much, Luce…Can I ask you a question without you getting really pissed at me?”

“I’m one hundred percent positive she’s yours, Dean.” Lucy rolled her eyes and smirked.

Dean chuckled, not with much humor involved. “I had to ask.”

Lucy shifted awkwardly in her bed. “Um, she’s in the nursery if you want to…” she trailed off.

Dean stood up and put his hands on his hips. “I’m gonna take a walk.”

She wasn’t sure if that meant he was going to the nursery or not, so Lucy watched him leave apprehensively. Maybe he wouldn’t be coming back.
♠ ♠ ♠
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