Status: Just started. might be slow at updating

No One Can Know

You gotta love them

"ANDYYYYY!!!" I squealed as I raced towards her.

She sidestepped at the last second and I ended up slamming into Ash's hard chest. I landed on the floor. Ash held out his hand and helped me up as I rubbed my butt.

"Ouchie.... I feel like I slammed into a brick wall..." I grumbled.

"Why thank you." Ash said grinning. I glared.

"That wasn't a complement...." I said, spinning around to face Andy, pouting. "How could you do that to me!" She shrugged, trying hard to hide her grin.

"Sorry." was all she said. I pouted and got a hug in return, making me grin widely. I grabbed her hands and jumped up and down.

"Guess what! Guess what!" I squealed. Andy just watched me, shaking her head.

"They finally found out what's wrong with you?! Ouch!" Matt said, rubbing his arm. "That was uncalled for Shay..." he said, brushing his blonde fringe out of his adorable hazel eyes.

I glared. "What you said was uncalled for! I have amazing news!" I said excitedly. Everyone rolled their eyes.

"No offense, Shay, but telling us that they're having a sale on frilly pink bras isn't amazing news..." Alex said, adjusting his thick rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and looking up at us from the floor. I pouted and Andy hugged me again.

"Be nice to her and let her finish." Andy scolded him. He sighed and put his book down.

"Okay, Shay, We're all ears." Matt said, sitting by Alex. I nodded my thanks and faced everyone.

"I made the cheer squad!!!" I squealed, jumping up and down

"Good job, Shay!" Andy said, smiling. Everyone congradulated me and we group hugged with me in the middle. We all sat round and talked about our weekends and other random topics.

"So, Shay, as we all know, it's Kyle's birthday this weekend and we need to do something totally awesome." Ash said.

"what? Why me?" I asked. Everyone looked at me as if i was stupid.
"Because you're the organized one!" They all said in unison. I sighed. "Fine...." I grumbled.

The bell rang, signaling it was time for the morning assembly. We all sighed and grabbed our backpacks.

We all sat together in the movie theator type seats, slumping down as if to hide from the teachers. I pulled my Hello Kitty backpack onto my lap and dug through it, taking out my iPod. The principle droaned on and on for an hour and a half before we were released to go to class.
I had first period, biology, with Alex, Ash, and Matt. Today we were going over the anatomy of a pig. It was cool to watch her point out each part of the inside of the pig.....until she said we'd be disecting them in a week....

My eyes widened in shock and i went ridged all over. Ash noticed this and pulled my stool closer to him with me still on it.

"What's up? You okay?" Ash whispered, looking worried. I shook my head.

"I don't really approve with the whole cutting a baby pig open to examine it's insides...." I whispered back. He wrapped an arm around me.

"It'll be alright, don't worry." He replied, leaning his head on my shoulder and closing his eyes.

"Yeah, Shay, don't worry! The pigs are already dead." Matt pointed out. Alex hit him. "Ouch! what'd I say?" he whisper-yelled at Alex.

"You're just making it worse!" Alex hissed. "stay out of it!"

Ash pulled me into his chest and stroked my hair. "Just ignore him..... he's an idiot...." Ash cooed. Matt growled but stayed quiet.

After that, I had literature with Alex and Kyle. Kyle was Ash's younger brother. He was a year younger then all of us. He came bouncing into the room, plopping intot he seat next to me.

"Hi Shay~!" he said in a sing-song voice, grinning happily. I giggled. "Excited for your birthday?" I asked. He nodded like a little kid and pulled out his notebook and thesorus.

Today we were studying poetry. I sighed and followed along, writing notes. After we did that we were supposed to discuss what topic we were going to write about for our shakepearian sonnet, instead, Alex, Kyle and I talked.

"So, Alex? Any luck with Matt yet?" Kyle asked, wagging his eyebrows, a goofy grin on his face. Alex blushed a dark shade of red and mumbled a quiet "No..."

I looked back and forth from Alex to Kyle. "Am I missing something??" I asked, shocked.

"Alex has it hot for Matt." Kyle teased, making Alex blushing so bad it creeped down his neck and to his ears. I hugged him.

"Aww, Kyle don't tease him...." I said, rubbing my cheek against his. Kyle pouted. "You don't hug me like that!" he whined. I tackled Kyle, knocking him out of his chair and onto the floor, and squeezed him, rubbing my cheek against his. He squealed and squirmed. "Ah! Okay! Okay! I give! I'm sorry I asked!" he gasped out. I grinned and got off him and quickly returned to my seat, pretending to write as the teacher came over and looked at Kyle, still on the floor, his hair a mess, his legs hanging over the edge of his tipped over chair, him laying on his back on the cold tile floor.

Mrs. Lindelle cleared her throat. "Mr. Johnson.... What is the issue?" she asked. Kyle scrambled to stand, fix his chair and sit down again. "N-nothing, Mrs. Lindelle. Everything is perfectly fine." he said meekly.

Alex and I tried to stifle our giggles. She glanced at us and we hid our grins as best we could.

"What about you Ms. Hollins? Mr. Clark?" she ased sternly.

"We're good, Mrs. Lindelle." Alex said in between quiet giggles.

"Yep, just peachy." I said as the corners of my mouths twitched, promising that I wont be able to hold my laugher in too much longer.

"You three, stay in your seats for the rest of the class period." she growled before walking back to her desk.

"Yes, ma'am." We said in unison, me and Alex giggling quietly. Kyle shot us a glare, the corners of his mouth twitching, trying not to smile.

"That wasn't funny guys." he said, pulling his chair up to the desk and returning to his work.

We just laughed.

You gotta love our weird 'family' we've got going on.... :)

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I may be messing with this chapter a few times because KitKatWolf is going to help me with it. I'm hoping I can get her to write it with me but we'll see. :)

This is sort of the first draft so bare with me.