Fractured From The Fall

If you take me back, back to your place.

Olivia Stump looked at herself in the mirror. Her outfit was plain. A simple shirt and skinny jeans. She didn’t feel like dressing up. She was only going to her sister’s house after all. She finished doing her hair and make-up and slipped her black lace-up Toms onto her bare feet. She picked up her bag, sighed and walked out of her house.
The journey to her sister’s house was a short one, but the Arizona heat made it feel much longer. When she finally did arrive at her sister’s house she saw something that she didn’t want to see. Cars. Several of them, parked outside the house that belonged to her sister. Reluctantly she got out of the car and made her way to the front door of the home, knocking a few times on the door.

After what seemed like hours later, when in reality it was actually minutes, her sister’s warm face appeared at the door. An apology already slipping out of her lips.
“Livvy, I am so so, so sorry. I had no idea John had friends coming round today. We can go out if you like? Just us? We can go shopping, or go to Starbucks or the movies. Anywhere, you pick!” Olivia giggled at her sister’s frantic apologies and shook her head. “No, Millie it’s fine. I don’t mind that much, plus I’ve yet to met any of John’s friends so it might be nice.” She said more or less trying to convince herself more so than Millie. A sigh of relief slipped from Millie’s lips. Grabbing her sister by the arm and pulling her inside, all the way to the living room where 6 boys sat.
“Boy’s, shut up. This is my sister, Olivia, be nice to her okay?”

The 6 boy’s heads shot up. John stood up from his chair and walked over to the sisters.
“Olivia” he said happily before engulfing her into a huge hug. Olivia giggled and returned the gesture and said “Hey John’Oh.” John un-wrapped his lanky arms from her thin body and turned to his friends.
“Right okay, these boy’s right here are the other members of The Maine.” John said as Olivia looked around the room timidly, her eyes examined every boy; they stopped to look at the brown hair and blue eyed boy a little longer than the rest.
He first pointed to a boy with long brown hair “This is Pat, he may seem scary at first but I swear he’s harmless.” Next he pointed to ‘Kennedy’ or ‘Kenny’ as she was told to call him. Then ‘Jared’. Then his attention was taken to the brown haired boy from earlier, “This is Garrett. I reckon you’ll get along best with him seeing as you both love Star Wars and Ryan Adams.” Olivia chuckled and let out a quite “Hi” to them all. Her sister pushed her into the seat next to Garrett, while she sat on a two seater with John. Conversation flowed throughout the room, and she couldn’t help but to notice that, like herself, Garrett was unusually quiet.

Minutes passed until finally Garrett plucked up the courage and turned himself slightly so he was facing Olivia. He caught her attention by saying 5 words that would spark an entire friendship.

“So you like Ryan Adams?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Authors Note~
I'm not sure if I'm going to carry on with this. It's just a story that's been floating in my head for ages. If you want it to carry on, tell me either by commenting, or leave me a message on tumblr . Otherwise it won't be carried on.

So yep. Here's that. I hope you enjoy it.