Status: *rises from the dead*

Don't Take Yourself So Seriously

Heart Monitor Part 3

The closed sign was up on the building, but Kinsey knocked on the door, hoping the vet was still there. After a few seconds, the man came up to the door and let her in. "Thanks, doc. I don't want my sister to be disappointed."

"Jamie, was it?" he asked. His bright smile always warmed Kinsey up.

"Yes. It's hard to forget with how irresponsible with animals she is. I got rid of all the legos, though."

The vet ushered Kinsey over to the room with the small animals. She had to quickly flash her eyes to calm them down, something she always had to do around pets. "Teach your sister a few things. The guinea pig almost choked to death again."

"I'm so sorry. She's so horrible with pets. Can I take him home?"

Dr. Deaton nodded. "I have to clean up, but close the door on your way out." Kinsey was left alone in a room filled with furry little creatures. She gasped, running over to play with some hamsters. The rats were squeaking, so she took one out of the cage and let them crawl over her arms.

"Aw, look who's cute!" She looked back at the door to see if the vet could overhear her. Kinsey took a few more animals out and played with them, making sure none of them got away. They were all friendly until she got to an upset rabbit that bit her. Kinsey whipped her hand back from the cage and held her finger. She looked around the room for a sink.

Kinsey was so preoccupied she didn't hear anyone come inside. She didn't hear the vet protest. She didn't hear the duct tape. When she finally picked up her sister's guinea pig's cage and left, the animals stopped squeaking. Her ears pricked just as her attention did.

Kinsey put down the cage after she heard a crack sound. She ran into the operating room, where she immediately screamed.

The vet was covered in blood, strapped to a chair, and unconscious. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" she screamed, rushing to the side of the doctor. She pushed Derek aside to take a look at the wounds; Derek barely stumbled. He had to have lost a lot of blood. "Why did you beat him?!" She whipped her head back to look at Derek, who was filled with rage.

"He knew about the spiral. He's obviously keeping a secret!"

Kinsey walked up to him and pushed him into the wall. "How can you beat a guy like him? He wouldn't hurt a fly!" Kinsey snapped. Dr. Deaton was one of the nicest people she knew. It was like Derek had just beaten up a puppy.

"He's the alpha!" Derek shouted, walking closer to her.

"He works to save animals." Kinsey pushed him back against the wall, her nails tearing his leather jacket. "I'm tired of being so gentle and controlling this," she growled, blood boiling. Her eyes were bright, her ears pointed. She wasn't ready to go full rage mode, but she was getting there. This crossed the line, even for Derek. "I can take the big, bad wolf."

Suddenly, Kinsey leaped towards Derek, taking him down to the ground and elbowing him in the face. From his back, with an extreme amount of strength, Derek threw her up onto the table. She was airborne for a couple seconds before landing with a thud and a groan.

Derek got up when Kinsey sat up. She clawed at him as he tried to get to her, but he came back. He grabbed both her wrists with one hand and held them down. Kinsey kicked him in the chest and freed her hands. He stumbled, but Derek came back to tackle her down onto the table. He tried to keep her down, but she kept wriggling.

"Come on! Hit me already! I can take you! Why won't you hit me?" she screeched. She squirmed underneath him and body checked him. He fell over and gave Kinsey a chance to get off the table. She put a foot to his chest but didn't expect him to grab her leg. Derek launched her to the floor and got up. He lifted her up by her arms, his chest to her back, locking his arms behind her head. He let her wiggle between his arms until she leaned over and flipped Derek over onto his back on the table.

Derek wouldn't say a word. He wouldn't throw a punch or kick. Kinsey twisted his body around and he still didn't whine. "Hit me!" Derek slid off the other end and just stared at Kinsey's pleading eyes.

"No," he simply said.

"Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't take a hit." Kinsey wasn't even processing how insane she was sounding.

Derek's breathing was heavy. He licked his bottom lip. With anger in her eyes, Kinsey leaped over the table to hurt him, but Derek caught her by the waist and wrapped his arms around her. Out of nowhere, he threw his lips onto hers roughly. For a brief nanosecond, Kinsey lied limp in his arms, unsure of what was happening. Was Derek Hale, Mr. Antisocial, really trying to kiss her? Or was he just biting her face off?

Kinsey quickly noticed that she liked what was happening. She moved her lips against his, hastily brushing her fingers through his hair. It was fast and hard, and neither one wanted to slow down. Kinsey sat down on the table, bringing Derek up to straddle her.

Derek's lips synced with Kinsey's at the perfect times. His lip brushed over her bottom, then her top. He leaned closer, his hands roaming down her back. Kinsey couldn't stop herself at this point. With his help, Kinsey got Derek's jacket off. Breaking from the kiss, he tossed it to the side and went back to Kinsey, kissing down her neck. She kissed his cleanly shaven jaw, enjoying how fantastic he smelled.

Her hands brushed through his hair over and over as he pecked her collarbone. Derek's hands roamed her back, bringing her shirt up. He kissed her lips again, biting her bottom lip. She moaned loudly, but quickly got embarrassed by the noises she was making.

"Wait, wait," she groaned, pushing Derek off her. She stared at him in disbelief. He breathed heavily in front of her, his fangs out. His heartbeat could be heard a mile away. "Wh-what are we doing?" she stuttered, a brief lapse in hormones breaking through.

Derek leaned away from her, desire still in his eyes. He slowly came to the realization he was on top of an underage girl, and he barely even knew her. Derek jumped off the table, facing the wall while he put on his jacket. Not a single word was said, and the tension could be split with a butter knife. Kinsey sat up, covering herself in shame.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Scott shouted.

Kinsey nearly threw up her heart. She jumped off the table, fixing her hair. "He was attacking your boss. He thinks your boss is the alpha. We got in a fight," Kinsey quickly explained, hoping Scott hadn't seen anything.

"What are you talking about?!" Scott directed to Derek. Thank God.

Derek got his shirt situated, and was completely confident. Kinsey gaped at him, finding it unbelievable how fast he could be nonchalant. "You want to know what the spiral means, Scott? It's our sign for vendetta, for revenge," Derek said, his anger rising.

You're just . . . a different person than you were ten seconds ago. What disorder do you have . . . ?

"It means he won't stop killing until he's satisfied!" Derek screamed.

"He's not the alpha!"

"We're about to find out," Derek said, going to throw another punch. Scott stopped him mid-throw, completely shifted into a wolf. With a breath, he changed back.

Scott was completely serious, on the verge of killing. "Hit him again, and you'll see me get angry."

Scott wiped the blood off of his boss carefully, making sure to be as gentle as possible. Derek paced in the background, getting impatient. He went up to Scott, asking him if he had a plan.

"Just give me an hour," Scott said, not looking up at Derek.

"Then what?" Derek asked angrily.

Scott looked back to Derek. "We'll get back to my house. Figure it out tonight. No sleeping until I can prove to you it's not him."
♠ ♠ ♠
Next chapter up sooner than usual! I feel you need to know more quickly.
SO WOAH. Crazy town going on in this chapter.

Also, I'm actually surprised the finale didn't leave me in tears like 2x09 through 2x11. Seriously, I was bawling. /embarrassed.