Status: *rises from the dead*

Don't Take Yourself So Seriously

Lunatic Part 4

Stiles met up with a jumpy Kinsey at Scott's house. She was hunting on the full moon. Several people could see her transform and then kill her. Her family friends could shoot her in the face. It was a bit nerve-wracking.

He took his keys out and unlocked Scott's front door. They walked in to a very confused Melissa. "Key . . ." Melissa wore her scrubs for work. Stiles and Kinsey halted, expecting her to be gone already.

"Yeah. I had one made," Stiles explained awkwardly. He was less cheerful than he had been earlier.

"That doesn't surprise me. Scares me but doesn't surprise me," she mumbled to herself. Stiles dropped his duffel bag next to his feet. "Well, be careful tonight. Full moon.

"What?!" Stiles went rigid.

Melissa was rummaging through her bag. "There's a full moon tonight. You should see how the ER gets. Brings out all the nut jobs. You know," she said, walking out, "it's actually where they came up with the word lunatic." It's like she wanted to scare the piss out of Stiles.

In Scott's room, Stiles put down the bag. Kinsey flipped the light on. Stiles jumped when he saw Scott sitting in a chair, looking demented. "Dude, you scared the hell out of me!"

Scott apologized. Kinsey walked into the room, putting her back against the wall. Stiles reached into the bag to get out the chains. "I'm fine. I'm just going to lock my door and go to sleep."

"You sure about that?" Stiles asked, kneeling below him. "You kinda got this . . . serial killer look going on in your eyes. I'm kinda hoping it's the full moon taking effect because it's really starting to freak me out."

"Stay calm, Stiles," Kinsey advised. "The pooch just needs to be put in his cage." She took one of the chains out.

"I'm fine. You should go now." Scott's voice wasn't his own. He got up to stand over the bag. Scott took the chain out of Kinsey's hand. "You think I'm going to let you put these on?" He dropped it to the floor with a giant thud.

Kinsey smiled. “I was expecting this to be hard.” She rushed Scott and handcuffed him to his own heater. She stumbled and backed away.

“What are you doing?!” Scott angrily screamed.

Kinsey was about to answer before Stiles interrupted. “We're protecting you from yourself. And giving you some payback . . . for making out with Lydia.”

* * * * *

Stiles and Kinsey sat in the hallway, listening to Scott cycle through whimpers and threats. Stiles held his head in his hands, rubbing his eyes. Kinsey wasn't sure what to say to him. She wasn't surprised Lydia did this. Lydia was cold; Stiles knew that. He even embraced it.

On the other hand, her friend was hurting. An “I told you so” wouldn't seem appropriate. “What happened?” fit better.

Stiles lifted his head up, peering over at her as if he'd forgotten anyone was with him. “Smeared lipstick at the lacrosse game. Scott was acting weird. It was all too obvious.” His usual chipper tone had deflated. “He kissed Lydia. I want to think it's the full moon that's making him such a piece of crap friend.”

“She kissed me,” Scott said from the other room. His eyes looked like a wild animal's. Stiles lifted his head up and looked into the room. “I didn't kiss her. She kissed me. She wanted her hands all over me.” Scott sounded smug. Stiles slumped his shoulders, staring ahead at the hallway wall. “She would have done anything I wanted. ANYTHING!”

Kinsey saw how hurt Stiles was getting. She took off her shoe and pitched it at Scott's nose. “Hey, down boy!” Scott stopped talking, turning his face away to the window. He yanked the handcuffs around.

Kinsey yanked on Stiles arm. He was miserable, so what came out of his mouth next was a bit shocking. “You were right. I shouldn't have liked her. I just can't help it.”

They stayed silent in the hall for a second. Scott kept clinking his handcuffs around against the metal. His constant whimpers yanked at Kinsey's heart; she couldn't stand to hear him suffering. Out of nowhere, Scott started struggling more, rocking his hand back and forth violently.

“I'm sorry,” Kinsey said loudly over Scott's commotion. “I didn't really want to be right.” She would lie for the sake of him. Stiles nodded, not paying much mind. “I was just being dramatic. She's not even that bad.”

“Now you're sticking up for her? I thought you hated Lydia.”

“She used to be my best friend. I know for a fact she can be pretty great when she wants to be.” Stiles nodded again, resting his head in his arms atop his knees. Kinsey put an arm around him. “And she had no clue you had a crush on her. Wolfboy did. So, once he gets off the moon-high, you can appropriately punch him in the nads.”

“Please, never become a counselor. You're awful at it.” Stiles smiled.