Status: *rises from the dead*

Don't Take Yourself So Seriously

Formality Part 4

Three hours into the dance and Kinsey was getting tired. The crowd had only diminished slightly, and all the songs were slowing down. Kinsey rested her head on Stiles shoulder, facing away from his neck. He moved them both back and forth.

“I really needed this night,” she mumbled into his shirt.

“What?” Stiles hadn't caught it.

Kinsey looked back up, about to repeat herself. Her eyes grew in horror when the eyes that met hers were blue. They were Derek's eyes.

Kinsey jumped out of his grasp. Stiles looked questionably at her with his usual brown eyes.

“I, uh, have to go to the bathroom.” Kinsey ran off without more of an explanation.

She pushed herself against the wall to avoid the girls walking out. Once girl seemed to be crying in a stall, with another friend helping her out. Kinsey would usually step in to see what was the matter, but she needed some air. She went to the sinks and splashed some water on her face.

“Oh, fuck, concealer,” she realized, uncovering a zit on her forehead. She moved her bangs a bit to the side, too confused about what she just saw to freak out over blemishes.

You fucking tool. You were having such a good time. What the hell, mind? Why?

Kinsey resisted the urge to break the sink off.

Stop it. We've been dreaming about this. He's literally the best match for you. You have inside jokes, and you've seen him cry. What the hell do you have with Derek? One night? Who cares if the chemistry was the greatest you've ever felt. Stiles is the best guy for you, and you're fucking it up!

She jumped into the air when Stiles burst into the girls bathroom, panting loudly. “Jesus, we're not going to have sex, dude!” Kinsey blurted out. The crying girl's friend peered out of the stall.

“Jackson told the hunters where Scott is!” he whisper shouted, running a hand over his face.

“They know he's the beta?!” she asked, pushing him out of the room and into the hallway. She kicked her heels off, getting ready to run alongside Stiles.

“Yes! And the alpha's at the dance!”

They ran outside but ditched each other to go opposite ways. Scott needed to get out of there right away, or he'd probably be killed for being with Allison at the dance. Stiles headed for the field, and Kinsey was checking the hot make out spots behind the school

The alpha's roar broke through the air. Kinsey flipped, wondering what the hell he was howling for. While in the process of heading towards the field, towards the killer alpha on the loose, she ran by the buses. No one took notice of her.

Scott was standing on the hood of a car. Wolfed out. Kinsey's heart stopped completely. Scott was standing on Chris' and her dad's car. They were getting out, guns in hand. Allison was shaking inside the bus. Everything was moving so quickly.

What she said next could have gotten her in trouble, but she didn't care. Kinsey's mind was still working. It still had some protection left to give. “SCOTT, RUN!” she screamed, cupping her hands.

Somehow, she had ended up walking closer to the cars. Chris and Kinsey's dad looked right at her, shocked and hurt she was helping the enemy. They didn't have time to react to Scott jumping on the bus and escaping.

Allison fell off the bus into her father's hands, holding on to him. Kinsey was taking a different approach. She was trying to run towards Scott, but her dad clutched around her stomach, holding her down. Kinsey was screaming at them, telling her dad to let her go.

“I'm sorry,” he kept repeating into her ear. But he was apologizing for all the wrong things. He was apologizing for Scott being a werewolf. He was apologizing for her losing a family member. He wasn't apologizing for what Kinsey really felt. She was scared for one of her best friends and his unfolded secret.

“RUN!” she kept shouting into the distance. Scott was long gone, off freaking out in the woods. Kinsey couldn't stop yelling, though, and her dad put a hand on her mouth to nuzzle her. Still struggling to control her flailing body, he put her in the backseat of his car.