Status: *rises from the dead*

Don't Take Yourself So Seriously

Code Breaker Part 3

Kinsey couldn't open her eyes. She was on her back, pain coursing through her. Her heart wasn't pumping blood. She could feel that nothing was going through her. The bullet sliding out of place felt less and less real, like it was happening in a dream.

She was cold.

She could hear now. For some odd reason, Chris' voice was coming to her, muffled and revolted. “No one asked you to murder innocent people. There were children in that house. Ones that were human. Look what you're doing now. You're holding a gun to a child.”


Kinsey's body was frozen. Every breath she took felt worse, but at least she was breathing. Derek next to her wasn't making a single sound.

The Hale house door opened slowly. Kinsey could hear it completely now, her ears being back in one piece. She was lightheaded, but she could feel the bullet being pushed out by her body forming new heart.

“Allison, get back,” Chris warned. Kate aimed her gun up. Scott got up from the ground. They all started backing away. Kinsey had no clue what was going on.

“What is it?” Allison asked, scared out of her mind.

Scott was shifting. “It's the alpha.”

Kinsey's eyes fluttered open. She gasped loudly. No one could hear, though, because the alpha was running around everyone so fast they couldn't see him. Everyone was stiff and on guard.

Peter took out Chris, then Allison, then Scott. Kate was left standing alone, screaming to Peter. She was frantically searching in circles. Peter suddenly showed up behind her, grabbing the arm with the gun. Kate shot into the air, but the alpha was too strong.

That's all Kinsey heard. Peter grabbed her throat and threw her into the front door. Allison and Scott ran inside close behind. Derek popped up from death and went to fight the alpha.

Kinsey wheezed, dragging herself over to Chris on the ground. She brought his head up on her knees as she sat beside him, slapping his face a little to wake him up. She didn't realize blood had poured all over her shirt until she saw it get onto him. Derek's blood from her fingers grazed over his face.

Allison ran outside, heading straight for her dad. “Is he OK?”

“What happened inside?” Growls could be heard all over the place.

Allison's face said she didn't have the guts to relive what just took place. Later on, someone told Kinsey how Kate had died. It was gruesome and spiteful and Kinsey was glad she missed it.

Suddenly, Scott was thrown back outside through the window. The fight was outside for all of them now.

The alpha was even bigger than she remembered. He was possibly taller than the first story. Lights lit up his body as the Jeep rolled into the side yard. Stiles clambered out of the car, a bottle in his hand. A certain bottle that Lydia Martin, Queen Science Bee, had taught him how to make

Stiles threw the bottle, catching Peter's arms on fire. He thrashed around, waving his arm everywhere. The fire spread. Old memories resurfaced for him. His entire body burned again, just like it had 6 years ago. His whole body was covered in flames, and he was falling towards the house. Scot risked his life and kicked him out of the way.

Kinsey realized Derek was still inside, most likely unconscious again from an alpha attack. Peter fell to the ground, crawling around a bit before falling. The flames were dying out.

It was silent. No one moved. No one talked.

Kinsey jolted as Chris woke up, jumping to his feet right away. He looked around panicked, then sighed. Scott was still on the ground, but now he was staring off to Allison. Stiles leaned against his car, eyes closed as he caught his breath.

Kinsey was the only one to notice right away when Derek walked up to Peter. There was no concern, no love, no respect when he stepped over his uncle, staring directly down at him menacingly.

Now, Scott took notice. He got up, shouting out to Derek. Kinsey continued to sit on her knees. Too much to handle. She was shutting down.

Derek got on one knee. “Wait!” Scott yelled. “You said the cure came from the one that bit you,” he rushed out, breath coming out in puffs in the cold air. “If you do this, I'm dead.”

Derek closed his eyes. He knew it was wrong to do this to Scott. That wasn't going to stop him. Peter killed his sister. Peter had no remorse for it. Peter was the reason what little family he had left died. Laura was family. Laura was everything. She couldn't just die in vain.

Over the last few months, he chose to limit his thinking about her to save him the pain. It wouldn't stop now. His big sister. Everything she'd ever do for him. She'd die for him, cry for him, and care for him like no one else. Laura was his everything, and Peter took that.

Peter spoke up, barely a whisper. “You . . . already . . . made your decision." His eyes went red. "I can smell it on you.”

Laura was his only friend. The only who had given a damn. He may not have always kept in contact, but she'd be there for him. She'd avenge him.

Derek's claw came out. He swung back.

“No no no!”

Derek slit his uncle's throat.

Allison gasped, hiding in her dad's chest. Everyone was backing away from Derek, planning the quickest escape route. Derek stood up, turning his head to look back at everyone. His eyes went bright red. In a deep, demonic voice unlike his own, Derek said “I'm the alpha now.”

And everyone just bolted. Chris and Allison ran in one direction to Chris' car out in the woods. Stiles scrambled into his jeep, opening up the door for Scott. Kinsey just stayed seated on the ground, mouth open.

“GET IN THE CAR!” Stiles screamed at the top of his lungs to her, hanging out the window.

Derek turned around completely, facing her. His mouth was tight. What exactly do you say after this situation? You can't exactly ask for help burying the body.

“Why did you do that?” Kinsey was dumbstruck.

“Loyalty.” An answer like that made no sense to Kinsey. He wasn't loyal to Scott. In fact, he was far from it. Scott should have killed him. Peter deserved to be killed by Scott. He hurt so many people.

Like Laura.

Oh. Dear. God.
♠ ♠ ♠
Shit's real. Thank you to all the subscribers and comments. :) Stay tuned for werewolf pain.