Status: *rises from the dead*

Don't Take Yourself So Seriously

Reassurance Part 2

“I didn't tell you to go over there,” Derek protested before the pack had even made it into the door. A clear line of dust puffs up as Lydia gently flicks off one broken heel and proceeds to sit on the edge of a dirty couch. Jackson comes trudging in after her.

They tell him what happened. How Jackson had jumped too far and Chris pistol whipped him, Lydia had gotten shot trying to defend him. Pathetic, really. How easy it was for the Argents.

Kinsey is holding Lydia's wound, cleaning it for her. Wolfbane bullet she has to take out, burn, and rub back into her skin. The air sizzles around her hands against the wound, bright and warm and burning flesh.

“I lost a tooth!” Jackson shouts, a visible hole at the bottom front of his mouth. He's fuming and doesn't know where to direct it, so he glares at Derek, one drop of blood dribbling and dried against his chin.

“Well, you could have lost the lower half of your body,” Derek retorts. He crosses his arm, standing against the doorway everyone just came through. His jaw locks, eyes steady to focus on Kinsey. His eyebrows push up, in need of an explanation.

She doesn't really have one. She was mad. Lydia had bit her tongue, a little scared, but had agreed. It seemed fine. A fight was a plan but only as a last resort. In hindsight, she really should not have underestimated the Argents.

Lydia flinches as Kinsey takes her hand away from her bare shoulder, taking away any relief from the heat burning her skin. Kinsey pulls her sleeve back into place, turning to face Derek.

The tough facade she had put up for herself earlier was cracking. The gooey nice girl was falling back into place, and her lip shook accordingly.

Derek freezes, blinks, and his chest constricts. “Go home,” he says through gritted teeth. “And don't go to the Argents again.”

Jackson's out of his mind, complaining about his teeth before realizing Derek doesn't care. Lydia looks up at Kinsey, eyebrow raised. She wobbles up anyway, gliding out of the room and snatching Jackson's arm on the way. Kinsey's left alone with Derek, who's looking at the door, waiting for her to leave.

“I know I shouldn't have done it,” Kinsey immediately starts. Derek looks back at her with contempt. “I just . . . I had to do something! All you've done is your little werewolf schooling for Lydia and Jackson, Scott's still on the fence, and the Argents are basically mocking us with how smart they are! What was I supposed to do?”

Derek cracks his neck from side to side. “You were supposed to wait for an actual plan.”

“You didn't have one!”

“And what? You think you've got the master plan? How'd that work out?”
♠ ♠ ♠
so this is super weird. how long has it been, a year or two? completely forgot about this story and am never on mibba so...yeah. i had most of the chapters done but i cant really remember the story enough to get back into it. i may start up finishing those chapters...maybe. i still watch teen wolf and all but now im hella too busy to go over old stories. and season 2 was still the best season. i doubt any of you guys are back out there but SURPRISE someone who actually came back to an old story woah.
so expect the next few chapters to be bit rough...idek i just checked my mibba stuff and didnt like how i never finished stories.
also wow my writing was fairly shitty god bless you guys for sticking around