The Last Mystery


Chapter 2: Reunion.

The morning sun peaked out over the suburban sprawl of Coolsville, but it did not wake Fred Jones, who had sat wake the whole night, answering questions, and asking some himself. In between interrogations, tears were plentiful. He knew worse was to come. It was the sleuth in him that knew that much. There was a mystery to be solved, and he owed it to Velma to solve it. His biggest apprehension was an immature, and unreasonable one, but still jumped to the front of his mind. He would have to work with the old team to solve this. Nothing else would feel right. That meant he would have to work with Shaggy and Scooby, who he never wanted to see again.

He sat in the lobby of the hospital waiting for Daphne, and reluctantly let his mind drift ever so steadily into the past, to that oh so fateful night when Mystery Inc. met its untimely end. He may have nodded off in the lobby chair, or maybe it was a particularly vivid day dream, but moments later he was running through the halls of that old mansion, chasing after the latest in a long string of fake ghosts. Just like old times. Today's pray was a crook who had taken on the guise of a forest spirit, scaring perspective owners away from an old forest-side manor.

This mystery, like all the others, was drawing to a close. Velma had figured it all out, and Fred had concocted a plan. Shaggy had been scared, so he got to wait with the net while Daphne and him acted as bait. Velma, for her part, had been injure by fall after losing he glasses near a stairwell. Fred had his apprehensions, but he decided to trust Shaggy just this once. It was the mistake of a lifetime. Even now, he couldn't forgive himself any more than Shaggy. After all, the guy never was responsible, and there was no real reason to trust him with something this big. Daphne convinced him to do it.

Down the hall and toward the waiting net he ran, Daphne beside him. He heard the footsteps of the Forest Phantom close behind them, but he could not stop to look. Up ahead, we saw the stairs. Just up the flight, and out to the balcony. Shaggy would be waiting, he thought, on the roof above them, primed and ready. He ran as fast as he could, up the stairs, the phantom right behind him. He turned on his heel and shouted for Shaggy to throw the net. His eyes and words fell on an empty roof.

The phantom plowed into him, and soon he was hanging over the edge of the roof. He struggled with the man in the mask, determined to get away. Just then, another person tackled them. Fred was jolted free on the phantom's grip at they were spun around. He landed, sprawled on the balcony, and looked up to see Daphne struggling with the villain.

Soon he was back in the struggle, and all were fighting to stay off of the edge, and then, all tumbled over. Fred grabbed the ledge, and reached with the other for Daphne. Bellow them, a sickening thunk filled the air, and The two could not bring themselves to look down. Fred climbed onto the roof, taking Daphne with him. Anger built within him. Anger aimed at one man. Shaggy.

Back in the real world, a new visitor brought Fred out of his trance. Wearing a purple jacket and skirt, Daphne Blake looked as beautiful as ever she had. Her hair was up, as had become her habit since they broke up. Yet another thing Shaggy ruined for him. After the split, Fred never wanted to see that scum again in his life, but Daphne disagreed. She couldn't keep them from fighting, and she refused to leave Shaggy behind.

Now, seeing her again, he couldn't help but feel new revulsion toward his old friend. This feeling was made even worse as the filthy, unkempt figure of Norvil Roberts himself stepped into view. His long hair was a huge mess of knots and tangles, and his shirt was stained with what looked like mustard. In his eyes were fresh tear, much like Fred's. Scooby trailed behind him. Under any other circumstances, Freddy would have decked him. Given what had happened, he simply looked away. Shaggy smiled weakly, and said, "Hey, Freddy."

It was a simple greeting, but Fred could not deny it. It cut through his malice like he hadn't expected. He looked up, and said without think, "Long time no see." Daphne smiled, happy for the first time in two days. "I'm sorry it had to be for this." For a moment, all was silent, Daphne looked to Shaggy, as if telling his something she could not say out loud. Shaggy took the hint, and began to speak.

"Like, Freddy," He started, seemingly nervous. "Me and Daphne were thinking. We had something to ask you." Fred looked suspiciously at Shaggy, distrust building again. The past was not all forgive, and it was far too early to ask favors. Daphne cut in on her friend's behalf.

"Freddy, we want to solve this." Freddy was dumbstruck. At first he thought it was a joke. "But, the police…"

"Are like, running on empty. We checked. No leads, man."

"We have no clues…"

"Never stopped us before. Listen Freddy, Me and Shaggy are going to do this, and we'd like your help. Can you help us out?" All three of them, even Scooby, looked up at him expectantly. Freddy wanted to turn away. He was afraid of this, afraid of another mystery. He flashed back to the rooftop, and was about to turn away, but then another vision hit him. It was Velma, smiling and working at her computer, saying how great it would be to work with the old gang.

"I'll do it."
♠ ♠ ♠
The investigation gets rolling next chapter, so come back for that. I hope you all like this set up, and do know hat while the story is much darker, I do intend to try and bring in comedy from time to time. I hope it is not too jarring.