Seize the Day

One-Shot Zacky Vengeance

Have you ever loved somebody so much it was killing you because you couldn’t be with that person. Well that’s how I feel about my best friend Zacky Vengeance.

He’s been my best friend since we were only four years old. We’ve been through everything together: school, fights, ass beatings, running from the cops. You name it, we’ve most likely have done it. Zacky just never seemed to care how much trouble we got in. If he felt like doing it, he would drag me into his little scheme and we would always do it.

One of the main reasons I love Zack is because he was the only person I hung out with that wasn’t embarrassed about how I acted towards anybody. When he started being friends with my twin brother M. Shadows, he acted just like me so that Matt, and the rest of A7X wouldn’t pick on me.

But since we’re 20 now, and I’m really good friend with Brian, Jimmy and Johnny, they couldn’t care less about my behavior. They act just like me and Zacky now a days, so they can't give us shit about it.

When I was 16 I figured out my true feelings for Zacky, him never knowing about it, the only person who really ever knew was Matt, and not on purpose.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention my name is Kara Sanders.
Today was like any other day Avenged Sevenfold and I were fucking around in mine and Matt’s parents’ garage studio, drinking, playing guitars, being loud, the usual stuff. I was sitting on Zacky’s lap, who was in a computer chair; we were listening to a playback of the band from a year ago. It sounded pretty amazing. We sat going through band shit for about another ten minutes or so when his darling girlfriend Gena walked in. The next thing I knew I was on the floor.

“Damn stupid bitch,” I muttered, getting up.

Zacky whipped his head around at me and glared. Apparently Matt had heard it because he hollered “What did you call her?”

“What? Nothing. Just muttering random shit,” I said, sitting on the couch next to Brian. I rested my head back against the couch and closed my eyes, when I heard Gena and Zack arguing in the driveway.

“Zacky, I was only late because I was out with some guys friends!” Gena screamed, stomping her foot, like a little kid would do if they didn’t get their way.

“Oh, so you were out with more guys?!” Zack retorted.

“Don’t’ even fucking give me that. You had a damn girl sitting on your fucking lap!” Gena screamed right back. Her face kept getting redder and redder with every word. This was getting entertaining.

“What Kara? Are you honestly jealous of her?” Zack laughed. He shook his head amused by the though. It’s not like it would ever happen, but maybe in the near future it could.

“No, but I don’t want some fucking nasty ass bimbo hanging all over my boyfriend. Okay?” She screamed so damn loud, only bats would hear her soon.

“It’s not like I’d do anything with her, Gena. Do you honestly think I would sink that low and do something with her?” he asked disgustedly.

Okay that one hurt quite a bit. No, actually that hurt a lot. But I didn’t have time to react to it, since Gena left and Zacky was walking back into the garage, huffing.

He sat back down in the computer chair, and looked at me. “Come on Kara, lets get this shit finished, then we can party,” he said patting his leg for me to go sit with him.

I had to think up a lie quick. Shit. I didn’t know what to tell. Fuck. “Umm… no Zack. I actually just remembered that I have some work to finish up. I’m sorry we can finish this later, right?” I said getting off the couch and walking out of the garage.
In the three days I haven’t seen or Zacky I’ve gotten more and more depressed. Well it’s been my choice not to see him. I’ve avoided his texts, calls emails, and answering the front door. Giving Matt the honor of doing that. Annoying the shit out of my twin brother.

Unfortunately today I was ambushed by both Matt and Zack. I was lying on my bed writing, when somebody just had to knock, causing me to get irritated pretty damn quick.

“What?” I hollered not looking up from my notebook.

“Let me in K, we hafta talk,” Matt hollered through the other side of the door. I sighed and I had to get up to unlock it, since I hate people in my room bothering me, I hafta lock it.

I opened it and stood face to face with the man I’ve been avoiding: Zacky Vengeance.

“Hey, Zack. What’s up?” I said glaring at Matt the whole time, who happened to be still standing in my doorway laughing hysterically. He walked towards me trying to enter my room, so I had to back up to let him pass.

“’What’s up?’ That’s all you ask me is ‘what’s up?’ How about an explanation for why I’ve been avoided the last few days. That would work better than ‘what’s up?’” Zacky said obviously annoyed by my greeting.

I looked in my doorway to see Matt about to piss himself. He looked like he was entertained.

“What the fuck are you smirking at you bed-wettin’ piss bucket. Go do something other than stand there driving me fucking crazy!” I hollered at Matt. I swear I’m pmsing. I don’t know what else it could be, or it could be the fact I hate M. Shadows with everything I can muster.

He shook his head, and walked downstairs. I waited till he was off the stairs to turn my head back to Zacky.

When I turned my head back Zacky was looking at my computer screen on my desk, which had my background of me and him holding a beer at a party Brian was throwing.

I just needed to get my courage up. Just tell him my feelings flat out. No stalling.

Zack finally turned his head to look at me, waiting for an answer.

Okay here it goes. “Zacky, I love you,” I said, my body started to shake. Okay there I did it. I said it, it wasn’t that hard.

“I love you too, Kara. You know that kid,” he said, smacking my leg.

If only you knew, Zacky Vengeance. If only you knew my true feelings for you. “No, hun. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying something different than that.” I was getting slightly frustrated at him not understanding.

“No, you’re saying you love me. I know you love me. I love you too, Kara,” he said, smacking my leg again.

“Whatever, fuck it,” I said standing up, throwing my arms over my head. I walked over to the wall and started banging my head against, not caring if it hurt in the least.

Zacky jumped up and grabbed my hand, and he spun me around so I was face to face with him. We were a little more than an inch apart. I did a sharp intake of breath, hoping he would lean in and kiss me. Knowing full well he wouldn’t.

“Why are you acting like this? What are you talking about?” he asked gently. He wrapped his arms around my waist, so I couldn’t move.

“Zacky, I’m madly in love with you,” I said, my voice cracking horribly.

I looked at his face, he was starring out my window, with a confused look on his face, and then his eyes widened.

“You’re saying you love me more than a friend?” he asked, kind of in a shocked weirdo voice.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I’ve been saying this whole time, Zack,” I said happily. I was happy that he understood. But then my mood dropped. What if he didn’t feel the same way? What if this ruined our sixteen year friendship? I shook my head, and entered reality again.

“Are you serious? Cause I’ve felt the same way about you for so long. I just didn’t wanna admit to you or myself,” he said looking into my eyes. My happiness jumped back up. I couldn’t believe he felt the same way I did. This was the best day of my life.

“Really? That’s great, Zacky. I’ve been wanting to tell you for years,” I said, putting my head against his chest. He let go of my waist, and grabbed my face making me look at him, and he pressed his lips to mine.
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I know this is not one of the best stories I have ever written, but my best friend Aly (Melodic Misery) helped me write this.