Status: Oneshot

Take Me Under

Of The Sea

Her auburn hair swayed behind her in a wavy fashion as the sea’s watery, deep glow reflected against her ivory skin. The silky white shirt billowed in the wind as if breezed past her skinny frame. She looked so peaceful, so full of bliss and wonder. Holding a small seashell close to her ear, she listened to the echo of the waves, nodding as if it spoke to her in some way. The girl loosely let go of the nature-woven ornament and bounded across the sandy-white beach, letting the white dust spray behind her in wet clumps as she ran to a small tackle box, loaded with fishing gear.

I watched this young female do this everyday, on routine at 3:00 every afternoon, just before she went to get some coffee and read a book at the library. You could call me a stalker for knowing, but I didn’t follow her everywhere, I just knew. With a girl so intriguing as this one, I couldn’t help, but know.

She grabbed her fishing rod and carefully selected a hook to attach on it, skillfully avoiding one stabbing at her ivory skin. I stared after her in wonder, gazing thoughtfully at the woman who adorned so many interesting intrigues. At first glance, she was normal, but no one dares to take a second look at the beauty in front of them. I sighed happily, breathing out the scent of sea-salt and the warm, moist breeze.

As if she heard my exhaust of exhilarated emotion, she whipped her head in my direction just as she cast her line out to sea. Her eyes were a dark, hazy blue, almost grey, almost green. They were not something you usually see, and sight to behold, but not held close enough. Oh how much I loved this girl, but it seemed as though she lived in a distant world. Never coming to rest on her planet of birth, always staying far from the hell called Earth.

Suddenly, her arms jerked, her legs buckled, and the fishing line tightened. The girl collapsed to her knees, barely hanging on, but being dragged along. Closer to the edge she went, touching the tip of the watery deep, but how far would she go? Would she even release?

“This is the one, I know it is…” She called, as if talking directly to me. I immediately started to panic, what is this girl doing? The girl barely tried to real it in, just clutching the rod as if her life depended on it. The spot where her line was protruding from had an eerie glow halo around it, as if a mystical force was behind it. A fish tail flapped out of the water, splashing back down and spraying us with water. The fish was huge, bigger than anything I could imagine. Its tail was so elegant, so white, and so pure. I wished I could reach out and stroke the smooth, slippery white skin.

The girl was waist deep in the water, and still holding on, I ran to her tackle box, searching for a knife. She wasn’t going to let go, and I couldn’t lose her, especially to something so mystically brutal. I felt as though I was fishing as well, but fishing for her, and so far my line was already out. A sharp pain shot through my hand to my brain, I seethed white-hot anger, and ripped what appeared to be a fishing lure out clean. The knife I finally found was rusted and old, but I still tried for it, I pushed and I pulled.

The blade finally popped free, and I turned around, but the girl was no-where in sight, maybe she’d drowned. I collapsed on my knees and crawled onto shore, to find nothing but a quiet ripple in the water. It was almost as if, she belonged deep below, where the life was more peaceful, than ours far above. Her name was Marina, I read from the knife, and if I knew correctly, it meant ‘of the sea’. A beautiful name, full of bliss and wonder, but her life disappeared, and delved straight down under.

This wondrous girl, I already missed her, because I’d never even gotten one chance to speak. I wasn’t that brave, I was merely too weak. Tears slipped down my cheeks, staining a trail, one that would forever leave my heart in jail. My whole body felt numb, my life left just meaningless, this girl wouldn’t be here to grant me one kiss.

I couldn’t believe I’d lost her, the love of my life, the secret girl who never knew of me, not even a face. And now she was gone, she left not a trace.

A ripple in the water, and I saw her face there, and the wind seemed to whisper, ‘Come join me here’. Oh how I wanted, I wanted to go, but how did I know I hadn’t lost my mind? I would have to leave all my friends, my family, and home. But I couldn’t stay broken up here, all alone. So I crept toward the water, and stepped right on it, as I felt the cool blanket seep into my skin. My steps became eager, and I walked straight on forward, not even budging when it hit my shoulders. I was up to my chin, so I dove straight under, to see the girl, of the sea, smiling up at me. As if I’d ever want to go home, so I stayed right there, in a mermaid’s sea room.
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Backround Image: Link
Title Image: Link
Word Count: 922